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Everything posted by desperado
I have an 83 Ford Pickup that the carb on is shot. It's the Carter 1 barrel, but it has all the 83 emmisions ports on it. I am trying to locate a different (older) 1 barrel that will bolt on or a Rochester 2 barrel that I can fab up an adapter for. It's going on a 300 straight 6 so it's not got to be a big carb. Call me if you have something (614)989-2459
I put used metal in a car I was building (server cases). 60 series tires and shackles on a 78 Volarie wagon (back before there was a 'ricer thing' the biggest thing was the two 15's four 12's and six 10 inch subs along with more mids and tweeters than I care to remember driven by 10 amplifiers ranging from Orion's and old Lanzars to cheap Rockford Fosgate amps, all in a 76 Dodge van that was missing the bottom 8 inches on metal in the side. But god Pink Floyd never sounded so good, and it would bury the needle of a 126 db sound meter.
I have a 3/8 steel plate mail box. Vandal proof as it gets. Thing is, you can NOT bury a steel post and fill it with concrete to mount it on. I did that back in the day when we had a guy with a tube bumper sticking a pipe in his bumper and driving down the road knocking down all the mail boxes. He got to ours and got flipped in the ditch. Nothing came of it but the County Sheriff said that it has to break away if it gets hit. My solution was cut it off near the ground, weld a plate to the pipe coming out of the ground and another plate on the bottom of the pipe the box was on then bolt it together with 1/4 inch soft (grade 3 ) nut and bolts. Mind you a small car hitting it will snd it through the windshield.
Are you running hydraulic power on your saws or electric? Also, are you coring wiht the 77 inch cutters vertically, horizonally or both? A buddy of mine worked for one of your competitors and I went on a couple jobs with him. We looked at designing a crawler that self powered and would core or cut. The original plan was to run 3 blades for floor cuts (running water and electrical) two that were adjustable in width (for the ditch width, and a third to do the cross slices for the concrete to be dug out easier. From there it just turned into a free for all and the idea turned into something resembling a battle bot. The cross cutter was still in the plan but we knew it would only be able to be used on the return run, but still would save time not needing to reposition the machine for every cut. And because it was going to be a propane engine over hydraulic we decided to it could have an 'arm' that could turn a coring bit either vertically or horizonally (the large horizontal bores were be supported by an adjustable height table of sorts that had rollers for the large bits to ride on and of course a tow behind water tank for cooling the cutters and minimizing dust. The idea was there but we never went forward with it. He's now a safety man for a large industrial construction company and the idea just got shelved. By now there is probably a unit that will do all this, but we couldn't find one at the time. It's funny what a couple rednecks will dream up when sitting around watching the clouds float by.
Interesting, I want to see it on Cup car's though, for both sides. NASCAR drivers work to fight drift, but do it alot, in cars MUCH more powerful than the cars the drifters use. Setting up a cup car to drift takes little more than a wedge adjustment for th car to get real loose and drift. But I figure it will be done in drifter cars.
Space them a bit, but BE CAREFUL. Sparklers use magnesium which burns very (6000+ ) hot. Make sure that there is NOTHING that can catch fire around it and don't even attempt to put water on the fire while the sparklers are still burning. The heat is so great that it can seperate water into it's base chemical compounds, one of course being hydrogen (imagine the Hinderburg). But yes, it's a hell of a fire.
Let's hope that NTR gets bought by the IHRA in the future.
Just answer it, tell her you will meet her someplace that you can see without her seeing you, and see who it is. If she's hot, bone her. If not, stand her up, she will get it out of her head how wonderful you are and all will be right with the world.
There is a heater, but it sucks. Consider it a non-winter car and you will be fine. THose air cooled VW motors are about indistructible, asn long as there is oil in them. As far as safety in a crash, don't know. but the reliability is top notch for sure.
