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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. Honestly, the last GOOD Suzuki car was the Swift GTi...back in 1992.
  2. Holy crap, the starter is Peter Graves!
  3. Yugo SKS with a hi-cap detachable mag conversion. Cheap ammo, works forever, decent accuracy, onboard bayo, carries its own cleaning kit...whats not to like?
  4. I went today mostly to look, but I got a NICE deal on a Swiss 1896/11, $250 on a $300 tag. It's rare to find one with a stock that isn't beat to hell, but this one is pretty near perfect. No troop tag unfortunately, but it did include the correct sling.
  5. Also, the auction isn't in dollars, but whatever the hell their local currency is...camels, I think.
  6. The full-length versions of those clips are all on Youtube...the odd thing is that quite a large number of the vans that hit it JUST KEEP GOING...
  7. Back end looks like a strange medley of Volvo and mid 90s Camry wagon.
  8. LOL...we pranked the little brother of one of my friends like that once. Told him it was illegal to work on your own car at home, and "they" would come and tow it away. He bought it hook, line, and sinker! The beautiful part was that he told all of his classmates and friends, and probably half of them believed it too. Drastically cut down on the number of park bench spoilers on Camry's in their school lot....
  9. If the track is anywhere but right inside a major city, the roads are going to be HORRIBLE. Low slung and Russian roads don't work well together, unless you like getting high-centered 45 feet from your door.
  10. Snowboard/snowmobile...solves the whole "flat-ass Central Ohio" problem.
  11. That's gonna be Terry Thompson...the one who owned all the exotic animals that he set loose in Zanesville a year ago. He had a habit of doing stuff like that with them. Too bad he didn't eat the gun BEFORE opening the cages.
  12. If I were selling it, I'd ask $8,000 and let them talk me down to about $6,500 at the bottom. It's a nice truck in and of itself, but it's not a V-8 model, and it's not a popular year.
  13. Which is exactly what I said. Any confusion is yours.:dumb:
  14. Easy one...your kid is no longer a baby. You don't TREAT your child like a baby, and she's not ACTING like a baby, so she is no longer (in the dogs mind) subject to the easy treatment and careful handling due to a "puppy" member of her pack. She's a "young dog" now, and the dog is expecting to apply a different set of rules. People think of dogs as "acting like people", but the truth of the matter is that dogs expect humans to exhibit pack behavior appropriate to dogs, and are confused when we don't. Make sure that the dog knows the rules for PROPER behavior with the kid, and your kid knows the rules for PROPER behavior with the dog.
  15. It's the old "Read the copy, don't watch the ad" issue...he'll be SOL, and the company will take a beating online.
  16. I've had many injuries to my left shoulder over the years...wearing a seatbelt actually causes me pain. But shoulder pain is something I can live with, dragging my face vigorously across the inside surface of a shattered windshield is not.
  17. I went to the Pick-n-Pull a few years back for some interior bits and pieces. I couldn't find what I needed, so I went walkabout through the yard just looking through cars. LOL I had nothing else to do...there's always some funny car, something rare, or a crazy wreck there. Ended up with about $25 in small change from cupholders, and a pair of $20s that were dangling from a sunvisor, hanging in plain sight.
  18. I've gone on Maid of the Mist about a dozen times...but never in November. Brrrrr.... There was a transportation museum near the Falls on the Canadian side, just north of the Whirlpool...I can't recall the name of it though. Mostly it was stuff related to ship traffic on the Great Lakes, but they had a NICE collection of 50's and 60's European cars.
  19. And which police departments in Ohio still use Radar? Pretty sure they are all either laser or instant on...pretty well renders a detector useless.
  20. If anyone is going down to view the colors, here's a heads-up: Rt.664 has construction between OMC and Rt.33. It's a STUPID setup, single lane with signals alternating direction. Unfortunately, they've utterly messed up the signal timing, and it's creating a massive backup heading towards the parks. Forget 664...take either 374 around the back way, or 180/678 to 374. Frankly, those roads are WAY curvier and have better pavement anyway. Also, there are actual passing zones, so much better than being stuck behind some twit in a Santa Fe for 12 miles. BTW colors should peak this week, but don't expect a lot of color this year. We haven't had a hard frost yet to bring out the reds and oranges. Conkle's Hollow was pretty nice on Saturday though!
  21. Poor bastards...having all that power and capability, only to be stuck in those FUCKING single lane construction zones on 664...took us an hour to get through on Saturday.
  22. Yeek...I don't think the Camaro even HAD time to lift...
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