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Everything posted by desperado

  1. Well.... Well..... My computer desk chair is faster than yours... God I hate winter... Wonder how long till the ban hammer sounds like a jack hammer
  2. They missed the large clump, typically the size of a biscuit, but sometimes larger. Drops all at once. Those suck....
  3. Ok, as far as the plastic sheets, there is more to explain thatn is worth bothering with, but if an airborn biological agent were released, having somewhere, that you could go that it couldn't isn't a bad thing. People forget thet part of the plastic and tape is also to buy a HEPA filter that will pass the air through. The better idea is to get away from the source of the toxin, but if you have to secure in place, it can save your life. Look at other nontoxic airborne irrititants like pollen. Pollen moves with the air and is brought to ground with rain. Anthrax would be the same way. If you have to protect in place, a HEPA filter protecting an otherwise sealed envrioment would allow you to survive long enough (a few days to a week) until the thread was brought to ground by rainfall or winds carrying it away. They have been studying this shit sincethe 50's when the concern was nuclear fallout. Now 3 mil plastic sheets are not going to alone protect you from radioactive fallout. But them conbined with 3 feet of dirt, stacks of books, metal, thick concrete will. And fallout will go to ground after a couple weeks, and radiation exposure to the point radiation sickness sets requires a reasonable amount of exposure, but levels are cumulitive. I am not going into all this here, there are plenty of documents all over theweb on nuclear survival both form fallout and from the initial blast. The locksmithing thing, without going into detail, the Primus system side pins are not on a standard shear line like the top pins are. It's the same reason you can't pick a GM ignition lock with a standard set of picks. And with both sets in the same lock, too much has to happen all at once for picking to work. As far as the master locks, yeah, two or three rakes and its open, but that's not the only way to get in those locks.
  4. Just for the record, this has to ben the most reasonable and sane political issue thread EVER on CR. 33 replies, and no one cursed anyone, got beligerant or nothing. It's a brave new world.
  5. After reading the shower shit thread, I figured I would try to entertain you with what I did to my kid. Back in Janurary my 17 yr old son moved back in with me. About a month goes by and I am realizing my razor keeps getting moved around and Keith Jr is bitching about his face breaking out. So I am in the shower, beat on the wall and hollar for the wife to bring me a fresh razor becsue the one I been using is dull. Get through showering, out into the living room and ask Keith Jr, 'Hey, you ain't been using my razor right?' NO dad... "ok well that's good because I forgot to throw it away the last time I shaved the hair outof my ass." Of course this is met with silence. "why would you do that?" he finally ask. "Oh, I break out from time to time, and get dingle berries in the hair, so I just shave it. It keeps it cleaner." Of course I don't do this, but he don't know that. He gets a horrified look in his eyes and starts rubing his face and cussing me. You know, he ain't used my razor since.
  6. TRex asks a real simple question, problem is the answer is not as easy. First thing is this, companies do use these illegals for cheap labor. They get a 'tax break' by not needing to pay the gorvernment for the employee taxes, second is that they can collect those taxes and keep the money, after all who is gonna bitch? Third thing is there are a number of legals here that are related to all these illegals, these legals vote. The democrats will not act because these voters are their base, the republicans will not act becasue it makes them look bad to a small minority that they don't see as being as small as it really is. Sure there are people out there that would be pissed if we started deporting he illegals as fast as they are coming in, problem is those people are the business owners that are republicans and would not continue to vote in that manner. And teh last thing is EVERYONE is concerned of violating theri 'rights'. This is the one that hangs me, everyone seems to forget that these illegals are not Citizens of the United States and have no fucking rights. So they end up with more rights than we have as citizens and we get shafted.
