Todd if you are reading this. There are just some things you don't do. Even if you feel your girlfriend was wronged by her ex. Being a thief is very low. You should be ashamed of yourself. What a scumbag. We live in a society and people like you make this society worse for everyone else. You are the reason we all have high insurance rates, higher taxes to pay for more cops and have to pay for locks on our doors. People like you ruin it for everyone. Honestly what are you thinking, you aren't some crack head off the street who doesn't know better, you clearly are educated enough to know how to use a computer. Quit thinking like a stupid meat head and become a contributing member of society, don't reinforce the stupid hick stereotype that typically follows scumbags like you. I'm not a violent person so you don't have to worry about me kicking your ass but I'm not sure I'd ever help you out either. You are a disgrace.