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Everything posted by AOW

  1. :welcome:

    nice to see you have thick skin...

  2. Here's my line of thought on conventional balancing. The wheel with tire is only optimally balanced for that short period of time between balancing and riding. As soon as the heavy spot impacts the roadway while under load, its weight is changed. Over a period of time with the heavy spot continually impacting the roadway with greater force than the rest of the tire, the heavy spot will soon cease to be the heavy spot.. I run dyna beads and am happy with them.
  3. the puke BJ story is EPIC. don't sweat the small stuff, life's too short. You know where you've been and seems like you have an idea of where you would like to be, so alls good.
  4. worked wonders on my back pain. (I have two bulging discs)
  5. stay away from their motorcycle jack. It has a life span of less than 2 years. A friend of mine in Reynoldsburg let me borrow his 1 year old HF jack and it died a slow leaky death while my bike was in the air. After I rebuilt his jack (seals, o rings, crush washers) I ran to sears and picked up their yellow aluminum jack.
  6. "GM said the recall would cover 2005-2010 Chevrolet Cobalts, 2007-10 Pontiac G5s and similar models sold in Canada and Mexico." at least we're pulling a China and shipping the fucked up shit out of the country
  7. Yup, still just the V. I'm enjoying quite a bit of twisties, and not having to garage the bike for 100+days a year without being able to ride. How's FL treating you?

  8. you do know that you can simply order the correct lamp ($15 - $25/pair) and keep the ballast...
  9. I have Garmin Nuvi 765t. If you're REALLY that concerned about the unit getting wet, you can purchase a waterproof RAM enclosure for it. I prefer to use a Marine Bag, but I've only had to pull it out of the mount and pocket it one time. Most of the time as long as you're moving at a good click, the unit stays dry. 765t allows you to upload maps from google, mapsource, or city navigator. IMHO motorcycle specific modules are an added $200 - $400 more for the waterproof factor. A 3 cent ziploc makes your unit waterproof as well.
  10. have similar app on my Palm Pre. Comes in handy when down in Monterey
  11. AOW

    More Toyota Drama

    think this assumes that the floor mats are the true root of this issue. (which I don't believe) I've had unsecured floor mats in many of my vehicles and have NEVER had a floor mat depress the accelerator. If the mats are the real problem, wouldn't velcro be the quickest easiest solution?
  12. I do this couple of ways. My Palm Pre geo tags any pix I take w/the camera so I can easily pull up that info in iPhoto or whatever. My Garmin Nuvi 765t has a "Photo" feature. It allows you to take a symbolic snapshot of where you are at. No real pix, but it tags your location on your gps for download and review later. I also installed "where is my pre" which tracks my route and time stamps at my chosen interval.
  13. if you're not going to play and give 100% then you shouldn't be on the team. The losing coach always has the option to forfeit instead of watching the score pile on
  14. Like the OP I gave up riding for little more than 10yrs and never realized how much I missed it until I starting riding again. It brings joy into my life in a way that the wife and kids can not. So, you can either ride and feel alive, or bungee jump, or sky dive, or PCP, or crack, or heroine...... Let "haters" know that it is YOUR life, not theirs. If they choose not to ride you're cool with that, and they should STFU I had a similar conversation with my mother when I purchased my current bike. After 20 minutes of listening to her tell me how I need to think of my wife and kids, I finally told her "so now that I'm grown up and not only don't want your advice, but don't need it, you want to tell me how to live my life? Tell you what mom, quit smoking and maybe, just maybe your argument might mean something. Until then, my life, my money, my business, so keep your comments to yourself or just don't bother calling any more." She chose to STFU, and then my older brother bought the same bike two weeks later.
  15. unlike Harley, Apple combines today and tomorrows technology in a nice pretty functional wrapper. HD combines 19th century technology with a 70 year old's perspective of a great bike, then subtracts about 20HP before putting it on the market.
  16. and yet another reason I will never step foot into a Walmart again. FUCK WALLY WORLD
  17. Sidi Canyon Gortex. By far the most comfortable boots I have ever owned. Waterproof, comfy, full boot, and soles are replaceable.
  18. surprised no one mentioned Helen Slater. Super Girl!!
  19. Sidi Canyon Gortex FTW!!! Very comfortable, waterproof, replaceable sole, and they're Sidi!
  20. uhhh NO.. That makes ZERO sense at all. Using your logic his car should spin out equally as easily with the snow tires on the rear. On my front wheel drive vehicles I have always installed the studded tires on the front. If you don't have traction at your drive tires then you ain't driving you're just sitting in your driveway kicking up snow!
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