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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. You really want your kid to bang a fat chick? Interesting birthday to say the least.
  2. My wife's brakes just started to squeak on her 06 A4. Has 39k on it now, and she is hard on the brakes, so I assume it is about time. I figure change it now, and I can keep the rotors (that I am sure are expensive for that car). I will probably only do the front pads now, as they dust 3x worse than the back, so I am sure the rears have life left in them. Any suggestions on pads? Ones that dust less is a BIG must; the stock A4 pads are really bad when it comes to brake dust. Any special tools I will need to pick up? I've done plenty of brakes, but I know Audi's love special tools and parts (hell, they do even for a freaking oil change), so I want to be prepared.
  3. Buckeye Lake sucks. Half of the chop problem is it is too freaking shallow. A lot of the lake is only 2-4 foot deep. Dirty, and I have always seen a lot of dead floating fish there. Likes to eat props too. For another 20-25 minute drive, you could have hopped on the Muskingum River, and had a GREAT place to boat. Super smooth, not a lot of other boats to deal with, everyone seems pretty friendly. But any lake around here on a weekend is going to be choppy. Stick to the river-based water on the weekends, lakes during the week.
  4. We just moved into our foreclosed house. We have been doing all the work ourselves, and are thousands deep. I think I am in the $400's for just paint. $1800 for carpet (and we got it at a STEAL, luckily we only had to do the bedrooms, loft, stairs, and office in carpet, but that was still about 1500 sq/ft of carpet). Appliances were a couple thousand; the ones that were here were shot, other than the range. Just found out yesterday our freon system for the heat pump is contaminated because previous people that worked on it screwed up, so now we need a new heat pump, coil, and lines...estimate of 3k at the moment, but at least it will be done right. All this for a house built in 2003. Last person was hard on it, with kids drawing on it everywhere, a guy that must have had a temper and put holes in drywall, dogs that pissed all over the carpets requiring not only removal, but painting Kilz on all the subfloors (that stuff really works). Filth everywhere that has required extensive scrubbing - simply put, we have a lot of hours into a house that looked better than most of the forclosed homes we looked at. We have many more hours to go here too, but we also got the house for hundreds of thousands less than the previous person paid for it too, so it's worth it.
  5. My fucking Sirius unit died this week, so I can only listen in my wife's car, and missed all of Stern this week. I have been stuck listening to welfare radio. I would have loved to hear about them talk about this on Stern...instead, I turn "Bob and Tom" because honestly, I couldn't take listening to that shit. Sorry to rant, I miss my Sirius.
  6. The $250/month insurance can't be true, period, unless you own a $1,000,000+ property (even then it can't be that high). Maybe an extra $250 for the year. We own 3 properties (of significantly different values), so I am well aware of what insurance costs. Honestly, house insurance is cheap for what all it covers and the value of what it is covering. Rent it out. I am renting out my Reynoldsburg house. It may lose a little each month, but better than losing the house. Then use the other money you have to save back for repairs on the place, and get it right when the market bounces back. Yes, renters are likely to be hard on it. But at least you will still have the joint.
  7. Having both, overall LT1_Edit is better.
  8. I've never had any trouble reaching back there...this thing looks like it would make the experience LESS comfortable.
  9. LT1_Edit came out for the OBD-I before it ever supported OBD-II. I've had it forever. And have Tunercats.
  10. I am interested in this window subject too, as I have one inner window at our new place that is broken and needs replaced. A bit of rust developed around the seal as well.
  11. Moving in a week, so I don't care at thing point; hell it can go out and I'll just use my broadband card. Levels are dead on, don't fluctuate, SNR good, no packet loss. Happens during peak useage times mostly. Or I can take a trip to my rental house with WOW and get consistant 15+ Mbps down / 2Mbps up all day long. Fix your BS DVR software, now that's the real issue. Hunk of shit, period. Random slow-downs, takes FOREVER to boot up, randomly decides to delay when trying to fast forward/rewind. Seems like the last firmware update sent out at least fixed the delay that was so bad you couldn't fast forward at all on random recorded programs (it would pause for 20 seconds then just play again). Oh well, I'm stuck with TW here and at the new place, so I'll just have to deal with it.
  12. Yes, I sure do enjoy the inconsistant speeds that Time Warner provides. Hell of a network I tell ya. Sadly, we are stuck with TW at our new house too. Only thing there is TW or even worse, Verizon DSL.
  13. This is the US, not Canada. No free health care. But we don't pay taxes like they do for health care either; our gov't just makes sure to spend what we have poorly.
  14. Most of which Bush can be directly blamed for, and is the majority of the reason we are in the shit we are currently dealing with.
  15. If you can't do a V8 swap on it, leave it alone. You will be throwing good money after bad, period.
  16. No. It doesn't handle THAT well either. R8 is sweet, but a bit pricey for what it is. Hopefully the V10 version doesn't sell for much more here, then it will be what it should have been to begin with.
  17. That's a nice ride!
  18. McCain would have been even worse. Obama is just the lesser of two evils. Bush put us in the mess, let's not forget that either.
  19. Already bought the VX9400 off of Dave.
  20. I work for WOW. It is amazing how many people try out Uverse and come back to us within two weeks or less. PM me an address and I can see if we service your new home. We are also launching some more HD channels very soon, and are rolling out our digital simulcast. Science HD, TBS HD, and Speed HD are all coming very soon. 10TV Weather (101), and we are the only provider to carry it, has just been released to us and is supposed to be very good.
  21. Thanks to Dave, I am now sporting a new phone. Sadly, I lost a bunch of phone numbers since my old phone is in two pieces.
  22. I have a 50 and 57" HD TV's, but no 65".
  23. My buddy just got the 60" version a few months ago, and it looks great. In the unlikely event this is available in a couple of months I will be interested...I am spending way too much cash now to score a TV.
  24. Oddly, I am really lacking pictures of mine, other than pics skiing/tubing/wakeboarding from the back, or pics from when I first bought it in 2000. I should probably get some new pictures this year!
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