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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. 3 months lead time. Is that an OhioRiders record?
  2. So far, I have every weekend unscheduled except for the 23/24, but that could fill quickly. When is this happening?
  3. Fun video. Looks slippery.
  4. Word. And the lowered suspension. Thanks. Nice bike. I look forward to hearing how you and Tim get around on them.
  5. How tall is that saddle, boys?
  6. Pauly

    The Paradox

    I mean, he hasn't technically let you down, as you are in the same place.. relatively speaking.
  7. Ben has abandoned us and left us for dead.
  8. No passenger accommodations on the GSA.
  10. Am I not allowed to have more than one "do it all" bike?
  11. Congrats, @2talltim. I have been trying to avoid the dual-sport itch for a while. You're not helping.
  12. If this forum exists come Spring. Looks like it's been abandoned by it's Administrator with all the spam making its way through.
  13. Yeah but I can hardly blame the guy. Spammers suck.
  14. Gnarly. I have done one SaddleSore 1000 on the Multistrada. I used a rigid Camelbak backpack that I would fill with ice when I stopped for fuel. I carried several 32oz Gatorade bottles in my panniers and refilled every time I refueled. I snacked on a PayDay or granola bar at every stop as well. I mounted an EZ Pass and wore earbuds to keep my brain awake. I did stop for lunch at a service exit and managed to pull it off in just over 19 hours. I almost fell over in the last few miles because I forgot to put my foot down at a stop light. I damn near ran the thing because I forgot to pull the brake lever. The first 18 hours were a breeze. That last bit where I had to navigate city streets and intersections damn near got me dead a couple times. I was exhausted... and that was 1000 miles and less than twenty hours. I can't imagine doing something like this in one stretch.
  15. i am old here Welcome!
  16. My guess is it's more about the tires than the wheels.
  17. I got the same model but mine came with a few Klingons.
  18. Pauly

    New color?

    I have always been a fan of the matte blue Kawi put on the 636 in the mid-2000s.
  19. Pauly

    Honda Fury

    If you like the bike and it fits your budget... cool. If you want an opinion on the bike.. it looks boring, slow and uncomfortable. I would not choose that for a cruiser bike.
  20. Pauly

    Honda Fury

    As in it isn't very Fury-ous.
  21. Pauly

    Honda Fury

    It has an ironic name in my opinion.
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