Hmmm, thing is that every time you get in a car you take a chance. When I get up in the rafters of the warehouse, I take a chance of falling out of the bucket, dropping a tool on someone's head and even the possibility of being shocked by the wiring I am running. So I take precautions, I wear a safety harness, I rope off a safe zone under the man lift if possible, and I inform everyone that is working in that area to be aware of where I am and what I am doing, and if possible to stay clear of the area while I am doing it. As far as specifically in a car, speeding (which does NOT cause accidents it only plays a factor in them) is the one every one want's to bring up. You consider your surroundings, pick your spots to go real fast and you minimize the variables that cause accidents. More people are killed doing under or at the speed limit every year than those going as lilttle as 5 MPH over. When was the last time anyone took out an ad or told anyone "Hey, It's possible I shouldn't be driving, so stay off the roads until you hear from me I am home." ??? To minimize the risk. Your argument is not valid, we take chances EVERY day, people are killed from the stupidist set of circumstances at times. But, when we take chances, we try to control the envrioment that we are in, to make it safe as possible and minimize the risk. Driving a car after drinking is NOT minimizing risk, it's a desision, and as far as the level goes. I will buy the I was too fucking drunk to know better routine from someone that's really shitfaced. Someone that is close, still has enough presents of mind to know better. If I sound harsh, well I mean to. I can't applogize for how I feel nor do I intend to try. I wish that better choises were made and this girl wasn't in the situation she is in now. But, she made a bad string of choices and she now has to pay the cost.
Look, I am Darth Vader when it comes to driving drunk. I have ZERO tollerance for it. (BTW, you were with her, and you ellected to let her drive, so some of this sits in your lap too) there is NEVER a reason to drive when you are under the influence of anything, other than bad judgement. Am I an asshole about it, yes, and real proud of it. So all the rest of you can point and call me an Asshole and I will sit here and appericate every comment, like I said ZERO tollerance. As far as banging my hand... na I got it last night, so tonight is not gonna happen anyway.
I am 34 yrs old with a 17 yr old son. Do the math, I was 17 when he was born. His mother is on the top ten list of mort usless fucks on the planet. I was young and stupid. Your GF's DUI pales in compairison to my folly. I make no excuse for it, other than to be funny,,, siting that teenage male horomnes is A POWERFUL THING.... Now please understand, I don't consider my son to be a mistake. Only that I will have to deal with his fucking mother, and see how she treats him for the rest of my life. I deal with it weekly, and I do take it like a man.
Yes, there are plenty of people that can say that... Iam one of them, cuz I DON'T drink... ever. Quit making asshole excuses, she was driving drunk, end of story. Personally I hope they get her with OMVI and a $500 littering ticket to boot.
Isn't it odd that the messycans, in addition to shitting all over the floor at the warehouses they work at.. seem to not exist in the eyes of the law, yet the law protects them, as apposed to saying "Well, he totalled your car, but he's really not suppost to be here. BTW I am going to go get some coffee and a donut, if something happens to him while I am gone, well, he don't exist, so the laws don't apply. Oh, and here is my stud gun, night stick and mace... have fun"
(That is false, I have yet to see the cop in the plane parachute out to issue a citation) (again, another false statement, this goes along with the lights on running radar, that's a OSP policy, not a state law) (again, wrong, officers are paid overtime ($35 per hour) to go to court, would you pass on that?) (no, you will not get it dismissed, you will have a chance to plead it in a trial, but Ohio law does not allow a jury trial for traffic offenses unless it's involves a felony like vehicular manslaughter) (here again, your age on the board shows 18??? just how many tickets since you turned 18 have you had? Minors don't even plead guilty or not guilty. It's either admit or deny the charge. While we appericate the Perry Mason stories, I think ol boy here might be better off with some factual information.
Are you looking for a camera man or something more?? Highlights.... Amateur Radio operator... experience with video transmission both SSTV (slow scan TV) and standard broadcast stuff on the amateur bands. I have a state certification in electronics repair fro my two years in the Newark Vocational School AKA CTEC. Three years of electronics at Central Ohio Techncal College and have been repairing any and all sorts of electronic devices for the last 20 years. I also am a Network Administrator at my current employer and have been in the computer and netwokring field for the last 12 years. Point is, I don't kow what you are looking for, if it's the guy that you hand a camera to and tell him plug in the blue cable to the red jack and take footage great. I can fit that need, but if you need some one to act as an onsite engineer, I have a a bit more background than a regular 'car guy' and still have that interest as well. Cal me at 614-989-2459 during the day and 614-923-9622 after 6:30 PM if you would like to discuss this more.
Sounds like we need to get together and talk money. Do you have a round number that you were thinking about for this stuff?
