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Everything posted by Avenger1647545502

  1. Without even looking, I'm gonna say .577 T-Rex. Yep. Notice that the only guy to actually use a proper hold is the only one not to have trouble...I'm not saying that thing is a pop-gun, but the recoil is manageable when you know what the hell you're doing.
  2. Finn M.39 or M.28 are still a Mosin-Nagant...and ARE accurate as fuck. Simo Hayha thinks so, at any rate...:bangbang:
  3. Do I have one that I fly? No. Do I have one that I crash into anything and everything that can't run fast enough to get away? Oh yes indeed.
  4. What is the unladen airspeed velocity of a swallow? Metric is EASY...
  5. Somebody should've hit "Turbo Boost" and jumped right over 'em...
  6. There have been many different ways of measuring the passage of time in intervals smaller than a day...and there will probably be many more. The Romans used a 10-interval "clock" that ran from sunrise to sunset, for instance, which means that their "hours" were a variable length throughout the year... The present intervals were as accurate as could be measured when they were set...the issue is that we can measure MUCH more accurately now, so the previously undetected error is really obvious now. You want some fun, bop around on the net and find just how much trouble defining the concept of "inch" as a measurement has caused...
  7. What's the trigger like on that one? I fired one a couple years back, I liked the feel and performance, but the trigger was flat-out horrible...
  8. They took all the things that made the REAL Top Gear good...the awesome cars, the dry British wit, the simply amazing cinematography, the bizarre challenges, presenters with actual personalities...and applied the standard American-TV dumbing-down. They even somehow managed to make the Stig boring...and that's just WRONG. Okay, I'll give them points for finding a Lamborghini tractor...there aren't many of those in the States.
  9. I checked Infineon on Google Earth...it's level for the 1/4, then has a SLIGHT uphill slope to the deceleration area.
  10. Nope, but they'll pay some scrapyard worker to smuggle one out. There have been quite a lot of parts turn up that shouldn't have been still around...one guy was arrested for trying to sell a COMPLETE GE F-110 engine from an F-16...four more had previously disappeared from inventory, and probably ended up in China. And the Iranians are still flying the F-14, at least as recently as October '08. How many they still have, and what condition they are in, is not certain.
  11. Either this: http://www.oocities.com/gvernucci/zil131.jpg or this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/be/M3-halftrack-TCM-20-hatzerim-2-2.jpg Or perhaps THIS: http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z241/expeditioncampers/ice-challenger-1.jpg But this has some appeal too: http://www.greatnorthoffroad.com/images/Coach.jpg
  12. I used to take two mirrors, one in front of me and one behind...angle them correctly, and you can look at an infinite series of diminishing reflections of yourself. I always felt that way off in the distance of that series there is one reflection of myself making faces back at me.... When I was 4, Mom had to drag me away from the mirror once...I was scared that if I went away, my reflection would disappear FOREVER...but what if I was the REFLECTION? Would I disappear if the other me went away?
  13. I think I recall them having a message about swapping transmitters on late at night about 2 weeks ago. They were off for about 5 minutes, then came back on...I'm guessing that was the swap. Call them and ask them...
  14. I've heard a lot of people say things like "They are more scared of us than we are of them..." Think it just might have been true in this case...that bear disappeared in a hurry!
  15. I got one like that on the back of my hand and wrist on Monday...my boss was changing propane tanks on the forklift and messed up the fittings. It was spraying liquid propane everywhere...I thought Kevlar gloves would be insulation enough to allow me to stick my hand in long enough to turn the valve off. Wrong. Don't pop burn or freeze blisters...your body forms those for a REASON, it protects the flesh under the dead skin from damage while the new skin forms. Plus you really up your chances of infection if you remove that protection too.
  16. Looking at some of the herd of pigs they ran into, I'm thinking an M60 might be a good idea. A Pig for pigs, as it were...
  17. Girl on the right, the one in camo. I think they filmed that at Fort Hayes...not sure though.
  18. The INSTANT the words "Turn up your speakers" appeared, I knew what was coming.
  19. My dad had that exact model of radial arm saw...it ain't worth $150 to me even if you threw in $151 cash.
  20. Answer A: It'd be on the background check that virtually every company does now, so by proxy, yes I would. I'm not saying that every person who doesn't have a diploma or GED isn't qualified (or that the ones who do ARE qualified either!)...it's very possible they are. But there has to be a minimum level of qualification, and diploma/equivalency is a reasonably reliable indication of ability and commitment. If they don't have one, then the odds are that they probably DON'T have the ability or commitment to be a good employee. You have to separate the wheat from the chaff at some point... Answer B: If I was hiring somebody to work for me directly, without the ability to get a background check...good question, to be honest. It's up to them to convince me they are qualified to do the work, and so it'd be STUPID to not verify every part of their application that I could, but where I would draw the "could" line at...if it was the only qualification they presented, then yes I would make an effort at verifying it, and if I couldn't...I'd round-file their app. They haven't convinced me. If they had 30 years of experience, it's unlikely I'd see the need to go that far...unless they were giving me the heenkies already, in which case they'd be out of the running anyway.
  21. Anything that pays more than minimum wage? If they do a background check, it's on there. I wouldn't even consider somebody without a GED or HS diploma for ANY position.
  22. Not a pet for a house with cats...my cousin found that out. It's pretty amazing just how FAR they can jump.
  23. CO2 fire extinguisher...shuts off any internal combustion motor in mere seconds.
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