  7. Now, specifically pertaining to the TSA and the boarding pass thing. This is just a loophole that someone came up with to scare the shit out of people. Terrorists already hve their ways around this shit. Like the one post said the liquid explosive guys, and the asshole with the bomb in his shoe were both not on the list. More over, taking something on a plane to blow it up isn't needed. Terrorists are well funded and have access to things that are completely capable of taking a plane down. Hell, how hard is as an American citizen to buy a 50 caliber BMG? As long as you have the money you can buy the gun, and a 50 cal is an anti-aircraft gun. It will bring a jet down without too much problem and can be used near any approach or takeoff lane at any airport. But terrorists also have access to rocket launchers and all other sorts of military only shit that could do the same thing and not kill them in the process. I see the next terror attack with aircraft involved happening in this manner, probably during takeoff and happpening in multiple cities at the same time. It is difficult to stop someone from downing a plane if they want to. Hell you could do it with a pistol at the end of a runway as a plane was taking off with a single shot if you really were motivated to do it. Consider our options, we can hve the TSA checking bags. Or we could have armed military types shooting people that looked funny. The TSA is not even allowed to stereotype people. This is fucking stupid in my opinion. Middleeastern typically equals muslim, muslim can equal extreemist muslim, estreemist muslim typically equals a terrorist and that is bad. It's easy to deal with, if you are middleeastern, and look like a terrorist, either don't fucking fly, or be prepaired to be scrutnized. Is it their fault, no not really, but if if this was a white guy thing, would you care about being checked over more than blacks or whatever just to know that you were safer?
  8. OK, first off, I was a locksmith for a number of years so I know a bit about this. http://everestprimus.schlage.com/index.asp That's Schlage's Primus System, this bumping shit will NOT work on it. It is guaranteed unpick-able when properly keyed. The standard Kwikset and Schlage locks that we have on our homes are to keep mostly honest people out to begin with. I also saw a video on there showing a standard hardware store master padlock being bumped. I can pick a master lock faster than you can bump one. There are also other weaknesses with those locks that I am not going to talk about here, but do exist with those locks, and the master combination locks. Bottom line, if you are going to lock you $4000 quad runner up with a $5 lock, you are a fucking idiot and deserve to have it stolen. As far as bumping, this is the same principal that a pick gun works on. And some locks, depending on how they are keyed, it will open them. It's all in how pins line up in the lock and what cuts are used on the key. Also, cheaper locks use a smooth sided top pin that allows it to slide under a bit of tension. The anti pick pins that are used in better lock-sets, including the better Master branded padlocks have grooves in the sides of them that will hang up if there is any tension on them. This stops the attempts to bump the lock open, and only the most skilled of lock pickers can pick a lock with these pins in it. Thing is, you get what you pay for, and a good locksmith can key most any lock to be all but pick-proof. Knowing this, and applying it is how you keep people out of where you don't want them to be. So when you go down to the local Home Depot to buy your locks because they are cheaper, remember your $1000 stereo, $4000 plasma TV and all the rest of your valuables in your house are being protected by the lock-set that was cheaper down at the Home Depot.
  9. Dude, seriously get the hate out of your heart. There are many Americans that are mexican immigrants that are 100% legit. They have just as much right to be here as you or me. This comments smacks of commects about putting blacks on ships and sending them back. Not cool, not cool at all. This is an issue of people of all races and nationalities coming into this country illegally and taking up residence. They need to get the hell on the bananna boat back home or run across the desert or whatever. And this bullshit of having water stations in themiddle of the desert for them as they come over, screw that shit too.
  10. I really dont' think that the letter is going to stop the ingress, or get anyone to leave. I will say that even though I see it as a statement of pure fact, I can't not debate that i was done with political motovations. As far as sending em home, I will volenteer to drive the bus as long asn I have someone riding shotgun and payin fer the fuel. And to be honest, maybe this is what needs to happen.
  11. As far as the black racisal issues of the 50's and 60's, those were legal US citizens, and it was hate based. I don't hate Mexicans, I hate that they are illegals and they are milking teh country dry. I have been researching this alot lately, one number I heard that was rather alarming is that the average working illegal sends home $300 a month to Mexico. figuring there are reasonably 8 million illegals, if one fourth are doing this, well do the math. This is money being taken out of our economy and spend in anoher country. I hear people bitch about the war and what it costs a year, it's not that much considering the amountof money leaving our country, and not being rolled back into our economy. And as far as rights, we ahve the rights given to us by our forefathers, The Constution of the United States of America, the Decleration of Independence and the Bill of rights. NONE of these apply to illegal aliens, and the biggest problem I have is that there are members of our own government that think they should. As far as the culture and food, eat at Taco Bell and watch CHiP's.
