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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. serpentracer


    I no eng tchrs. damn kids and their texting LOL
  2. everyone is blaming everything except one thing that is known to cause pulsations that no one realizes it, a slick spot on the rotor surface from a pad melting to it. this happens if someone didn't properly break in the pads and came to a full stop with the rotor really hot. the pads will leave a film on the rotor surface so every time it passes through the pads it slips causing a pulsation feeling. if your rotors were warped, you will have a soft brake lever at first because they will push the pads away from the rotor too far. first check the rotors to be sure they have no run out etc. if they are straight then buy a rotor hone to recondition your rotor's surface and then sand your pads flat. to do that remove the pads and lay them pad side down on a 100 grit piece of sand paper on a perfectly flat surface and rub them in a figure 8 pattern until they look sanded on the entire face of the pad. then use this hone to put the factory scratches back in the rotor and remove all traces of the old pad glazing. http://www.flexhone.com/ here is a set of instructions to properly bed in a set of new pads to eliminate this problem. http://www.zeckhausen.com/bedding_in_brakes.htm I copied this from another site, Failure to follow these procedures may result in brake judder, excessive noise, or other difficulties in bedding-in the new brake pads. The pads need a fresh surface to lay down an even transfer film. Residue from the previous pad compound on the surface or an irregular surface on a used rotor will cause the pads to grip-slip-grip-slip as they pass over the rotor surface under pressure. The resulting vibration will cause noise and telegraph vibrations through the suspension and steering wheel. This vibration is known as brake judder or brake shimmy. This is typically caused by an uneven transfer film on the rotor surface or an uneven surface on the rotor not allowing that transfer film to develop evenly. This is often misdiagnosed as a warped rotor.Bedding-in new pads and rotors should be done carefully and slowly. Rapid heat build up in the brake system can lead to warped rotors and or glazed brake pads
  3. why not put the stock sizes back in and put it back to factory settings and see how it runs and work from there? in my experience which is limited, too much air and not enough fuel makes them bog at high rpm.
  4. that's true but only after significant miles. how many cars do you see vibrating 2 months after they get new tires put on?
  5. ^^lolz told you guys so....man you guys are so fucking predictable it's not even funny. again hard head...some of us use a insurance policy that has a clause called a layover for 3 months. you cannot ride. so why go buy the registration for it when you could wait till spring when the layover is over and save $5-10 because the pro rate them. I saved $100 a year with the layover. you have to show proof of insurance when you renew your registration. the state randomly sends out insurance checks to see if your registered vehicle has insurance during a certain time..if you can't show prof, you get your license suspended. so that's another reason to not get them renewed.
  6. I bet there will still be another member come in and say (I know the law more than the people at the bmv or ohio plates.com) and it doesn't say anthing about motorcycles being exempt...I'm the definitive internet lawyer. cough..mattkatz...cough.
  7. the factory pro +4 advancer is a good mod for a R6. it makes the throttle more alive and smooths out the rpm band. I like old stuff...come here you sexy 60's cougar...
  8. one thing I do know for sure, you cannot transfer a cars plates to a truck. only from a truck to a car.
  9. I'll come shovel it with my snow blower for $250. salt is extra.
  10. it really appears things are improving. I was looking at careerbuilder.com yesterday and today there must be 100 more listings at least. things I was looking at yesterday are 3 pages back today. there are a lot of openings right now. I hope this trend continues. I will miss my old employer. I worked there 10 years. everyone is like my family...but I have to move on...since they aren't hiring anyone back and my unemployment ends in a few weeks. starting a new job is freaking me out. I hate being under the microscope.
  11. the hardware store up the street from me has a few sitting outside. they are MTD yard machines and I think the one I was walking past was the single stage for $250 or so give them a call, http://www.bridgetownhardware.com/ their webstore, http://www.myproship.com/index.aspx?StId=350&ShId=6a76f4b375134d42a001a2c2d414c5b8&tab=12&qtype=1&deptid=5555255210110000000
  12. yeah but you have to buy several hundred dollars worth if you want bigger pieces of it. like this 5 yrd roll, in my experience making my own farings, it's not enough to build one lower on a motorcycle. http://www.fibreglast.com/product/3K_Plain_Weave_Carbon_Fiber_Fabric_00530/Carbon_Fiber don't forget your resin http://www.fibreglast.com/product/System_2000_Epoxy_Resin_2000/Epoxy_Resins and the hardener for it, http://www.fibreglast.com/product/2060_Epoxy_Hardener_2060/Epoxy_Resins and unless you have a vacuum bagging system it won't be like real carbon fiber.. the pumps for that start around $400 for a small one. http://www.fibreglast.com/product/Vacuum_Bagging_Starter_Kit_00888_A/Vacuum_Bagging_Pumps
  13. that's not going to happen. for one it's too expensive. a small sheet of it is over $60. it's not even enough to make 1/2 of a lower faring. and you will need at least 2 layers to make a faring. so a lower just the carbon matting alone will cost you $480. now you need a gallon of resin at the tune of $100.