Solid rear axle, one the street, with all the weight in the back, in should understeer like mad. Tell you what, please let me know when you are going to put this on the road so I can stay home that day, seriously. I applaud your motovation for attempting something of this level, I honestly do. I however cringe that you are trying to 'figure out' brakes. My advice to you would be go get a copy of the Ohio Revised code, and pay perticular attention to what is legal for a braking system. The other book I would highly advise you read is The Door Slammers Chassis Book by Dave Morgan. There is a wealth of information about brake systems and the proper way to figure the multiplying forces of not only the hydraulic system, but the ratio of the pedal, meaning the length of the pedal arm, the point that the master cylinder should be from the pivot point for best braking performance. I guess the major concern I have is this. You are bloting a 600 up, and going to a 1000 if it's 'not fast enough' but BOTH of these motors are smaller than the original bug motor that was on it to begin with??? BTW, I am interested in the parts that you have 'cut off ' the chassis. And I would also be interested to hear about the motor that was on the chassis to begin with and see if its purchase-able.
As far as the flipping a motor, I was refering to the guys talking about a motor adapter plate to put a 2.3 on the bug trannie. As far as the disc conversion, uhhh, it's gonna weigh 1500 lbs, the disc's really aren't necessary, but there again this ain't my project. As far as the 130 HP/ 135 tq.... you better go look at the bike tq numbers, or lack there of. I have seen guys mention 200 HP bike motors, and that's true, at 13000 RPM. When you started into this discussion, you said go-cart. This ain't a go-cart, and is going to weigh at least 3 times as much as a go cart, if not more. I would advise you to start working your numbers with torque and HP and the wieght. If nothing else, take a guess at the wieght and start plugging torque numbers into the equations for 1/4 mile times. I realize this isn't gonna be a drag car, but it will give you some idea of how it's going to preform or not preform with a given weight and torque rating of a motor. Just a thought.
I think one of the other issues that is not being looked at here is the flipping a motor end for end. The pickup tube for the oil, front main seal and all the rest of the fluid stuff on a 2.3 or any other front mount engine is designed for a direction of accleration. Look at the oil pan on those motors, the resivoir is in the back, if you flip it around, what is the possibility of loosing oil pressure under accleration, not to mention sloshing oil against the front main seal, and the windage issues this is going to create. Just a though
Gee this is gonna sound all silly, but how about putting a bug engine back on it? There are 9 second bug's so power is not a problem, there are kits that around that are 1800 cc complete motors. I am not sure on price, but JC Whittney sells all sorts of bug shit, you might start with them. It's an air cooled motor, so there is none of the difficult radiator type stuff. And that ain't a go cart, it's a rail buggy, but I gotta ask, if you can buy one complete and running for $1000 more than what you are planning to spend on this one, why not just do that?
You really need to give a bit more info on the project. I saw street legal go-cart. First that's gonna be a bitch, any experimential/hand built vehicle has to 100% comply with ORC regulations for lights, exhaust and all sorts of shit most importantly bumpers and restraints to get tags. Second, is this to go toast vette's or to haul you to work? If you are gonna street race it, fuck legal, going 200 on a shifter cart or in a vette is illegal, your ass is going to jail either way if you get caught. Now that is out of the way, if you are bitching about $1800 then you have NOTHING in the way of money for this deal, I am also wondering what your fabrication abilities are. If you want simple, go with an OLD air cooled motor. Fabing up a radiator, lines and all that shit can be a bit complex. Not to mention the wiring and power for a cooling fan. The only down side to that is there is no way to heat it with the water. Old bikes are all over the place. Just look around for bikes that are sitting that look like they been there awhile. I have had 5 bikes given to me because they had not been rode for a long time. The needed work but the price was right. And remember that if you can weld and fabricate, there are always little turbos on ebay. a 750 to 1000 cc bike motor with a small turbo is going to make plenty of power.
Lobe Electric... but I don't know if they are going to have small rolls. I would get 3 colors and then get colored tape. They carry black, white, orange, yellow,green, purple, blue, red, brown and maybe a few others. I think that Lowes sells wire by the foot, that's where I got my marking tape. But they may only have 12 gauge.
Ohio Peace officer Corp??????
The concept is good, and in certain places, like high school wood shops, it would be a wonderful thing. Shop guys know better than to get their fingers near the blade. That's what push sticks are for. I think it might promote the 'gee, I can get my fingers close now, I have that brake thing on my saw' and the only way to know it's not going to work correctly is for it to be put to the test.... Are you SURE that you would want to be the one to tough a spinning saw blade and the safely not work.