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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. I'm 99% that's same dealership that had a Cherokee Country listed on Auto Trader at a decent price (back when I was in the market). I called before I drove 50 miles each way with some very basic questions - overall condition, tires, does the rear main leak, how's the steering, etc. The guy sounded pretty legit because he said he hadn't really checked it out but he'd find out and call me back. Anyway, he calls back and says it drives great and there's no leaks or anything at all wrong with it. I drove all the way up there to find that it's pretty beat looking in person, appears to have been in a minor rear collision, the tailgate has what appears to be a patch over a giant hole and does not open, main seal leaks heavily, only 2 speakers work and various other blatant issues. This thing wasn't worth half what they were asking and I told the guy I wasn't real happy about driving up there to look at a lemon and left.
  2. Agreed, however the ones I still kinda' feel for are the ones that went into it completely ignorant and let someone convince them they can afford a house 3x more than they can. I saw lots of people I know fall into that trap, even the ones I thought knew better. It's amazing to me that there were lenders basically telling people "Sure, you're a cashier at WalMart but you can afford a 250k house because you have good enough credit to get the loan - we wouldn't loan you money you can't pay back... would we?" for years before they started getting in trouble for predatory lending.
  3. I think it was just such a sudden rush of water it was having a hard time keeping up. This is the first time the backup has needed to help out, and they both drain into the street which was completely flooded over the curb for the first time since I have lived here. Overall I think it will serve me well, but I'm sure if I had opted for the next bigger primary it would have been a non-issue. Fortunately between the two of them they kept the water from even getting 1/2 way up the sump wall.
  4. The system I'm referring to isn't a UPS (although I considered several), it's actually a small secondary pump with it's own battery and charger/control unit. This is what I have: http://www.basementwatchdog.com/basement_watchdog_emergency.htm They offer larger ones also, but they obviously don't run quite as long on the same battery.
  5. That's a good point. I never really asked how much it costs for the added protection, so it may not be saving me much anyway. At least in my case it's a fairly basic setup. It would probably only cost me about $3K or less to duplicate since it's basically just framing lumber, drywall and cheap carpet. I do feel much better knowing I have at least some backup while I'm away. An ounce of prevention > Pound of cure, but obviously having preventative measures and insurance would be best in case shit happens and you do need to replace it. The one I have also kicks in to help the primary pump if needed, which is nice. When we got hit with the storm the other day we damn near had a flash flood outside and the backup kicked on a few times because the primary was barely keeping up.
  6. It might be a little big for pocket carry still but the Wilson ADP feels nice in the hand. I haven't shot one, but if they were available when I bought my Kahr P9 I would have seriously considered it as it's maybe just a hair smaller and better grip feel. My experience has been that I'd much rather go through a little more trouble to conceal something that's at least long enough to have all of my fingers on it. Short subcompacts and airweight .38s and .357s seem great on paper but are usually awful to practice with. I don't like the idea of being unpracticed with a carry gun, even a backup, because if I'm not 100% sure I'm going to put the first round where I need it to go I might as well not bother carrying it. Something similar to a P9, ADP, etc is still remarkably easy/comfortable to carry IWB. I don;t like stuff in my pockets anyway. Edit: I finally remembered what it reminds me of (seems to be a near copy of) - The Seecamp pistols everyone used to like back in the day. They were popular but at the time there were way fewer options on the market for something pocket-sized.
  7. I always used regular spray contact cleaner (I think it's alcohol mainly) to clean MAFs. If you don't find the specific MAF cleaner stuff it seems to work well. JEGS has the Spectre modular intake stuff too if you don't find it elsewhere. http://www.jegs.com/p/Spectre/769283/10002/-1
  8. The money order thing went into effect recently. I got like 15 emails about it, but that may have only been because I have a store/business account. Yet another annoying policy change from eBay - although maybe this is to help weed out some fraud.
  9. +1 Mine is the smallest "Basement Watchdog" but I'm using the battery for the larger ones. It's very simple to install and works well. The small pump has nearly the output of my main pump (1/3 hp Zoeller?) and they claim it will run ~12 hours continuous on the large battery. I have less than $300 in all of it including plumbing stuff/check valves/acid. I did this tight after I moved in to my house because the basement is finished. I no longer worry about weather and outages when I'm away and I also have the added benefit of not needing to pay the additional basement flooding insurance.
  10. You could always 1.8t swap the Corrado.
  11. My VW knowledge is a little weak, but I was thinking G60 swapped to a turbo is where it's at. VR6 is cool, but you can usually find G60s with a busted SC for cheap and put the extra cash you save into swapping to a turbo instead.
  12. My plan in the event of a break-in is go to the safe-room (large closet) which contains a shotgun, flashlight and old cell phone w/o a plan on a charger (for dialing 911 only).
  13. This is how I was when working at a McDonald's back in the day. Maybe it's just that I'm old, but I rarely see anyone at McDonald's (and similar places) that even pretends to be half-interested in doing any work. Most of them can't even bring themselves to talk with any effort, or even at times openly bitching about having to be there. Maybe I was just the McShit and didn't know it.
  14. This is why I still have a Sony Walkman phone, though I'm on AT&T and the wife has an iPhone. I know better than to be an "early adopter" especially with apple products. I really wanted to hate the iPhone, but if they don't F it up I could see a new version of it being my next phone.
  15. I believe that's "You can't do that on television" with a young Alanis Morisette and Dave Coulier.
  16. Once - way back in the 80's at some thing they were doing at the ghetto Valleyview YMCA. I was probably 10 and had on a wicked gangsta' straw cowboy hat.
  17. To me tips are to be earned, not to be expected. If you can't be bothered to do your job, I don't feel obligated to help pay your salary. I even let it slide when it's possibly the Kitchen's fault and not the server, but if a server wants to do their job about as well as the usual fast food fuckers that would rather lean and mope around than do their job - they'll be tipped accordingly. I worked in food service for a couple of years, I don't see why it's so uncommon to see people at least pretend they're trying to do their job nowadays. At least put on a good face and call me names when I can't hear you. I went to the Panda House (?) a few weeks back on Polaris and had pretty poor service, much like what you describe, but wasn't called out on my less than 10% tip at least.
  18. "Copenhagen!, none of that pussy Skoal!" [/Joe Dirt]
  19. Spare and a single bag loaded with everything from jumper cables to a folding shovel. You never know when you may have to electrocute something or bury some shit. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/DSCF2305.jpg
  20. CD Warehouse? I think there's still one or two in Columbus.
  21. I'd bet she sounds like the guy selling the wacky-waving-inflatable-arm-flailing-tube-man if you were talking to her in person.
  22. There used to be a Denny's over off Hamilton road (or maybe Brice) back in the day... but like everything else worth eating at in the area (IE Cooker), it's gone now.
  23. Troof Could be. I certainly trust mine. The trigger does take some getting used to if you normally shoot single-action guns.
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