  12. This is the thinking that we be our undoing. It ain't my problem so who cares. Well, you may not see the problem yet, get hurt and ned to go to a hospital and realize as you sit there waiting that the illegals consider the Emergency Room as a primary health care office (family doctor). Get run into by one of there 1990 Caravans that isn't registered and none of them speak english so the cop lets them go because they have no idea who they really are and they all say their name is Jaun Martinazi or Eric Estrata (from CHiPs). Maybe then you will begin to understand the costs of them being here. When your car sit's totalled, your bleeding in the emergency room and then paying the ridiculous fucking bill so that the hospital can recoop the money lost by treating illegals that didn't even give their real name. Illegal aliens are robbing this country blind, both from getting handouts and from getting services that we all pay for as citizens in the end through taxes and higher costs for those services we pay for as responsible members of society.
  13. UI don't see this turning into a name calling E-battle WHERE WE BOTH SCREAM ON THE INTERNET BY TYPING IN CAPS!!!!! In all seriousness, while I do honestly see your point of what it would cost to deport all the illegals, one really needs to consider the cost of not doing it. These costs are both monitorial and cultural. The monitary thing is easy to put a price on, just look at the losses that insurance companies and hospitals encure every year due to illegals causing automotive accidents, or being injured themselves or getting sick and going to the hospital. Look at the tax dollars spent, both for entitlement programs directly for the illegals and the people on welfare that could be forced to work if aliens were forced out and the wefare system became a temporary agency. This ideal was tried by Ronald Regan when he was govner of Califorina and it does work. Something like that can't be implemented with illegals, becasue they aren't documented. And no goverment program should EVER assist a criminal in continuing their criminal activity. Now as far as cultural costs, how do you put a value on being able to walk into a store and understand what the guy behind the counter is saying. Or working with the public and having someone walk up to you and not being able to understand what they are saying. I for one, flat fucking refuse to learn spanish. I will not do it. Not becasue I hate Mexicans, but becasue for the last 200 years, people came to this country, learned the language and tried to fit in. We do have a history of racisim towards blacks, I will not deny that. They were forced to learn the langauge at the end of a bull whip, I will not ay that was right, but I refuse to applogize for something that I have nothing to do with. As far as cuting your losses, I do see your point. And going and fucking with Iraq may not hve been the best choice, but hind site is always better. Look at it like this though, it's like sticking your finger in a nest of mad hornets. Your finger is gonna get stung, but if you pull it out now that you have pissed off the hornets, they will surely come charging out and sting you all over. That is the situation in Iraq at this point. Do I like it, no. But until someone comes along with the big can of hornet spray that is a reasonable solution, we ned to keep our finger in the hole so we don't get stung all over the place. If the hornets were coming out another hole, then we could pull out our finger and get the hell back to regroup and deal with that situation as neded. But that situation has not manifested itself at this point. While it sucks that American soliders are fighting and dying over there. That is their job, I hve the highest respect and humility for them, but NO ONE that signs their inlistment papers should have ever thought there wasn't a chance that they could be put into harms way. The military is frist and formost a tool to fight wars and kill people. That is what they are trained to do as soon as they start boot camp, they learn to survive and they learn to fight. All the other specialities, the aircraft repairmen, the ofice personel, all the way up the chain to the highest ranking officers can be ordered by their superior officer to pick up a gun and fight the enemy. That is what they do first and formost. We all should respect them for it, we need to be humbled by it and ned to mourn their deaths if and when that time comes. And ablve all we need to thank them for their sacrifice of doing what they do, without question, with love of country and fellow man in their hearts. But what we should never do is let their deaths sway our feelings for doing whatis right or what needs to be done. They know the sacrifice may be the ultimate one for their country, and I promise you that you will not find many of them that want to 'cut and run'. As far as the guy being an immigrant himself, he has more of a beef with the illegals that come running over the border thatn those of us born here. He did it right, he went through the red tape and got it done. He's now running for office and he speaks the truth. I don't see how telling someone not to comit a crime and telling them their is punishment for it if they do is wrong. And I fail to se how this intimiidates legal immigrants. It's doesn't apply to them, so there is no intimidation. If they feel that way, maybe they need to rethink what has been said and why it's not fair for illegals to come running in and they had to do it right.
