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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. I don't understand how they can cut medicare payments to providers by $500,000,000,000.00 and ADD people to the program. Must be that fuzzy progressive math.
  2. Retail on the VFR is only $3400, so at $2,500 with a salvage title, its not really worth it.
  3. She's been campaigning since September, won a primary, and had a 30% lead going into it. She campaigned plenty. Apparently, most of it was with the wrong person. I'll let you figure out who that was (here's a hint, the last three people he's campaigned for have LOST) Well aware of that fact. I'm also aware that a Republican Governor signed the bill into law. I also know that in the short time its been in place its been a huge failure. For instance, the least expensive alternative for someone making around $30,000.00 a year is over $9,000.00 per year in premiums and out of pocket expenses. There are more details here: http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2009/03/02/mass_healthcare_reform_is_failing_us/ In my opinion, that was reason enough, and many people in MA that voted for him echoed that. The current proposals for health care reform don't reform anything (other than who's running the show). The proposals do nothing to limit cost and improve portability for the vast majority of Americans. They do, however, come with a guarantee of increasing the costs for EVERYONE by adding poor risks to the pool and forcing everyone else to pick up the tab.
  4. Actually, my doctor told me they're way more common in people over 60 (I'm not quite there yet) and the older you are, the worse they are. Recurrence is less likely, but NOT impossible. And yeah, they suck, BIGTIME
  5. I had them last year, and it was no fun at all. Anyone that's had chickenpox (similar virus) can get them. On the plus side, the chances of a second outbreak are pretty remote. Hopefully you can look forward to that.
  6. Coakley "mailed it in"?? WTF? Ummm....she had the current president, a former president, and a Massachusetts Senator campaigning with her. She was polling 30% higher than her next closest competitor (Brown) a mere 30 days before the election. From what I've heard (talking to business associates in MA) insurance premiums have increased up to 30% for many, and most are not overly enamored with the state run health plan, and a very high percentage of those who voted for Brown (like 56% or something) said they voted for him because he was going to OPPOSE the current health care control plan before the Senate. What part of this did you miss? First, Ms. Pelosi is the speaker of the house (as in house of representatives) she doesn't have shit to do with when Brown gets seated. Mr. Brown is a SENATOR. The joker that runs things in the Senate is Harry Reid who has already said that he'll be seated as soon as the proper paperwork is filed. It will be interesting to see if BHO continues to follow Alinsky, or if he pulls a Clinton and moves closer to the center to get this all worked out. One thing for sure, he'll talk a good game but whether he'll deliver is another thing entirely.
  7. Really? Who are "they" http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34923900/ns/politics-capitol_hill From the article "The people of Massachusetts have spoken. We welcome Scott Brown to the Senate and will move to seat him as soon as the proper paperwork has been received," said Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin said he would notify the Senate on Wednesday that Brown had been elected And... Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., said that it would "only be fair and prudent" to suspend votes on the on the health care bill until Brown is seated. Still getting your news from Comedy Central, or did that little tidbit come from The Onion?
  8. I'm not following the logic here. It seems obvious to me the the people of MA voted FOR Brown in large part due to his promise to take a stand against the Health Care Control legislation currently being considered. I'd call it a loss for the failed progressive agenda that BHO is trying to advance more than a loss for Coakley. Apparently, the people (at least in Massachusetts) DON'T want the agenda that's being advanced by BHO and the rest of the progressives. How is that "obstructionism". I guess though Kennedy finally got what he deserved. How fitting is it that the Republican that took his former seat is going to derail "his" health care control bill??
  9. One booth at the show did have Fiocchi .223 for $335/1000 rounds. Not a bad price, really.
  10. You come into the thread, and the only comment you make is about someone being a stinky asshole, and I'm the one trolling. Seriously, step away from the crack pipe there, tough guy. You've obviously lost touch with reality. Maybe you and the other kid can form some type of mutual admiration society.
  11. So, to be a "good guy" in your book, I have to compromise my ideals or my point of view and agree with someone else? Sorry, not gonna happen. I've been known to change my mind on things, but only when someone can bring a convincing and thoughtful argument to the table. I'm probably the least arrogant person I know. Hard headed, sure. I'm really shooting to be the ONLY guy here you don't like. If you had posed a thoughtful argument regarding the picture, I probably wouldn't have called you a child. Anyone that resorts to petty name calling in an attempt to prove his "point" is acting like a child, and deserves to be called one. In fact, blathering on about it because you got your feelings hurt continues to prove the point.
  12. I'm guessing the deals wont be any better any time soon.
  13. Yeah - for the high zoot stuff. FMJ was down around the $20 range. A buddy of mine wanted some 32ACP for an old pistol he inherited from his father - $16.00 for 50 rounds. Crazy.
  14. The 9mm that I saw was going for $20-$25 a box. No good deals on .223/5.56 either, unless you wanted steel cased stuff. Seriously, gas to get there $6.00 to get in, you ought to be able to catch some deals. Most of the people selling new guns couldn't touch the prices occasionally offered by Kames, Vance, etc. Doubt I'll be going to another one any time soon.
  15. Yeah, like the guy with the polymer frame CZ that wanted $550 and wouldnt budge and the old dude with the Glock 27 that wouldnt take $450 (had to have $500 - no less). I could get either one of those NEW for that kind of money. Totally disappointed. I remember back in the day, the show was the place to get really good deals on leather, guns, and ammo. Now not so much. Guess that's another thing we can thank Obama for.
  16. I went. Just like the Niles show, no smokin deals - even the guys walking around selling their own shit wanted top dollar for it. Think I'm gonna pass on future shows.
  17. Lets take that step back and look at this thread. I posted a photo, and made a tongue-in-cheek comment about it. YOU came in offered nothing of substance, or anything even related to the topic at hand and called me a fucking idiot. Seems to me that you were the one acting like a child, and has lost touch reality.
  18. Yup, plenty of nerve here. Someday, when you grow up, you might have some too. I never figured I needed your permission, but thanks just the same.
  19. Thanks for your opinion. Can you guess how much your thoughts mean to me? Since you can't refute anything that's said, you resort to personal attacks. Come back when you've grown up a bit.
  20. If I was going to get another wheel gun, I'd definitely be looking for an older S&W K Frame. I had one a few years ago (Model 19, 2.5" BBL) and wish I'd never gotten rid of it. If you find a good one, expect to pay around $500.00
  21. Yeah, that's where I'm at with it. If I cant save $100 at least by buying used, what's the point. If he gets hungry, let me know. Of course, if I see anyone walking the show Sunday with a good deal on one (or an XD) I'll probably pick it up.
  22. I'm going, but it'll be Sunday. Any word from your buddy on the 30?
  23. Is the UAW not a union? Did I not get the memo? I was a UAW member back in the 80's. I could have sworn they took something outta my paycheck that said "union dues"
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