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Everything posted by Boost-n-Juice

  1. Cool, thanks man I appreciate it. Hopefully it's OK
  2. Big props to the LaSota's Rob and Don, they did an awesome job on my stang and they are local. graemlins/thumb.gif
  3. Ok, so is it worth messing with? I'm just sick of spending $$$ redface.gif
  4. I had my short block balanced to the new pistons, well the bolts Hays gave me in the Clutch kit were the wrong thread, which stripped the flywheel so I had to buy a new one. The old flywheel was turned .010, is this going to be a problem? Will it still be in balance with the new flywheel?
  5. Walt hooked it up. It still fits a little tight IMO, but spins freely. They say it's good to go, so I buttoned it up.
  6. FIXED. Took the block up to Keith and there was a bur on the front cam bearing, they took a file/knife to it and it's all good now. Thank GOD it was the front one because I already had the bottom end put together.
  7. Thanks man. I was looking at the back bearing and I think the bearing is a little side ways, that or the block isn't true. It spins freely until the last 1/4" is pushed in, then it binds up. I grabbed an old stock cam and tried it, with the same results.
  8. Yeah, I'm going to pull it back apart. Keith is awesome, I'm sure I'll get it figured out. Thanks, B I love the Mav by the way graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. I'm putting together my 306 short block and cam went into each journal easily except the back one, once in place it's very hard to turn, with the cam gear on you have to use both hands to turn it. Is this normal for a fresh block?
  10. How is it Fowler, that eveything I want to buy you see first! graemlins/finger.gif
  11. How is it Fowler, that eveything I want to buy you see first! graemlins/finger.gif
  12. Call Keith at NAPA, 871-0600, ask for the machine shop. Very nice guy, tell him Brian Carter sent you.
  13. Not sure what to say. graemlins/doh.gif I hope everything works out and if I can help in anyway, please let me know. graemlins/thumb.gif
  14. It's generic, $50 I think. The gearing is a little messed up in it, maybe I'll just go get another one, good call. Gotta love lifetime warranties.
  15. I have a Torque Wrench that MAY be a little off, not sure, but just want to check it out for piece of mind. Any idea where I could get this checked out? Thanks, B
  16. I would get it appraised and then put in on Ebay. Alot of collectors buy cars off ebay. Arena motorsports will appraise it for like $20
  17. I would get it appraised and then put in on Ebay. Alot of collectors buy cars off ebay. Arena motorsports will appraise it for like $20
  18. Maybe you should be looking for a pair of glasses instead of a laptop.
  19. Maybe you should be looking for a pair of glasses instead of a laptop.
  20. Called MOSER and they say that's how they are supposed to be, we'll see I guess.
  21. I couldn't spin them before I took them to have them pressed on. I just stuck a couple fingers in the opening and then grabbed the housing and tries to turn it and the inside part that seats on the axle didn't spin. I'm not sure how much resistance there should be.
  22. Thanks for the replies. I'm with Dave, I was thinkin the guy might not know what he's talkin bout, but who knows. I wasn't at the shop, my friend took it up there for me. They only make 2 kits, one is for stock axles and after market up to 31 spline (the one I have), which states the size of 1.398. The other kit is for 33 spline and bigger, the size for that kit is 1.414", so I have the right kit. I couldn't turn them when they were off the axles, so I dunno.
  23. I have a set of c-clip axles from Moser, 31 spline 5 lug. I wanted to eliminate the c-clips so I purchased a Moser C-clip eliminator kit, part # 9300, which say it will fit stock axles, and after market axles with 1.398 diameter axles. Well, I went to have them pressed on and the guy says they won't spin once they are pressed into place and he also claims my axles are 1.3995". I don't know what to expect. Any ideas?
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