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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. you could seriously prank some people like that. take off the label and put some really not spicy stuff on your own food, have them try it and then give them the 100% pain treatment. why do i always think of ways i could harm others with fun products?
  2. Ok so the other night while my computer was running the power in the house flashed off then back on. I rebooted the computer and had no video. So I do everything I know how to do and basically figure that my Radeon x1650 is dead. Replace that with my old HD2400 series card and that seems to work. Sure its not as awesome, but I don't really care, its good enough to support my monitor's capabilities. Then I notice my sound is out. I had been using the sound from my mobo which uses some crappy Intel Audio Studio to control everything. I try to reinstall drivers, make sure all cables are working (DVI was fine with video, speaker cable works fine), nothing helps. So I just got back from microcenter with a generic brand sound card, install that to the PCI slot, install the drivers from the provided CD, and I still have no sound. WTF? Is this a problem with the mobo? Oh and all power cords were plugged into a surge suppressor which did not trip during the power outage.
  3. I went as the Purple Parrots from Legends of the Hidden Temple a while ago. If you have a group it can be pretty entertaining. http://www.templeshirts.com/
  4. no but now he knows then the guy isn't home b/c of work and bricks may not be his interest. anyways, you should probably just western union the money to nigeria and be done with the deal
  5. make it "The Right Wing Party Planning Kitchen"
  6. what are you, some kind of MMA hipster?
  7. I gained a lot of respect for Kimbo, not just because he's humble as others have said but because he explicitly says he's a brawler but he's there to learn. "I wanna learn Muay Thai. I wanna learn Jiu-Jitsu. I can't even spell Jiu-Jitsu!" I wasn't expecting him to pummel Nelson but they both went in with a gameplan. Kimbo's gameplan was to stand up, fight, and put a beating on Nelson. Nelson's gameplan was to get Kimbo down and force the ref to call a TKO regardless of how hard he was fighting. You heard him saying before the fight to his boys "just count when I'm hitting him, it'll force the ref into action" and he was right. Notice that Kimbo jumped up unhurt after both times he was pinned. Any other professional fighter would've said "I wouldn't want to win this way" but not Nelson.
  8. Lol I loved how Nelson thought he was tough shit after that fight. Any REAL fighter would've busted a skull open like the guy did in ep 1.
  9. lol all the mathtards in here have failed to realize that as long as you ignore completely relevant factors you can make statistics say whatever you want.
  10. Tell them you have DishNet offering to show up to give you a better deal tomorrow if Insight doesn't match. If they don't match, go to satellite. Can't get much worse can it? EDIT: To the OP, I'd mirror what he said about Insight. The problem is they recycle all the shit boxes and just pass them off to someone else. Make sure the guy installing it gives you one thats NIB or every experience I've had results in massive lag and box failures
  11. as was mentioned before, the blood lugies are the most horrifying thing in the whole procedure. I've had my adenoids out twice (yes, they grow back) and the 2nd time they yanked my tonsils as well b/c i'd gotten strep or tonsilitis, like you, about 6 times in a year. Week 1: Beginning of week 1 I was on some hardcore painkillers (days 1-3 oxycodone, days 3-7 hydrocodone) and despite not eating anything one of my sutures ruptured. @ emergency room they had to "clean" the area which apparently meant sending an intern who had no idea what he was doing in with a vacuum hose to suck away scabbing so new clots could form. by far the 2nd most painful procedure i've ever had done (after a spinal tap), but only because the kid had no idea what he was doing and it took over an hour. More painful than having a tube shoved up my nose and down my throat to my stomach to see if I was actively bleeding, but that's another story. Week 2: I was off the painkillers and driving around when I started to taste iron, so I look in the mirror and see there's blood dribbling from the corners of my mouth and my tongue is drowning in blood. Drove to the emergency room and had the procedure done again on the opposite side, this time by some guys who actually knew what the fuck they were doing and was out with almost no pain in 15 minutes. I'd suggest getting the procedure done. The week of hell was well worth it for never having to deal with that shit ever again. I breathe better at night and don't get tonsilitis.
  12. Don Cherry is the fucking man, and Boston hockey fans (be it Bruins, Terriers, Eagles, Huskies, etc) will do whatever he says til the end of time. Also, even the Canadian national anthem sounds spectacular when sung by Rene Rancourt. @the original problem...I always find it interesting when Ohioans go abroad because they invariably think the rest of the world is evil and rude. Which is partially true. Nowhere in the world (except maybe southern California) have I met people nicer and more willing to help and be genuinely friendly towards me than in Ohio. We're a bit spoiled here.
  13. i challenge any one of you to take a helmet to helmet hit when you're down and not desire a little bit more protection, from the rules or from a suspension to make everyone see the rules are there to protect players. doesn't matter what happened to pryor, coleman's hit doesn't need context. helmet-to-helmet puts both players in danger, or have you not seen this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz9eZM_FcoQ 0:25 is where you see boldin get his face pulverized. edit: also, Coleman put that hit on a QB. a backup, and in the open field, but a QB nonetheless. its a protected position whether you agree with it or not.
  14. game companies are just cranking out half-finished shit and marking it at full retail. its terrible.
  15. so did he have party plates? did the 5-0 arrest him?
  16. Dunno, OSU shut out Toledo last week and lost 2 spots in the rankings. The BCS is totally fucked this year, teams are dropping out of the top 25 as soon as they get in.
  17. pm me and we can meet up if you wanna try them out
  18. This shit right here. The traffic courts here work on the bully principle, in that the court wants you to think they have all the power. Such is not the case. Don't admit to ANYTHING! Don't say "well yeah the guy next to me was driving fast but I wasn't I swear". When they offer you a deal, say you have no idea why you were ticketed, you were not racing (note: you don't have to exceed the speed limit to be considered racing), and that you are unsure why you were the only car pulled over for allegedly street racing. Represent yourself, be smart, and you'll save a truckload of money.
  19. i have a pair of really nice k2 boots i'll sell for $60, they have what's called a Rock Lock, which is basically a cable that runs throughout the boot that you can tighten from the side, and they lace up like normal as well. size 12, i've got a large size 13 foot and tried unsuccessfully to cram my foot in there. if you're on the smaller side they may work.
  20. Just lettin' y'all fools know. http://www.woot.com for the uninformed. get some awesome deals on crap you don't need.
  21. Its already happened in London. I think the statistic is that the average pedestrian in London is caught on video like 30,000 times a day.
  22. right by the arena grand theater. this man speaks the truth, bison burgers are awesome. way leaner than beef with more flavor and its still juicy.
  23. yeah the article says there's a 15-day limit as opposed to the normal 7-day duration of a typical warrant
  24. I'm a bit wary of the "secretly breaking in" to someone's car, but that's already in effect now. My friend was parked in a subdivision on the street, which is legal there, and his car was unlocked. The police thought the car was suspicious so they entered the car, popped the hood, and disconnected the battery. All of this is completely legal in Ohio in the name of an investigation of suspicious activity, even w/o a warrant. With a warrant, I have no problem with the authorities placing a tracking device in a car. "Secretly breaking in", however, is a pretty clear violation of 4th amendment.
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