  14. I just got one today myself. they are hiring more too. I even get a company van. health insurance and a 401k.
  15. let me refer you to a company known for listing of companies. http://www.thomasnet.com/
  16. yeah I think you are right but everyone I ask about is says we are thinking about it wrong. here's what I was told, when my stuff runs out in march, I can get on tier 1 to start the whole tiered process. because it was amended again on Dec 19. but I think you are right, after feb 27, anyone still on the reg 26 weeks wont be eligible for getting any more. so it's over (for me) when I get my last 26th payment in march. I've been on hold since 8 am this morning trying to get in touch with them. I think I'll just drive downtown in the next 1/2hour to speak face to face with them. oh and lucky me..my employer is basically out of business now. yay! awesome. it takes longer than a month to find work. good thing I have some money saved up for retirement I get to waste.. all these damn job openings are ridiculous right now. bachelors degree type jobs going for a starting wage of $10/hr. looks like they got the working class right where they want us...working for pennies but expect high output, superior work, and educations that cost us $40k to obtain. people need to take a stand against this shit. don't apply or work for companies that hire at those wages that expect that kind of degree and experience etc.
  17. I was told that's not how it works.(I hope I wasn't told wrong) I know people who are getting the extra 53 weeks already. read this again, The EUC Act was amended on November 21, 2008; February 17, 2009; November 6, 2009 and, most recently, on December 19, 2009. This legislation allows up to 53 weeks of federally extended unemployment compensation, in addition to the possible 26 weeks of regular unemployment compensation, to eligible Ohioans.""""
  18. nope you're wrong I know people who are getting it because their regular unemployment has been over for 6 months already. I know another guy who's been on unemployment for over a year.
  19. I think that's the extra $25 a week they are giving out. not the actual total uemployment payments. read the first paragraph in this link, www.jfs.ohio.gov/ocomm_root/Ext-Benefits-FAQ-2008REV.pdf """"Governor Ted Strickland has signed numerous agreements to provide federal emergency extended unemployment compensation benefits to eligible Ohioans. These extensions are made possible by the President’s signing of the Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Act of 2008, which was first passed by Congress on June 26, 2008. The EUC Act was amended on November 21, 2008; February 17, 2009; November 6, 2009 and, most recently, on December 19, 2009. This legislation allows up to 53 weeks of federally extended unemployment compensation, in addition to the possible 26 weeks of regular unemployment compensation, to eligible Ohioans.""""""
  20. I'm not kidding you at all. I can show you a thread on another forum where the guy didn't get charged the $20 and was told the exact same thing. these threads are why I asked and contacted people in charge of things. not the people behind the counter. the first person I asked is the person in charge of the DMV location. and so I contacted ohio plates.com and they said the same exact thing. what's the chance 3 people in separate parts of the state say the exact same words in the exact same order?
  21. cobra is health ins. my health insurance is through humanna. when I was laid off I had the option to keep it by paying $30 a month for it. I think that's cobra but I'm honestly not sure.
  22. my unemployment is about $12/hr I paid into it so I don't have a prob using it. plus they are giving extensions. you get an extra 53 weeks on top of your standard 26 weeks. no one is in a hurry to work for less than unemployment just yet. I want my old job back. if that doesn't pan out..then I'll worry. LOL hell I've got more than a whole year to go. so I'm not too worried...yet. a lot of us are taking this opportunity to go to school again. what better circumstances than getting paid and going to school. plus they have grants right now that most people qualify for to pay for school that are unemployed.
  23. since I'm laid off I go around making money clearing driveways and walkways with my snow blower a fool gave me last summer. I bet he wishes he had it now. no more shitty shovels for me!
  24. you are doing the exact same thing I am. LOL I decided to try ubuntu on my old computer for something to do. hell I even went out to the computer store(microcenter) for a new video card that I don't even need. just so I can use all the flashy themes etc.
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