  14. Well, you have a right to bitch. Every American, both the naturalized and the immigrant that has attained citizenship has a right to bitch. Problem is they ain't. Your opinion of Bush is noted. I don't agree with it, but it's not the current topic. As far as the two guys running for governor of the state. Blackwell may or may NOT be a Taft lackey. Talf lackey's are a bad thing, and we don't need any more of that shit. Strickland, well his actions and votes speak for themselves. I see him as a politician, and that's no complement in my book. That is the one thing I will say about Bush, the man is not a politician, and I agree that his public appearance and mannerisms are not what one would consider to be necessarily acceptable for the leader of the most powerful country in the world. But people need to remember that he is not the only person making decisions for the country. We do have 3 branches of government, and they all have a hand in the process. As far as a war against an ideal, I realize that it's not a winnable war with ground troops and tanks. You can't kill an ideal with guns and bombs, no more than an invading military force could attempt to kill the American spirit, but the fuckers that want us dead are all there fighting with us there. And as long as we are fighting them there, we are not fighting them here. I agree that you can't kill an ideal. But you can kill as many people with that ideal as possible and let anyone else know that fucking with America will get your country invaded, your armies defeated and they will know that it's just a bad idea to fuck with us. The only other reasonable option is the nuclear option, and that is not a reasonable option at this point. Look at it like this. Americans IN some respects are about the same. Extremist Muslims do three things well, they talk about things, then they pray about things, then they riot about things. OSU football fans are just like that. They win games and they burn shit and riot on campus, they loose games and they riot on campus. We send in riot police with rubber ball guns and mace... and no more riots. This is the reason for what we are doing. Not nukes, not WM D's and not even genocide, although genocide is a pretty good reason. We really need to react in a much tougher manner, Japan found out what we are capable of, they flew planes over here and fucked things up and we let them know we didn't like it. So we are reacting the same way, only we are not loosing nearly the same number of soldiers this way as we did in WWII. The rules have changed, why I have no fucking clue. The fact that we can now blow up one house in a populated development and just kill those inside it, without killing anyone else is a technological marvel, it's also a fucking pain in the ass. We didn't win WWII by killing an ideal, the Japanese pilots were flying their zero's into our ships (anyone see a connection here) we defeated them by fucking up two cities, stepping back, clearing our throats and asking them if they wanted to go on, or yield, we know though history, they tool that latter of the two. As far as the Mexican threat, and yes, I believe that 100%, that there are enough Mexicans and guns here, that if they got motivated to, they could take over the country by force if they decided to, but it will be done without a shot fired. Through our bleeding heart liberal government, continuing to allow the ingress of more and more illegals to enter, and the continued disintegration of our customs, beliefs and ideologies, both religious and cultural. We will as Americans be assimilated into Spainsh speaking citizens of the United States of Mexico before long. Now as far as 74% of us think that congress has lost touch.... That's what I am getting at, our leaders don't hear the majority any more. A majority of us are christian or Jewish, mostly christian. But we can't have the ten commandments. That's not a majority thing. A majority of us are anglosaxon, but we don't have a day for anglosaxon. We have days for Mexican, Irish, and a number of other holidays. But no white guy day. Why? Is it really racist? It's racist to NOT have the day. American citizens, black white, purple and green are discriminated against every day, by our own government by them allowing this onslaught to continue. By not deporting every last illegal alien here. By allowing those aliens to walk free when they commit a crime because of the difficulty of processing them due to roadblocks put up by the government. My take is we should have an American walkout day. Every citizen of the USA should walk out of work for a day, in protest. The Mexicans tried to prove that we need them, personally I think we need to prove to them that they are not needed. And can't run the businesses in this country by themselves.
