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durk last won the day on August 16 2024

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About durk

  • Birthday 10/08/1976

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2006 cbr 1000rr
    2009 Concours
    2010 kfx450r

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  1. Trip to the bucket today with some Harley friends. I miss riding with my hooligan friends. I need to get another Concours.
  2. @Danimal praying for your travels and your dad‘s health.
  3. @vonrottes Nice looking truck. I appreciate your attention to the details.
  4. 5 days, 2500 miles, 6 states, about 45 hours of seat time on a 21 year old Goldwing to celebrate 25 years of marriage. Good times had by all. I would tell you the seat on that Goldwing is nice but my butt is still sore come the end of the day.
  5. Ran some more good roads today from Russellville Arkansas to Poplar Bluff Missouri. Word of advice don’t stop in Poplar Bluff. Place is a hole. Meth heads everywhere. Pulled the first double yellow pass with her on board. Her only concern as she came on the intercom quick like was “hey was that a cop behind us”. My response “I hope not I didn’t see that SUV until mid pass”. Hit about 30 minutes of a downpour on our way to hotel. Had about an hour to dry out a bit before we actually made it to the hotel. Little over 500 miles today. Homeward bound tomorrow.
  6. I was excited to take it. Phone kept trying to route me around it. Actually made a u-turn to go back and make sure we took it.
  7. On our third day of five days to the Ozark. Mrs. Durk is killing it averaging close to 500 miles a day. No complaints about speed or cornering too hard. She gets a little green feeling at times so does request at times to back it down a bit. MO 125, AR 125, AR 123, AR 7 are some good roads. Peel ferry is a cool deal, can’t believe it’s free. Did take a route around Lake of the Ozarks that was a nice cruise and had a fun little loop from Camdenton down towards Devil’s Elbow and back up to Bridal falls this morning.
  8. I’m wondering if something got janky with your shift drum? Almost thinking those spring loaded tabs may have come unaligned and allowed for your shift shaft to float more than it normally does or vice versa the shift shaft floating allowed them to come unlodged. Obviously just a guess until you open it up.
  9. Great to see everyone. Next time I’ll be sure to have something I can try to keep up with you young whipper snappers with. I did not feel comfortable pushing the oldwing.
  10. What tires are you running?
  11. See you boys in the AM. Might be 9:15 when I get there. 6AM departure is early enough. Hoping I can gain 15 minutes on the Old man’s wing.
  12. I’m planning to make it. I’ll be on the old man wing.
  13. Those pictures hurt to look at. Glad you and your passenger are both still here with us. Thanks for the information too. I may look into a set of deflectors.
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