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  1. I haven’t used a gpx file in a looong time. I usually just map out on Google then download offline maps. I also have the TomTom app for when I don’t have signal or offline maps. I mostly wanted Waze. And the Bluetooth connection between the Zumo, my phone, and my Sena has been a constant pain in my ass. This just works.
  2. I've had enough with some of the frustrations with Sena. I have a pair of Cardo Pack Talk Bolds on order. I hope that we like them.
  3. How much for the lid and the Sena SRL?
  4. ^ What he said + 1. I'm upgrading my helmet in the spring, and I have been considering going to the Cardo. My daughters and brother use Sena, so I'll probably stick with the Sena 30k for a while longer. I have no complaints with the 30k, I was just thinking about upgrading it at the same time as my helmet. You probably can't go wrong with either. It depends on what your buddies are using.
  5. The Cardo's seem to be popular with the Wing riders I know in the message boards but I don't see them saying anything that makes me think they are substantially better than the Senas. Boils down to what your riding buddies have if you want to pair with them.
  6. Wife and I started with the Sena 20S and had good results. We've since upgraded to the 30K and found the audio has improved ( especially with the new mesh technology ) but ours are primarily used for communication and BT GPS direction with my phone or Zumo. I cant say anything good or bad about the Cardo, since I've no experience with them....but their systems seem to be just as popular as the Sena's. If you're partial to Sena, you could always upgrade to the 20S since you dont use the intercom features much, as the 30K's primary upgrade from the 20S was communication based.
  7. I just broke the clip off of my Sena 10S. I could probably rig something up but this might be an excuse for an update. What does everybody like these days? I use it primarily for listening to music and google directions. I don't use it for communication during group rides very often. What's the best these days for audio quality? Sena used to be the top dog but it seems like Cardo does better in the recent reviews.
  8. Bluetooth communication asking 130 3 months old
  9. It's amazing how well my sena has lasted. It's so old but still works exactly as it did when I bought it.
  10. Bike related, it’s winter. I replaced the battery in my Sena 10s with one I bought from Amazon.
  11. AIM expo was awesome last year. Test rode shitloads of bikes and barely even went inside (but there were a few sorta interesting things in there.) Not all manufacturers were there, but a good number of em including KTM and husky. HD didn't even do guided rides, they just turned you loose on whatever until you were bored with it. They totally fukt it this year because no public admitted- so it's looking like it will be a bikeless, boring room of the sena guys talking to the cardo guys and the chinese guys showing off their cloned parts or whatever.
  12. Okay actually paired my camera to my Sena and did my first ever motoblog. It's a hour long video that was edited down from 4 hours of footage where I jabber about various things. Sound is a little "tin canny" but not bad for a wireless set up. Let me know what you all think. Still a work in progress.
  13. Nope, she needs to take safety foundation class. @RidersDiscount hooked us up with Sena 20S dual pack and some other gear and we've done about 750 miles together this year. The house is selling and she wants to travel the country for a month or two, so my bike is actually for sale. Will get another as soon as we return and have her take the msf class.
  14. Last week I rode with five friends that have been to Blue Ridge Parkway many times and had created a route with what they deemed the top roads they had ridden. Due to Covid 19 the roads were empty along with the hotels. There were approximately 10 people at each hotel. We rode 60+ miles on the BRP and only passed four vehicles. The trip was outstanding, we had a light drizzle Thursday morning, by noon the roads were dry. Temperatures were in the 70's every afternoon. The road I really enjoyed was the Back Of The Dragon, great twisties, very little traffic and the road was in great shape. Four of us bought the new Sena 50's hoping to improve our communication systems. I have owned Sena 10 and 20' models, they were OK, but there were many pairing issues, reconnecting problems when people were out of range and rejoined, sound quality with static and wind noise. If you had more than two people connected the communication sound quality dropped off with each unit connected. The music sound quality was pretty good when not using the Sena's for communication, when listening to music when someone would talk the sound was either to loud to hear voices or the volume was almost off. It was either communicate of listen to music. Sena did a great job on the 50 series, the Mesh 2.0 is a game changer! To connect you simple push the mesh button, it opens the mesh system and everyone is connected. Once we had the setting levels correct, we could listen to music at the volume we wanted and if someone spoke the music continued to play at the same level and voice was clearly in the background. There was no static or wind noise. When I finally left the group I could barely tell the difference in the music clarity once the communication connection was off. The range in Mesh mode was around one mile with great clarity. We didn't check, but the Mesh technology is supposed to work like a daisy chain and if each unit is a mile apart there can be five miles with units in between. Listening to music at the same volume the entire ride while communicating was a huge advantage of the Sena 50.
  15. This was not how I imagined the last few days in Ohio to be. I was hoping to meet and ride with every awesome folks i met through our the years. I think it will be safe for me to brag that I have met with most number of OR folks and rode with them over the years than the rest of you all. Not just group rides but through PMs and all have met with those “shy” OR Members who don’t post much but still wanted to give group rides a chance etc. From that collection of over 150 active riders spread 10 yrs only like 30 active folks left. And will miss you all and these roads (not this weather) I am not exaggerating but being honest when I say most of you folks has been closest to family and friends for me. I might not show it in words and deeds since I am socially awkward but truly appreciate that OR existed and got the chance to meet and ride with you all. I still wished I could meet few more regular OR peeps who I never got to meet. End of April I finish work here, I had taken 40 days off and was planning to travel with family. We been planning for these days for almost a year as this is the first true extended holiday we were getting. But alas things have changed completely. Timed my move from Ohio around May 15 so I would have 2 free weeks to meet and ride with you all again in these amazing roads once more before I left. Alas that opportunity is in question as well. I was hoping to post one last epic ride thread, hoping to have a multiday WV tour, was hoping to hit the track once more before I left. All plans got sidelined. But I will still Try to do a “social distance friendly ride” with at least few of you before I pack up. As long as we stay in our bike fully geared and ride safe without risk of crash I still vouch for motorcycling during these times, but then again I am biased. To communicate we can stay far away and use our Sena right Tonik hope you guys still continue with the gap trips, I hope to make it there at the same time. May be another Marion Virginia 3 day trip, that’s a spot we can meet and explore lot of good roads. Anyways just 20ish days left and the nostalgia is too much to handle, deep down I am a romantic I guess. Most of all I really miss Jerry. I know it would have been a difficult good bye with him, but we already did that part Been watching lot of video of rides we did together, dayuuum those were some good times. I started tying out personal goodbye to folks in this thread and that became too huge too long. Delete, trim. Will just text you all asshats 😆 Hope to see and ride with you all some day again soon. 👍 Ride on Ride safe
  16. Ive had many Sena products and this is true but the good old original SMH10 is built like brick shit house. My wife still has one of the one out of the duel pack I bought maybe 6-7 years ago and it's still going strong after a only $10 battery replacement.
  17. Never ever buy Sena's latest thing, like the 50S that is about to be released. Sena has a history of using their early adopters to help iron out the bugs in products that really weren't ready for sale. I have not been bit - but I've seen it and heard the whining.
  18. Last year I wanted to use my Sena SMH10R with my dual sport helmet. Decided to buy a third unit so I can avoid swapping back and forth. Was not willing to risk suggesting that I could move the wife's unit. Went to Revzilla for an SMH10R and ended up with a 10R. At the time I thought it was an SMH10R and they had added the radio feature. But when it arrived the box said it was a 10R. I suspect that the Revzilla description was wrong - not that I would blame them when Sena is continually changing things. Anyway, today on Revzilla you can get a pair of SMH5-FM for $215 and have the radio. A pair of SMH10R's (no radio according to the online description) is $287. And a pair of 10R's (with radio) is $395. These are all sale prices - no idea when they will end. Or you can check Ridersdiscount.com Mike is a member on OR. (whom I keep forgetting to check - but I'm still loving that Shoei Transitions shield!) I really like my SMH10R and the 10R with the radio is just a bit nicer. I think the 10R might have a bit better battery life and a few extra yards of range. Whatever you decide on, read the descriptions really closely because with so many similar names, it's easy to get confused.
  19. One thing to consider with the 5 - a few years ago, that model could only connect with one other unit. Fine for riding with the wife, but then if you ride in a group you must choose between talking with the wife or talking to the group. Though if the other unit is a Sena 10 or above you should be able to network both in. Not real simple though. OTOH my neighbor says the lit for his 5, newer than my 10, is able to connect to up to three others. Sena seems to add features to their older models every now and then. He's never been able to get it to work with more than the one other 5. But he doesn't seem to like talking to other riders anyway and it's not fun sitting aroud in your gear trying to connect to others. A pair of SMH10R's is about $100 extra. Just a thought.
  20. Yes, the headsets make it better for the wife. I like mine for music when she's not along. I have a pair of Sena SMH 10R which are getting to be older but they work fine and we don't need the extra distance and connectability that the newer units offer.
  21. My old helmet timed out last September so had to replace it for this years riding season. I will be spending the rest of tonight updating the software for my Navigator VI and the Sena 30K then installing the speakers and microphone in the new helmet. I'm going to miss the old helmet, spent many fun miles looking out of it over the past couple years.
  22. https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/sena-20s-evo-bluetooth-headset-with-slim-speakers
  23. ricer1

