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Everything posted by Nitrousbird
That was pretty sweet. I can just imagine my dog trying that and doing a faceplant into the pavement!
- Bank One - Checking since I was 17 (25 now), savings since I was probably 10. - Don't like them, but too much of a PITA to change banks right now
Making up with the bitch and being nice is far gone now. FFAARRR gone. Back yard is a no go. It would be almost impossible to get my boat back there, and if I did squeeze it back there (which would have to be on the opposite side of her house), it would be too much of a pain to do, and I'd end up tearing up the yard of the neighbor I get along with = not cool. Trying to get her for violations......well, I don't want to start that war; I'm positive I could be nailed for far more than I could scrounge up on her, unless I started forcing violations upon her. I'm not looking for a neighbor war either, just to park my boat. I leave people alone and just want to be left the fawk alone. I guess I can try the little concrete lay down slabs, and see if I get away with that. I just wish the zoning was written so you knew WTF they really allow. The way my driveway is setup, I can't simply add an extension to the existing driveway; the side near my driveway is the easement (and also not big enough for the boat), and where I'd want to park it would have to be a totally seperate driveway = expensive. I'll suppose I'll try the slabs first and go from there, though I guarantee the bitch will call zoning again.
I store it in my grandma's barn an hour and a half from here. I don't have the budget to pay for storage, so it will go in my driveway before I do that. Alex, the parking rule on the street is 48 hours. All cars parked on the street (or in a front of the house driveway, or "designated parking area" must also be currently tagged. I'm technically breaking that rule, since my totalled Blazer is no longer tagged and sitting in the driveway. Normally you'll have a cop leave a window sticker to move it, otherwise they will tow it. Had someone do that to my roomate's broken Accord when he had it too.
All it needs now is an LS1
I applied for one, but probably won't get it. Not that I really have any use for one, just a niffty toy.
I have a BITCH of a neighbor, who can't mind her own business. She likes to call the cops for noisey cars during the day, and crap like that. No reving, burnout, or dangerous driving....just loud cars idling before leaving. Anyway, I tried parking my boat in my yard next to my house when I first moved in. It didn't look ghetto, wasn't overly noticable, and her house doesn't even have side windows. Well, the dumb broad (read: bored house wife that has to have something to bitch about) called the zoning people, who made me move it. I asked the guy if I could lay down gravel, and he said no, has to be on cement. Nothing more was said beyond that. Well, I'm about to bring my boat back from where I store in during the winter, and really don't want to park it in the driveway again. I couldn't find much in the Reynoldsburg code about this, and what I found was vague. Here is the site I went to: http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll?f=templates&fn=default.htm&vid=alp:reynoldsburg_oh Here is the only thing I could find about it: "351.18 PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES ON LAWNS PROHIBITED. (a) No automobile, motorcycle or other motor vehicle or trailer shall be parked or remain on any nonparking or nondriveway portion of the front yard of any residential or multi-family zoned lot. All vehicles parked in parking areas or driveways shall bear the current registration or license plates as required by the Ohio Revised Code. (b) This section shall not apply during times of emergency due to acts of nature; or during the time that a resident is in the process of moving in or out of the premises. © Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a traffic violation of the minor degree. " What if I took a few of those concrete pads they make for walkways, laid them down, and parks the wheels of the trailer on those?? It's not "on the lawn" and in what I made into a "parking area." Think I can get away with this?? I don't mind pissing the lady off, as long as I can get away with it.
I had reset the PCM after that by pulling the negative terminal on the battery for a few minutes. This cleared the codes that were set (the ONLY cool thing about the Neon, you can pull the codes by simply turning the key on and off 3 times quickly after putting it on the on position, and displays them in the odometer display). Regardless, it's running fine now. My g/f said it seems to drive smoother and have a bit more power (I drove it and still thought it was dog sh*t slow, but she would know better than me I guess).
So did Howard get married? smile.gif Or did he come out of the closet at the alter??
Shoulda bought a 3rd Gen........
Tim's SS has a BOV, and you could definately hear it when he was only pullied to 10psi (which he rarely hit....which is good since he was running 10.8:1 CR on pump gas and a stock shortblock), and you normally could hear it if the car hit about 1-2psi.
