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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. battery life isn't an issue because now you can get extended batteries or external snap on extra batteries that look like a case cover. some are double the size MAH of the stock battery. it will last 4 days without a charge on some of them.
  2. you mean like 8 years ago:D it's not your fault nautical1, youtube is full of douches re-posting other peoples videos. especially since they started paying for clicks. people are using other peoples videos that got millions of clicks.
  3. that's weird. shoei got back to me right away about my issue. they even gave me a free part to fix it and I caused the damage.
  4. how does the battery last? I was thinking about getting an extended battery for it. but the lack of a protective case to fit the extended battery and it's new back is bugging me
  5. I got to test drive the samsung galaxy sIII and a Iphone 5 today. and all I can say is why would anyone choose a iphone over the galaxy is mind boggling. this thing kills the iphone in every aspect. other than being too big for some people's taste I can't see why anyone would choose the iphone over the galaxy for any other reason. the s voice system to me is way better than siri on the iphone. don't know what other reviews are bitching about. i found it to be better. now for anyone that knows about this stuff, does the galaxy have a quad core processor or not? some sites like sprint says it's dual core wiki says it's a quad core. so I'm not even sure which one I was using. if it was the quad core no wonder it's so much faster. and I seen about the new HTC one X+. guaranteed iphone5 killer. it has a 1.7ghz quad core processor. http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/391427/20121005/iphone-5-vs-htc-one-x-release.htm
  6. no dumber than people buying Iphones.
  7. wrong. It sounds like you're the butt hurt one around here. I guess I'm too much of a man for your little boy feelings. I can see why you like mentally retarded shows. it matches your personality.
  8. does the oring have a tapered side? on my R6 it does and if it's not installed properly it will leak.
  9. I don't get the facination of these shows. I'm not much of a tv show person. I think I've only seen 3 tv shows all year. and i didn't watch all 30 min of them.
  10. the problem is, the BBB is nothing more than a scam. if a company gets a bad review, the BBB gives them the option to pay them to make it "go away". plus the BBB does not confirm the complaint at all. which is why a lot of businesses have decided to not bother joining the BBB. they are NOT any kind of authority on anything. they're just a leach on businesses trying to make a buck. google bbb is a scam. here is a 20/20 video of top name companies getting F ratings since they wont pay for a membership. http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/business-bureau-best-ratings-money-buy/story?id=12123843
  11. serpentracer

    iPhone 5

    I know my phone can't but the nav never gets interupted either though. so I don't know how that works since it keeps working.
  12. oem makes the best rotors you can buy except for mabye EBC and definetely brembo. I've heard horror stories from all the rest. that included braking, galfer, abm (worst out there), and brake tech. they all suck compared to a oem rotor when talking about longevity, wear, etc.
  13. this seems to be a updated/revised instructions. mine said this feature was to let in extra air on your face but not wind. basically just twist the lock lever down while the sheild is open then when you close the shield it will leave the shield cracked open to let in air. and wind does not get in your eyes at all. it's the best feature of the helmet in my opinion. this is for the RF-1000 they mention it around 2:08
  14. serpentracer

    iPhone 5

    4g LTE phones are supposed to be able to browse and talk at the same time. the iphone 5 is the only phone so far that can't using verizon or sprint the article says.
  15. when in doubt, use a t bevel to get your angle. one of the most used tools i own. http://www.homedepot.com/Tools-Hardware-Hand-Tools-Measure-Layout-Tools-Marking-Layout-tools/h_d1/N-5yc1vZc24a/R-100156737/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&storeId=10051 they're both going to have to be cut at the same angle or you will always have an offset in them. I could show you how to find the exact degree your stairs are but it doesn't matter. use a t bevel instead. just lay it flat on the floor as much as possible or draw a level line on the wall and lay the other end on the stair's side and take that to your saw and adjust the blade to match.
  16. serpentracer

    iPhone 5

    tests are not looking good for the iphone5 for browsing the web and talking on the phone. it's crashing the maps guide if someone calls you too. http://www.wcpo.com/dpp/news/science_tech/consumer-reports-says-you-cant-talk-and-browse-the-internet-on-verizon--sprint-iphone-5
  17. a lot of people don't know it but you can open the visor and turn the lock mech so when the visor is closed it holds it open a little itty bit to let a lot of air in but not into your eyes. works like a dream. I love shoei helmets.
  18. I turned down a job at a coutertop company here in cincy. the boss seemed like a dick head. they fab granite tops along with everything else. you probably heard of them before. http://www.kbrmfg.com/
  19. remount it somewhere where it gets more air flow on it. I've even seen some guys mount fans on regulators on other bikes. it's not just a triump issue. a lot of bikes have issues with it.
  20. it's kind of like a spoiler. my shoei has one.
  21. yeah I ride it on the street the most. I just use race fairings and cut out the headlights. its way cheaper than stock stuff to fix if I crash. after the first time it went down. (2004) that's the last time it has stock fairings.
  22. plus obama and romney were in ohio this week.
  23. you know man I'b be willing to let you swap parts off my bike till it fixes your issue so you know what's up with yours. I'll be riding sunday though. so it would have to be tomorrow. the best way to test the coils is through the built in diagnostics. something all these other poor shlups don't have, only the great yamaha's have this built into the computer. and we can use my infrared thermometer which is designed just for this kind of thing.
  24. you have it backwards. the tan tops are the good mistubishi. the black ones are denso. and this only effected the 03 models.
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