    2020 Cleveland IMS

    I received the InEarz ear plugs with speakers. The last few days I had a chance to ride on the highway over 90 MPH and on the back roads, these are very impressive. They conform to my ears extremely well and are very comfortable. The ear plugs block the majority of wind noise and the speakers are truly amazing. I have always enjoyed merging my obsessions of music and riding, in the 80's I had to use earbuds and bulky Sony Walkman's and AM/FM players with buttons to change channels quickly to avoid the commercials. Of course I lost a couple of Walkmans flying off my belt on the highway. In the 90's I upgraded to MP3 players with earbuds. With all these earbuds they would pop out of your ears if you turned your head wrong. Then the holy grail came can down from the heavens in 2010, the Sena arrived. No more earbuds, pretty good sound and you could change songs with a turn of the wheel. BUT, the sound wasn't that loud, even after I upgraded to aftermarket IASUS speakers. The InEarz ear plugs with speakers are so loud I barely turn the volume up and the sound clarity is good.These are such an improvement over the Sena speakers there is no comparison. JMHO!
  24. B-Mac


    Jim's MORGAY Since moving here in 2011 I have enjoyed the Epic fast rides and some spirited pace rides posted by OR members. They have been super fun and executed safely. I am not on FB so I hope this forum will remain a place to join in on spirited rides. I will always show up for Jim's donuts and shenanigans. P.S. I do have a Sena and I can shoot from a Motorcycle.😜
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