Chrysler doesn't reference the timing belt tensioner as a "replaceable" item when doing the timing belt. Probably because it is a $350 dollar, dealer only part. Some people have suggested other years of the SOHC tensioner will work too, as they made several different kinds, and some are less expensive. Regardless, it runs now. Got it put back together, drove it, and isn't making the horriable screeching noise it used to. smile.gif The damn coolant hose worked itself loose when moving the motor up and down, so it popped loose and I gotta add more coolant one she cools off. But if that's the worst thing that happened, no biggie.
My g/f has a 2000 Neon LX. Auto 4-banger, and after spending the time I have w/ this car, I wouldn't own a Neon if someone gave me the POS. The accessory belt tensioner pulley for the A/C compressor/PS pump was going out (bearings going out). Because of the wonderful design, what would have been a 10 minute change required pulling everything up to the timing belt. Well, we decided to do the timing belt too. After the hell of getting it apart (found the trick, un-do the tranny mount on the driver's side, lower that as far as it goes, and jack the driver's side as high as it goes) we got it apart. The timing belt tensioner is weird, but we got it back together how we thought it went. Put the car back together, try to start it....no go. It was cranking rough too. Checked for spark; no spark at the plug, but voltage to the harness feeding the coil (distributorless system). Tried new coil, no go. Pulled it all back apart; timing belt jumped 5 teeth. Fixed that, I think we got the timing belt tensioner right now. Crank it....cranks smoothly now, but won't start. Check for spark; has spark. Check fuel pressure at the rail = good. Pulled the plugs; all dry. Okay, WTF. It was late by then, so we put the project down for the night, to start again today (and it seems in the rain). I go out and try to start it today, for shits and giggles. Crank it for about 2 seconds, and fired right up. WTF??? We changed NOTHING since the last time we tried, and I'd figure the plugs would have been wet/fouled if we flooded the car. Stupid Neon.
That video was stupid. I'm betting that C5 was no 800HP car either.
There are several DeLorean DMC-12's I've seen in Columbus. There's one that has been painted red I've seen in Reynoldsburg I've seen several times. I saw one parked near Champion Ave. (bad part of town.....car was VERY out of place there). I've seen a couple others crusing around. I'd love to have on one day. Swap in an LS1, some decent rims/rubber, and have one hell of a fun ride. I've drove by that one before.
They are kinda niffty, but nothing I'd ever own.
I tried last year, but my income to debt ratio said no to refinancing. Now that I'm making more money, and once my car gets paid off this summer, I may try again. I'm stuck at 7.25%
So Trevor pops in this piece of crap into the DVD player. I'm all for muscle cars, and figured this would be some classic muscle car movie. And yes, it did have some muscle cars, and a few cool ones as that. But I don't think I've seen a movie more boring in my life. 1 hour, 41 minutes, and they could have summed all of that up in about 5 minutes. I was expecting some interesting ending, but NNNOOOOOOOO. Ends in a slow motion race. The race across the country = graemlins/gay.gif It made no sense, and there never was a winner for the pinks. The racing sucked, and somehow the same 55 Chevy that could barely beat a stock 455 70 GTO was able to beat a built C2 Vette. I assume other have seen this horriable movie. Anyone else share a similar opinion about it?
Unless what you said was either forgiving her or talking about stalking/killing her or people she knows, then you didn't say ANYTHING you shouldn't have. I can't see why you were even trying to talk to her again, or have anything to do with her. She CHEATED ON YOU. If my g/f did that, her ass would be kicked to the curb so fast her head would be trying to play catch up. Cheating is the ultimate disrespect to someone in a relationship.
If they overbored the block, then aren't they partly/fully responsible to pick up some of the costs you incurred because of their screw up??
Nope. Don't see his former team mates pulling the BS he pulls.
Good to see you pulled the filler neck.
I don't need to know anything about E-check, my car has no chance in hell of passing a sniffer or visual inspection. Just gotta find another way out of it. Slipping some $$ into Mr. E-checker's pocket will probably work too..........