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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. I had a Mustang until recently... And I almost bought another Fox just to throw a turbo on it... Do I still count? Not having play money sucks. Anyone want a house?
  2. What about "The Lunch Box"? or is it even open anymore? It used to be decent.
  3. I did alot of trial and error at first and found that a Desantis "Tuck This" was the best bet for me. http://www.desantisholster.com/m24.html If you plan to carry inside-the-waistband it's about the most versatile out there and has a wide range of gun fitments as well. In the summer I still wear the same clothes I normally do and you wouldn't know I was carrying (although I carry a noisy cricket, so that's easier to hide than some).
  4. If they screw things up so bad that I lose any more retirement money - I'm seriously going to cash out and move to the Virgin Islands. True story. No that I think their economy is any better, just that if I'm going to be poor I'd rather be poor in the tropics.
  5. It looks like I made it out with only the tree damage. All parts of the roof I can see from the ground seem to be good. Some minor loosening of the lattice on my Gazebo (needed replaced already). Luckily the tree that split fell into another tree that kept if off the neighbor's fence. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/Tree1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/Tree2.jpg
  6. One tree split down the middle. It'll have to be cut down. Have pics, will post later. Now I'm just scared I may not have any shingles on the roof.
  7. +2 I have had them developed from a cd at WalMart. It was cheap and they turned out fine.
  8. 54 points. I thought I would do better, but some are pretty hard to guess out of context.
  9. Possibly interested in the bass tube. I need something simple to test a couple of amps. You in Columbus much? Reynoldsburg is a long drive.
  10. It's noticably faster than FF loading some of the sites I frequent, including this one. -Also, it's ALOT faster compared to IE (with most sites)
  11. Using it now. I like alot of the features, but I still can't login to alot of web based applications at work (nor can I log into eBay). I can go there, but can;t seem to load a page after logging in. Something to do with secure sites??? Once they get all this worked out, I may jump ship. This coming from someone who still hasn't embraced Firefox fully as a default (still IE7). Also, spellcheck as you type in message boxes could help many around here .
  12. QFT I think that was part of the intended comedy in the original post.
  13. What about me? The fastest thing I own is a 6 cylinder Jeep... and I've only made 1 or 2 meets.
  14. Than you'd finally have british cars without electrical fires...
  15. "If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college" -Lewis Black
  16. I lived in those apartments right across from Steak N' Shake on Rome Hilliard a few years back. They were decent apartments and reasonably priced. There are several very similar complexes in that area with similar pricing.
  17. QFT Improving on these 2 things has made a profoundly positive impact on my sleep over the years. That being said, I'm no doctor. I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once. If that doesn't work, perhaps try the tried-and-true "overdose on whores and beers then pass out" approach...
  18. +1 They really are a decent budget replacement shock.
  19. [Derail] As a long-time deeply-rooted Mustang squirrel, I resent this. On some level it makes me want to "bring it on" in a The Rock sorta way, not the Jamie Presley way (building another one, not flexing my eMuscle, by the way). You're costing me money here ya' bastards. Anyone wanna buy a sweet Jeep and fund the end-all of Fox body projects??? [/Derail] But, then I take a breath and remember it's the internets... where wars are waged over simply nothing... never leaving a true winnar... then I move on while carefully rinsing the sand from my vag and absorbing back into the real world.
  20. "Hello Mr. Mayle. Go ahead and have a seat over there..."
  21. Allow me to sum up this thread: http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p180/metallica2k1/internet_serious_business.jpg
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