When I was younger the district "needed money so badly that there would be huge cuts if the levy didn't pass". Levy passes and an administrator magically finds $500,000 in a closet. Weird. When I was a senior in high school the dicks used us by going to split sessions, saying that without more money to build more buildings we would have to continue with this b.s. Levy passes and magically split sessions ends without any additional buildings at the time. Enrollment was still the same. The districts bullshit tactics are ridiculous. Tell the damn truth and people will be more willing to pay higher taxes. Also, remember what schools are a part of SWCS. A lot of these people are lower income and truly can't afford this. How about all of the people in the district who don't own property and won't have to pay an extra dime, but have kids in the system? Why not let them pay some more too? The fact that these asswipes used the kids again to tug at the heart strings of everyone is bullshit. They could have let fall sports happen with pay to play, but didn't because then their precious bullshit levy would have failed. This is why I HATE this district and would never wish it's backwards ass ways on anyones offspring.