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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. In gahanna: http://www.musicgoround.com/p/680166/used-fender-concord-ii-acoustic-guitar-natural or Toledo if you wanna drive: http://www.musicgoround.com/p/679399/used-martin-backpacker-acoustic-guitar-wood Go to MGR. They deal with these types of situations all day every day, they can probably get her set up with something proper.
  2. Nah, got a GTX970 superclocked nowadays. See my tech support thread if you want a readup on my recent challenges
  3. Ran memtest a couple times yesterday. memory passed, which is good because I bought it < 1month ago. Does that necessarily mean there is NO memory-related issues, or just that the issues do not lie with the RAM sticks themselves? I'm still not convinced there's nothing wrong with my mobo, so as 87GT said it could be that. I have noticed the BSODs when transferring and/or downloading large/numerous files. Happens when I move files from OS SSD to external HD, or from internal HDD to external HD. Honestly the mobo is newer so I'm hoping it's not that, but I'm going to try showhbk's method of resetting the BIOS and sorta rebuilding from nothing next. fingers crossed.
  4. A lot of times that dealer markup is there to keep fuckstick stancebros away, and to make people feel like a winner when they get it "down" to MSRP. If you want it, go there and have an open and honest discussion about your desires and expectations. Not "I AIN'T GONNA PAY THAT BS MARKUP!" but "I'm a serious buyer if we find the right car at the right price, but I'm not interested anywhere over MSRP. Is it worth it for you and I to continue this conversation?" Source: Have sold new cars over MSRP.
  5. Update: never ran memtest, got busy with hockey and fiancee stuff, but I now know I can force a BSOD with a Steam download and a few Chrome tabs open. Happens almost on command. I think I'll have the opportunity to run memtest today, hopefully that reveals something.
  6. Martin makes great quality guitars. Go for that one.
  7. I might take you up on that either way just to have a backup board in case this one shits the bed. I did replace the RAM sticks recently so it shouldn't be that, but I did finally unmount and/or format all the hard drives other than OS one and tried to restore a good version of Windows, which may or may not have worked. Started getting the other common BSOD I've seen, IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL. I'm gonna run memtest86 when I get home, if it reveals bad memory I'm pretty sure it's an issue with the sticks getting seated properly or possibly an issue on the mobo itself. I've used several known good sticks of RAM throughout this process and still had the errors, but we'll see. So far it's looking like a borked version of windows.
  8. joined. woo hoo got in the double digits for member #
  9. Just verifying, you're talking about the current gen Q5 that's built in Ingolstadt, right? Not the next gen Mexican-built version that's coming this year? Q5 all the way. My folks are both BMW nuts, dad's had an M3, 530i, 335i xdrive, and 135i, and they looked at the X cars for all of 5 minutes before pulling the trigger on the Audi. It's just a vehicle that understands the role of the crossover better than the BMWs do. Mom's got a '13 Q5 with 80k on it, still loves it and they drive it from CT to VT and FL all the time.
  10. Thanks for the step by step! Will run down the process and see what I can find out.
  11. I'm glad I'm not a unique and beautiful snowflake! I do have a 2TB WD MyBook plugged in for backups. I also had a 1.5TB old Buffalo drive for double redundant backups that I found some bad blocks on. I wiped that and put it in storage. When I first started troubleshooting these issues I did remove all USB devices except keyboard/mouse connections and that didn't really help. However, I did somewhat recently move the whole thing from one tower to a new one, maybe my boot order got messed up in that process. So what seemed to work for you was remove all non-OS hard drive connections, flash BIOS, reconfig boot order, and it stopped the BSODs?
  12. Another testimonial for XD, I had an XDM 9 and I've been chasing that dragon ever since I sold it.
  13. I actually did a fresh Windows 7 install from physical media on the OCZ SSD, which worked well enough but I knew having 2 OS was going to cause issues so I uninstalled it after running Unigine Valley on it to stress it a bit. Unfortunately since my Win10 version was a direct upgrade from Win7, there's no product key. And if I understand correctly, Win10 doesn't even use traditional product keys anymore. I, too, had reached the conclusion that Windows was messed up, since these issues only started arising once I noticed I was signed up on Insider. Follow up question: if I buy and install a physical media copy of Win10Pro, will I still be signed up with Insider if I use my same Microsoft account associated with that OS?
