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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Sounds like Hulk-amania is gonna' run wild on your engine.
  2. Just wrap it in a Sham-Wow. It'll soak up all the fat.
  3. I prefer the 88 Magnum. It shoots through schools and the tree outside. http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n121/randehay/johnny.jpg Kidding aside- I wouldn't rush to adopt a new cartridge unless it really fills a void in the market, which I don't feel this one does. To me it seems like a better idea to go with the 38+P or the magnum version of that particular gun and you can use a variety of ammunition that can be found anywhere (probably cheaper too). For that matter, I believe you can shoot 9mm out of the SP101 as well. Sure it's nice the 327 is supposed to recoil less than the 357, but this gun isn't really all that light so I doubt you'd notice all that much difference.
  4. Might sound dumb, but... Did you try selecting them? I notice none of them are highlighted in your screenshot.
  5. That's what I was saying this morning when they kept listing businesses on the news that are opening later - all while the weather guy is saying it's just going to get worse as the day goes.
  6. Doesn't sound like a Kahr. They are all DOA and have no exposed hammers (striker fired). http://www.sightm1911.com/lib/review/pix/kahrK9elite98jpg.jpg Sounds like a PPK (or similar) to me: http://mmdc.net/blog/wp-content/walther.jpg
  7. Faygo [iCP] "...That's right I said Faygo. Fuck Mountain Dew." [/iCP]
  8. This leads me to assume that it is NOT okay? http://www.digital-tv.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/borat-high-five.jpg
  9. That guy's certainly not making me feel any better about losing $8,000 in my 401k so far... I'm glad to see he has no problem spending my retirement money on motivational posters and plastic plants.
  10. Related- This guy is the shiznat at shooting revolvers: http://www.jerrymiculek.com/
  11. Squid Load? http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/05/02/attack_of_the_giant_squid.jpg
  12. It will be coming along shortly: http://boingboing.net/images/2070879702_8e6726fdfd.jpg
  13. ...yet. Everyone knows sodomite communists don't get out of bed before 9am.
  14. I may have to try out the Astraweb pay-by-download plan. I don't download frequently but when I do I usually update my music collection a bit (or at least I did before TW killed their newsgroups).
  15. I believe the 3SS package is the SS with upgraded interior and trim stuff.
  16. I have been having this problem for a little over a month myself. I've called Customer Service twice and got free movie vouchers, but it's getting kind of old. Also, I agree it was pretty weak when they jacked prices up a while back and then you could no longer "grandfather" in your old price (or so we were told). We dropped from 3 at once unlimited trades to 1 at a time unlimited for a few buck more than before, which is still okay (when I actually get them), but not as good a deal as it used to be.
  17. The McDonald's reward package is a big fat ass. I'm up to 3,000 McGirth points.
  18. http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e26/shannondaz/espn8.jpg ?
  19. To clarify, the intent of my prior post is not to say Sony or others aren't of good quality, just not my personal first choice in mid-range priced units. The most important thing you can keep in mind when shopping for any home theater stuff is "how does it sound", followed by features and output. Try to audition everything you can because the sound can often vary a lot more than specs on paper would lead you to believe. It's a little harder to find stores where you can audition several receivers (most just have one setup to allow auditioning of speakers) Also, more wattage doesn't necessarily make any one receiver a better choice.
  20. I have always been a fan of Onkyo stuff for anyone not going with separates (processor, amp or amps). I have auditioned and owned several and they always seem to have a better sound than others in the same price range. I suspect they use a very high quality DAC. Harmon Kardon is known for using top quality DACs also, which attributes their reputation of great clarity. Onkyo (and HK for that matter) sometimes runs a little low on their claimed wattage compared to other brands, but I think alot of that is what a friend of mine calls "Sony Watts" (optimistically overrated) whereas these will typically do rated power across all channels at once (underrated basically).
  21. That's the dog equivalent of reading the paper or checking his email. Every time I let my dog out front she runs to the mailbox to sniff the post and surrounding area - apparently checking up on the dog current events. She won't "go" until she's done checking things out. If I let her out back where there's no other animals usually she goes right away and comes back to the door.
  22. Sound theory. I expect vids of you testing it with your car ASAP. :bangbang:
  23. I always assumed that was just some individuals taking it too far, not the whole group that did that kind of silly crap. Perhaps I misjudged how out in left field they all are as a group.
  24. True, but I never noticed they had gone this bat-shit crazy until now. I guess if they were trying to get my attention they have it... just not in the way they wanted, I'm sure.
  25. Yep. Referring to fish as sea kittens and campaigning how much fishing hurts. ...Sea Kittens... http://www.peta.org/sea_kittens/index.asp
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