  15. Well, lets address the important thing first. I am native American on my mother's mothers part of the family tree. And as far as deporting the Indian's, read history, we did deport them, look up the trail of tears or any other countless number of the atrocities that the American Indians endured. Now as far as rightfully conquering, yeah, that would be my family again. John Jacob Storts, who you are welcome to Google, well my mothers maiden name is Storts. And yes, it's the same Storts, the one that fought in the Revolutionary War, to turn the British away and create the United States of America. His grandson Daniel Storts that was a Union soldier during the Civil War, to reunite this nation. Now that we have established my rights to bitch, I don't think that anyone that's here illegally should stay, deport every on of the fuckers. But we do NOT have 2000 Russians, Poles, Somalis, Cubans, Haitians, and every other nationality entering this country illegally every fucking day. You think the Indians were surprised at boats loads of white fucks showing up monthly? The boats of that period could not carry 2000 people. We have more Mexicans coming in this country in a day than there were settlers coming in a month. It wasn't until the 1900's that boats of that size (that would carry over 2000) were around, see Titanic, and those folks came here, learned to speak English, and be assimilated into society. We sent 140000 to Iraq to invade and over throw a sovereign government there. That's 70 days worth of Mexicans illegally crossing the border. We aren't experiencing a immigration problem here, we are being invaded. Is it effecting my pay, yes, in a round about way. Not directly, but they are here, and the laws here require that we provide them with medical care, our police forces and INS / ICE agents need to deal with them daily, we experience losses because of them. I remember someone on this board getting his car totalled by a group of illegals with no license and no insurance. He's paying for that directly, as we all are. We pay higher medical bills and insurance because they have neither. Our tax dollars go to dealing with them, to police and jails and costs of deportation. And you think this is not a problem? Wake up America, you are going to be flying a Mexican flag soon if this shit don't get dealt with. And as far as leaving this country to the Mexicans and the blacks. That is about the most racist thing I have seen posted on this board. What the hell do Black AMERICANS have to do with illegal Mexicans? I am not racist to a nationality, what ever their creed. I care not the color of their skin nor the name of their God as long as they are here legally. The illegal ones, fuck em, ship the lot of them back, and deport the American haters that harbor them in their words and deeds. Our freedom, black white, and tan, was fought for and died for by men of all races, all creeds and all denominations, and I'll be go to hell if a bunch of bleeding heart fucks are going stand by and give our country over to any fucking body by simply allowing the onslaught of illegals to come bounding across our borders like they own the fucking place. what is your fucking problem here? Did you think that your Spanish teacher was hot back in high school, so that makes this OK? Do you believe that it's OK so sign the national anthem in Spanish, do you feel that it's acceptable to fly a Mexican flag over top of an American flag, that's been turned upside down? What the fuck is it going o take for you to realize the dire consequences of our lack of action on this as American citizens before you realize the depth of this problem? Cuz I got a news flash for you, when we are singing the Mexican national anthem at the baseball game, or the stock car race, as the red, white and green are run up the flag pole, it's gonna be a little fucking late.
  16. You better check your facts... immigrants are still NOT citizens. They have to go through the process of being accepted and then become citizens before they can vote. Immigrants are not citizens. I suppose I should have clarified that, or at least that is my understanding of it. As far as the letter, people need to be a bit less fucking concerned about something that doesn't pertain to them. There are pleny of Mexicans here that are legal citizens. This don't apply to them and it shouldn't offend them, I personally think they should be offended by the whole issue of it being called racist. Statements of fact are not racist, saying that a black mans skin is darker than a white guys is a fact, it's not open for a 'reasonable' discussion. Saying that blacks like watermelon, is racist and stereotyping. I know blakc guys that LOVE watermelon, and I know few that don't, so it's not a fact. Either way, this is bullshit, we are gonna all be raising a mexican flag here instead of he stars and stripes if this shit don't get put down real quick. And oyu dumbasses that want to be all politically fucking correct about this shit are as much the problem as the 2000 illegals that cross the border daily.
  17. I don't get it. How in the hell is addressing a letter to people saying that if you commit a crime you can be punished. Illegals and immigrant workers are NOT allowed to vote in a federal election. It's a statement of fact, not a threat. If I tell everyone on this board if you rob a bank you will go to jail it's not a threat, nor is it racist. People that are here legally, and can vote legally should do so, but only once as the law states. If I go on TV and say that you can only vote once and you are not supposed to let people 'buy' your votes is that racist, other than to democrats? I mean democrats are not an ethnic group, but neither are people of a certain religion, but you can be racist against a religious group. Religion is great for those that can't handle the fact that when we die there is NOTHING ELSE. And before anyone comments, it would be a bit easier to prove that democrats buy votes than it would be for you to prove there is a God, and our heart will go on. Reality is NOT a fucking Celine Dion song damn it. So what's the deal? If you vote and you aren't suppose to, you are a criminal, how is it racist to tell people that? And if you are illegal, and just got off the fucking boat, how is it that anyone would think that you will understand English enough to know it's illegal? I personally think that we should require it broadcast on every Latino radio station in the country and stations that are broadcast in all other languages too. The problem here is that we do have a illegal alien problem, and they all happen to be Latino, so if the letter was in Russian, Ukrainian, German, dutch, polish or any other fucking language is it still racist? The problem is the Mexicans, not the Russians, poles, germans or any other nationality, so why address them? We know what the problem is, we need to address that problem. No one her seems overly worked up about the fact that in Ohio you will need to show ID this year to vote. No one is bitching that it's 'unconstitutional' (BTW, is that some sort of fucking battle cry now? if some one does something of this nature, that's what gets said. NEWS FLASH!!!!!! The Constitution of the United States of America applies to American Citizens dip shits, not every fucking Mexican and terrorist that crosses our borders illegally and thinks it should!!). Y'all need to go and get your reality checks reissued, I believe that the ones you got were written on a closed account.