  14. Less of a troubleshooting request, more of a "which thing do I replace now?" request. Short of it is, somehow my homebuilt PC got signed up for Windows Insider preview. I did this on an older PC but it was a different windows license and I have no idea why it switched on, but it did and I now hate my life. Oh well, that's the situation I guess. So since the 2nd to last preview build, I've been getting BSODs whenever I try to DL a large file, or play a game, or move lots of files from one drive to another. Referenced error is almost always KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED or PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. Evidently these are usually indicative of a bad memory stick. I had a pair of sticks in the machine, one had gone bad and been removed long before these issues arose, so I removed the 2nd stick and put in a brand new pair. Issues still occur with same frequency. So I try to roll back Windows versions; it won't let me. So I download developer toolkit and run the debugger and whenever a dump file exists, it almost always includes a reference to "Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details" and references ntkrnlmp.exe as the problematic process. I've updated and rolled back my BIOS version, I've swapped HDDs (found some bad blocks on an internal storage-only HDD), switched OS from one SSD to another, and I'm pretty much down to a few solutions: 1) File level backup and wipe everything, start over with a fresh copy of Win10 and just go for Pro this time, mostly for RDP. Perhaps worth noting that my version of Win10 was a free upgrade from Win7 Home. 2) New mobo, possible that memory error is on the mobo side and that's causing everything to go wrong. 3) New mobo, M.2 SSD for OS, and new copy of Windows 10. Specs: FX8350 w/h80i cooler (<1yr old) ASRock 970 Performance (1-2yrs old) 2x Corsair 8GB RAM (new) Crucial 256GB SSD (Win10 Home currently on this, 2-3 yrs old) OCZ 128GB SSD (used for Project Cars, other resource-heavy games, 2-3 yrs old) WD 2TB HDD (media/Steam HDD, new) EVGA GTX970 Superclocked edition (1yr old) OCZ 750W PSU (2-3 yrs old) I've searched the internet and there are many tips but I've followed them all with no resolution.
  15. 2nded. nothing against the users involved but an AMD/Intel discussion needs it's own thread.
  16. IMO InWin and NZXT provide excellent value for cases. They balance design, build quality, and cost in a way that makes sense to me. My last tower was a NZXT mid-tower that I really liked but there was a design element that I really didn't like, but it was a personal preference. Interested to see how your build goes, you should post pics when you get it all together. I've caused some sort of error in windows that has been BSODing my life to hell and back and for some reason I can't revert back to an older build. Can't figure out if it's a mobo memory failure or just a bad windows install. thinking of upgrading to an M.2 SSD w/Win10 Pro to start fresh.
  17. Back to the fucking task at hand, instead of a bunch of cunts having an Intel vs AMD discussion, I really like InWin, and just purchased a 707 Full Tower case. Similar but not identical to design to the 303, it's BIG, solid, with lots of cooling configurability. I only run a H80i CPU cooler but it would be very easy to add other radiators with how much space this monster has. https://www.inwin-style.com/en/gaming-chassis/707 My personal favorite part of this is the single fan mount on the non-windowed side and the very clean appearance of the front. Cable management is very easy and overall it's my cleanest looking rig I've built, and I'm a messy sonuvabitch.
  18. Thank you! get at me when you find that top drawer, I've already got the ole' girl assembled.
  19. Where is the desk currently located?
  20. IMO Never look for the cheapest bidders. They will always go over budget and if they don't, you'll have to engage the more expensive bidders to fix the work anyways. This guy probably hits the mark.
  21. It appears to be non-contract, job type is listed as "Direct Hire via JSJ Staffing LLC" which is where my contact works. Location is listed as Columbus OH 43216 so it may not be DSCC unless they're moving or sharing space down near the Post Office/Frankling Cty Engineers Office. I don't know why I'm being coy with this info. If you're interested, contact Shmulik Epstein at JSJ Staffing, Shmulik@jsjstaffing.com. Pronounced "Shmoo-lick". Tell him Alex Caxide from BNI sent you.
  22. It wasn't no reason, it's that "out of state plates driving carefully" counts as PC for drug trafficking in border states. or so they claim. A buddy of mine is in a band that got held for hours roadside in New Mexico because they didn't believe that a van full of 20somethings and a trailer full of guitars, amps, drums, and sound equipment was just a traveling band and not a group of cartel mules. I can only imagine how many actual cartel mules passed that clusterfuck on the highway while it was happening.
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