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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Wood lathe - there's an excellent way to lose fingers. I used to do security systems and monitoring and used to be a sponsor here, but I shut it down this year. Now I work for my buddies auction on the side.
  2. Hey, I'm married, I got no reason to lie to you.
  3. We love women who own and actually know how to ride a motorcycle. Gets us all chubbed up.
  4. I was just trying to be nice. Gosh!
  5. Talk to blake. I thing he is ready to unload his outlaw.
  6. We have had winter gatherings there the last couple years.
  7. Dads 1976 Marlin .44 mag It was the smallest gun there. My buddy Jerry was using this monster. .450 Thumper. The other guys were sporting .45-70's. Also hunted with dad's Ithaca 37 Deerslayer
  8. Saw a bunch of deer down in Vinton County. Took a video of a doe stomping and snorting at me, shot a 4 pointer that had a big growth on his face and my 70-year-old hunting partner shot his first ever buck, an 8 point on Monday. Saw some Tuesday morning but not much happening in the afternoon since it was nearly 70° Beautiful woods.
  9. @jbot what the fuck they sayin?
  10. All I've seen lately is this goofy doe but my buddy got the one in the middle outside lithopolis this week and my friends nephew got the crazy beast on the bottom in Texas.
  11. Welcome back. Sweet bike. You'll notice lots has changed in 4 years
  12. Do they have these that are like three or four days? Was wanting to look in to something the week between Christmas and New Year's but haven't had time yet.
  13. You apparently haven't beat your body up as much as I have over the years. just driving my work truck long-distances damn near cripples me some days. if I'm doing long-distance touring, give me a Connie or an FJR or equivalent. The FZ isn't going to cut it.
  14. Sorry man, I'm just too busy to make the trek. Didn't realize originally how far away you are.
  15. Yep, this buck looks ready to bang some bitches
  16. Just spooned on a fresh set of PR2's. Old skool, bitches!
  17. Saw this bad boy on my way to set up my tree stand Sunday afternoon
  18. Very interested. Still have original furniture?
  19. Sigh. Again completely different bike completely different handlebars completely different ergonomics and look at those bag mounting choices. An FZ1 is not a touring bike, at least for me. I love that bike, but at the end of an all day ride I could barely walk and I don't want to see it again for at least a week.
  20. I was speaking on the ergonomics of the second gen FZ1 and the complete lack of luggage available to hang on it as to why I won't tour on it, Won't ride it to the gap etc.
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