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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Bump. I just cleaned the rods and wiped on a little silicone Saturday. Huge improvement. Just hope it doesn't make the bearings all sticky.
  2. I wouldn't run the pipe without installing a fatter jet first. They are very lean from the factory and just slapping a pipe and air cleaner on will lean it out even more possibly causing valve problems. There is tons of info out there for XRs and different jetting/pipe scenarios. Learn up on it and decide your best course of action or take it to a reputable shop and say fix it. I'm trying to get my hands on an XR and if I do I might be able to help you out after I get it sorted, but I don't think you want your bike to be my guinea pig and it's looking like it's gonna be a while before I get that bike.
  3. So what exactly is the Dave's carb mod? if you can tune up a car you can do this. They are much easier to work on being a single cylinder and simple carb. Would love to help you but I live clear down by Stoutsville I don't know when I would have time to get to it. I'm sure you would like to ride it before the season is over. lol Carburetor tuning is really pretty easy as long as you do your homework and learn how everything works.
  4. I just bought the Dynojet kit and followed the instructions for the most part. Watch lots of vids and read all the info you can google on the combo you want to install, which it sounds like you have and take the carb off and install the kit you settle on. If you have some basic tools and can follow basic instructions it's really easy. I pulled mine off and broke it down, soaked it in pine-sol overnight rinsed and let dry and replaced all the rubber, gaskets and fuel screw. Then installed the larger main jet called for in the instructions for my specific situation (fattening up lean condition with stock exhaust) and new adjustable needle set on the groove called for in the instructions. I installed the carb and new plugs (DR takes 2 even though it's a thumper) and rode it around the block (about 3 miles) under warmed up conditions, pulled the plug and read it showing it to be a touch lean. I adjusted the air screw and rode/checked plugs again until good enough. Be happy to answer questions, but I'm always up to my ears in projects. Out of curiosity, why are you changing pipes? Have you tried just desmogging yet? Looking at getting one of those and haven't researched them much. They have a pretty high power/weight ratio stock.
  5. I trailer. Eat snacks. Take naps. Feels good.
  6. You can ride mountain bikes on Chestnut Ridge Park on Winchester Road?
  7. Got my carburetor fine-tuned on the DR, as good as I'm going to get it anyway, and took the wife for a spin through the countryside before the roached out tire lost all of its air. she digs the riding position and the fact that it's not real powerful. She won't ride on my FZ. Claims it's too violent Then I spent $500 on a used tailgate for her outback since I backed it into my buddies back hoe Saturday. Go me!
  8. Fine tuned the carb on the DR650, put in new plugs and rode it like I stole it. Still looks a little lean. Gonna try backing out the fuel screw a bit.
  9. I've got at least one or two more Sundays in me for that place. it rains a lot in the spring.
  10. I think Sunday's work out better for most of us. Plus the big track ......
  11. shooting whistle pigs is good clean fun
  12. This shit has gone too far. Make sure you note the names of these senators who are begging for a Civil War. http://search-prod.lis.state.oh.us/solarapi/v1/general_assembly_132/bills/sb260/IN/00?format=pdf
  13. Have the arm and leg hems been taken out?
  14. Need to bring back Asylums for mentally deranged people on psychotropic drugs. But that's not PC.
  15. Meant to post "in before Bowdog sees it" last night.
  16. On another note, got the Dyno jet kit kit sorted out last night for the most part. Still needs tweaked. All of my troubles were mostly my lack of reading the instructions completely and not realizing that I can't do a stage one upgrade on the 96 and up DR. Had to go to stage two which involves removing the airbox lid. Something I'm not super comfortable with since this thing will see some light off road duty and lots of dusty gravel roads. Runs like a raped ape on the crystal, but I'm considering going with a different needle and just doing the snorkelectomy. DJ 160 Main Needle on the fourth clip Screw 2 1/2 out these bikes must've fallen out of popularity around 2010 because of all of the carburetor tuning information I can find them on the forums is from that time and earlier.
  17. Hell yeah man! I'm very green riding two wheels off road but definitely interested in chasing you guys around on the back roads. Read the little XR around gravel roads at the Wayne by myself and had a ball. That's why I wanted to upgrade Yeah Bubby, very interested in the skid plate and the rear shock. This thing is already crazy low. Need someone that knows more about them to tell me if it's already been lowered or if it has too much sag.
  18. It's a Dynojet needle from their $60 kit. Supposedly engineered for that exact bike. Even tells you what to set everything at. Bone stock bike just lean as fuck. I plan to try dropping the needle one spot tonight and see if that helps. It worked on the XR
  19. So, after road testing, the Suzuki ran like shit. So here we go again with another carb rebuild. After doing my research, it is apparent that these come from the factory ridiculously lean. $100 and a bottle of pine-sol later, it is rebuilt and rejetted with a Dyno jet kit. All settings are exactly what the dynojet paperwork calls for. Fires right up with a little choke and idles good. Road testing reveals a major surge and stumble at half throttle. Low speed and wide-open throttle are decent. My initial thought say raise the needle, but I did that on the XR250 several times and got increasingly shittier results until I actually lowered the needle. About to go off and read up on the adventure bike forums, but do any of our in-house carburetor gurus have any advice?
  20. I used to have this Asian friend @jbot who posted all kinds of funny fucked up shit all the time. And then he had kids became boring. Want to be my new Asian friend?
  21. I'm a probably depending on on call schedule and weather. Nevermind. On call. Have fun peeps.
  22. Mine was pretty rough also. 900 miles in the last eight years. Been sitting too much. Stripped it and soaked it overnight in Pine-Sol and it's good as new. hopefully putting it back together tonight and with fatter jets and adjustable needle from the dynojet kit. I neednone one of those extended mix screws.
  23. Who did you send it to? What was wrong with it? just curious because I'm rebuilding the same carb right now.
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