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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. The fluids are the most important thing, but I have seen chain adjusters come loose, and my header bolt came loose last race.
  2. I'm not disagreeing with you, but the perception is that college campuses are exclusively populated by impulsive 18-22 yr olds who are drunk all the time. I am inclined to agree that the population of most campuses is more volatile than your average suburban or city neighborhood, and the increased number of youths does elevate the probability of an issue. That said, the right to defend yourself shouldn't be compromised by the stupidity (actual or perceived) of ones peers.
  3. everyone fills the space they have. I used to do a full weekend on a full-sized bike with just my ranger... Now we're rolling with the extended length sprinter, and it has only added things to our packing list... we bring a table, extra chairs, a bigger cooler, a second (and sometimes a third) canopy, extra helmets and gloves, etc. a locked space definitely helps with peace of mind, but loading and unloading isn't that bad. then again, JB and our pit crew do pretty much all of that for me.
  4. what. the. fuck. I'm not one to bash too hard on someone for putting neons on their bike (okay, yes I am) but on a 125 ...there ought to be a law
  5. I'd like to take a look at this on Saturday. I promise not to try it on with a sweaty head ;-)
  6. yeah, I was thinking of dipping my toe in the rental game as well, but the rental would be my back up bike. Or more likely, I would build myself a CRF as my 'new' A bike, and turn my current one into a rental/backup. Let me know if anyone finds a top-end for sale at a reasonable price. I have a spare engine in my basement that I need to rebuild. Unless I have a backup bike, I want to keep a backup engine around.
  7. stair stepper would have been way funnier, but that's still pretty good. I'm surprised Drew Carey didn't just laugh and address it.
  8. What about 6" ramps in the garage for the Sentra to increase its clearance? 2x6 ladder framing with plywood decking. Use treated 3/4" ply on the decking and it should last really well.
  9. who doesn't hate the Tempo and the Aztec?
  10. i'm not trying to bash on your gen Monte Carlo either btw, I just associate them w/ my neighbors who sort of suck. They have a black SS and a black Dale Jr. edition. Their cats torment my dogs. I don't hate the car, I just don't understand why 2 people who live together would own the same vehicle. No versatility...
  11. just keep a spare rear wheel around and leave a knobbie on the stock 19" front wheel - then it's still useful for the dirt.
  12. i'm not a huge fan of that generation monte carlo SS (compared to prior generations), but $600 ain't so bad. All of my vehicles are paid off, and I pretty much assume i'm going to spend at least a grand a year on them.
  13. You're mentor, right? JB and I have never spent a night in Circleville.
  14. I need to get on top of some things for my mom and my wife. between the two of them, my kid is actually not picking up on my shockingly average parenting skills... But seriously, my mother is the best. She watched our daughter two days a week and cooks us dinner every Monday - plus she tolerated my sarcastic insolent ass for 18-22 years before I moved out.
  15. you trying to roll it away for storage, or park a truck over it in the garage?
  16. I was just giving my coworker shit. I believe I said "you don't even skate!"
  17. At the highest level, I could see that, but on paper the goalie's body and pads cover 90% of the net without doing a damn thing.
  18. does the shell of the helmet really do much beyond distributing the impact? not to oversimplify helmet design technology, but they're mostly Styrofoam with a padded liner and a composite shell for weather-proofing and to hold the thing together. Even if that shell was weakened, I would be surprised to learn that that has a dramatic effect on the protection offered. A decal would be a great option, but fitting decals to curved surfaces is a huge pain in the ass. Plenty of people do custom paint work on helmets. It won't be cheap though.
  19. If you are in Intermediate group, just talk to the control riders ahead of time. In the morning they will be in "referee" mode, but once everyone gets rolling, I have seen them go out of their way to pull other riders off line so faster people on slower bikes can get by. There was a LOT of that going on when Kaleb De Keyrel was out in Intermediate on a Moriwaki 250 at Putnam years ago. the "I" group rules were really tough on him, so the control riders were doing their best to help him by people, and then let him run away on clear track.
  20. like I said, different states have different names for various laws. What we might call "reckless homicide" they will label as "depraved heart murder." In Ohio, reckless means having a heedless indifference to a known risk or likely consequence (or approximately that. I didn't pull the precise language). In Maryland, would bet that acting with a "depraved heart" has a very similar definition.
  21. WTAM is reporting that charges are being filed "in connection with Freddie Gray's death." Just based on what has been reported (acknowledging that it may not be accurate) I would presume dereliction of duty applies when a suspect requests medical attention and is refused it. The more serious charges like (in)voluntary manslaughter and/or murder would obviously be harder to prove. I don't know Maryland law, so the offenses may not have the same names they do in Ohio. (Ohio does murder, aggravated murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, reckless homicide, etc. Maryland may do the "degrees" system. First degree murder, second degree murder, and so on.)
  22. The listed name is "Troy." You planning on asking for compromising pictures?
  23. I know Jim, Will, and Rob from riding with them in the past. They're just regular guys who love riding like everyone else here. NESBA had a pretty firm "no supermotos unless it's at Summit Jefferson" rule. "It's the Northeast SPORTBIKE Association, not the Northeast Supermoto Assosiation." Etc. That said, I think those guys learned some things from NESBA's financial problems, and they're not inclined to turn away riders and leave money on the table. And therein lies the huge conflict of interest in running a trackday organization: Do you stroke people's egos and sell slower riders spots in Advanced group to pad your bottom line, or do you take a hard line on safety and skill, keeping the truly fast riders happy, but virtually always leaving 60% of Advanced spots un-sold? I feel like N2 is doing their best to find a compromise on a case-by-case basis that they're comfortable with from a financial and a safety perspective. Glad you were able to speak to someone and get things worked out.
  24. There are a few threads similar to this on the WERA board, but it's probably faster and easier to just find Brandon Cretu's username and PM him. He's raced in the TT a couple of times, so he has the contacts and information you're looking for, plus a ton more info you wouldn't think to ask.
  25. good bike, but not a great price IMHO. I paid $1450 for my '97 back in 2005, and it had fewer miles than that one. I like everything about the EX500, but if you showed me a showroom fresh model with 0 miles on it, I would still probably only pay $2200 for it... There are just other bikes out there that are better for the money. $1700 might be a realistic "hey it's May 1, and the weather is almost getting nice" price, but I think it's a few hundred inflated for the value of the bike itself.
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