  18. This guys reaction to the fact that his not the father of this child is either staged or this guys reality check was written on a closed account. http://thatvideosite.com/video/2732
  19. For straight line, you should be ok. trying to 'drive' a car with such a setup makes for some wierd handling issues. The radials will not flex as much in the sidewall as a bias ply, typically the bias plys are on the rear. It makes the rear end feel loose, more or less. As far as running them up front, it will make the car feel delayed in turning the wheel and will require some getting use to the delay as you turn the wheel and having the tires flex before the car begins to turn. Like I said though, for drag racing it should not be a problem, but I wouldn't try to salom the car, or do alot of street driving with it. If you are talking about the vette specifically, then you should consider the contact patch beig smaller, coupled with the bias ply flex on the street. It's gonna screw the handling and 'drive-ablilty' of the car bad. You could putt around like that, but long pulls and roll racing should not even be considered. The car will loose traction on the front end and understeer badly at speed.
  20. I would probably go with a full insert and not a helicoil. It's the same idea, but it's a tube threaded inside and out. The stripped hole is drilled and tapped and then the insert is screwed in and locked in place by a set of pins in the outside of the insert with a special tool. The main difference is that these will take more of a load than a helicoil and they will stay in place better as well.
  21. OK, I have to ask, how was your car in an accident that you were not involved in and wasn't near the car? I guess the bigger question is this, how were you uninsured yet they paid for your car to be repaired? It sounds like you need a lawyer more than a body shop at this point. As far as the BMV, you need to contact them, state your case and send them copies of your records of payment to your insurance company. I would also get request in writing from your insurance company a letter explaining why your coverage was dropped and if it wasn't at what point it is good from and to send that to the BMV as well. As long as you can prove you had insurance, the BMV will chock it up as a clerical error and reinstate you. But if I were in your shoes, I would STILL go get a lawyer and sue the insurance company for lost wages and time, as well as any other expences you have occured, not the least of which is the cost of the SR 22.
  22. Best I could do is $300 right now. I may be able to get another hundo together in a few weeks but that would be the best I could do on it. How make CF is the tank you you have and is it a lease tank or a bought tank? If a lease, I have no problem with assuming the lease as long as you have the proper paperwork for it. As farr as that goes I would need the ownership papers for an owned tank unless it's one of those baby bottles. If it's a baby bottle I might be able to pay a bit more. I alreay have 2 320 CF (5 foot tall ) tanks for welding gas (Argon and Mix) so a tank is not a big deal to me unless it's a smaller tank I can use with my portable 100 amp mig I already have.
  23. Will you take any less for it Mike? Two way me so we can work out something. I need one for the 1 ton.
  24. As far as a tranie, I am going to have a 350 turbo that was redone. Second gear is not all hardened parts and the passages were all drilled and chamfered for better flow and engagement. Even with light throttle pressure it would bark the tires from first to second with a 350 and a 2000 RPM convertor because it shifted so hard. It is basically a race trannie that still has an automatic valve body in it. If you are interested let me know. I am pulling it from my camaro because I have another 350 with a transbrake and manual valve body with a 4000 stall convertor to go in it.
  25. As far as the truck, I was thinking that if you were going to be buying the whole thing and pulling the motor we could work something out for a trannie and some cash for it. I was honestly looking for a deal and to help you along in your project. As far as a motor, if you are looking for just a block Rolla should have one. Unless you know of a cummins pickup motor around. I would be willing to swap the 454 I have in my 1 ton for it. I also will talk to a buddy of mine that just did a swap on is suburban from a 454 to a 6BT cummins. I know he put a cam and reworked the heads on the 454 and started having problems keeping trannies in it (blew 3 400 Turbos before her went to a NV4500 5 speed manual) I will see if he wants to part with it.
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