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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Do that today, and I bet you'd end the death penalty in 6 months.
  2. Sounds sensible to me. Just don't get caught in the rain without your colors...
  3. I was thinking the same thing. Could be interesting to see what's available, but I wouldn't go with the idea of spending any real money. If I were a prepper supply company, I'd be at full markup at one of these events to harvest the excitement and diversity of the crowd. Think: Ammo prices at gun shows...
  4. Absolutely. If we let them put the wilt on basil, we could expect any punk startup to stir up sauce about oregano. This disrespect has to end *right here* in hell's kitchen. Oooo, I think I just came up with our clubhouse name!
  5. If it doesn't work, will he be able to sue the state for wrongful life?
  6. There's a gang, I mean motorcycle enthusiasts club, on the other side of town that's been maligning the virtues of pesto. I say we go crack some f'n heads tonight.
  7. Oooo another place to play "spot the loonie" - goodies!!!!
  8. I nominate Spaghetti to be Master of Sauce, if that officer position is still open.
  9. I don't have the same "I wanna do anything I wanna do" thing that a lot of guys here have - to me it comes down to scale, cause and effect. I don't see how 100 deaths/yr would be worth the billions of dollars it would cost to mandate backup cameras when there are far larger causes of death that could more effectively benefit from the same spend.
  10. Besides, how would I be able to mumble "idiot rider" under my breath with a helmet law in place?!
  11. Honestly I don't feel passionately about it either way. To me it's neither a freedom concern nor a "good of the people" priority.
  12. Calm down Francis, we're just talking about Helmets... ;-) Not everything has to be a slippery slope.
  13. Which now days doesn't require your own server. I have a few domains hosted on Google and you'd never know it. Makes it nice and easy for the NSA to stay in touch too.
  14. I'm betting it was wet dipped
  15. I think you're reading magley's post too literally. I took it as exert more effort to pay attention when you have distractions in the car, and use the argument that you're carrying precious cargo to fuel the concentration if it helps.
  16. Kids in a car, unless they're asleep, can be distracting.
  17. As long as vintage Hondas are also welcome :-D
  18. I'd be in. I'm already psyched about a Romney gathering in May.
  19. And if I may be picky, with temps above 45.
  20. LOL I was thinking the EXACT same thing watching Cops the other night!
  21. I've heard good things about the Condor. Trade ya a few rounds on it if you'd like to shoot my 391.
  22. Nothing wrong with breach or pump loaders (I love my old Ivers and Johnson, Sears and BPS shotties), but gas operation is a lot easier on my body for an afternoon of clay fighting. Maybe we should have a fun OR clay meet when the weather improves?
  23. Two excellent guns. I have a 391 as well - you're going to love it.
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