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new rider - first bike advice

Steve Butters

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i wouldnt go new for a new rider but thats just me. From all reviews I've seen they are fantastic bikes and would make a good learner bike for sure. MAybe just take the plastics off until shes got a decent handle on it?

Edited by Bad324
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I'd say if you buy something new like the cbr500r make sure you get frame sliders or crash bars, but then again if it's a new model like that, they probably don't even have those aftermarket parts available... I'd agree though, I don't think I'd go with a new bike for a brand new rider. Hell, I'm thinking about getting another bike for the track, then a sport touring later down the line too and the only one I'm half way debating getting new would be the sport tourer (A C14 or 2006+ FJR1300), but that'd be at least 9-10 months from now, if not more.

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Seriously tho, for a newb I'd try and find something old and fucked over, cb500, xs400 special2, xj600 seca2, kaw 400, cx500 custom, something cheap that works and isn't crazy fast, something you can learn on and won't get bored with for a few seasons. I happen to have an 84 magna 700 for sale right now for $1200. Low seat, easy to ride, reasonably powerful....pics and vid in my for sale thread.....and its not lbts or fucked over

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Maybe I'm stereotyping, but I do know my wife. Girls are trained to look pretty. I'd think she'd take the same training to a motorcycle. If it's not pretty, like last year's purse, she won't put her wallet in it. Then, you just hurt your wallet. 


My $0.04... 


Once again, I'm biased, but the first gen Ninja 650's are killer, imo. if you can get over the banana seat, which my butt still misses, the plastics are simple and smooth, and I like it. 

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Word of advice: Don't let YOUR enthusiasm buy her the bike YOU like. :-) Be open to whatever HER interest gravitates to because like others have said, she has to be comfortable and care about the bike to bond with motorcycling. It's just how gals seem to be wired. All within reason of course.

MSF course first, if at all possible, to let her ride (and drop) the state's bikes. Then she'll also have a better idea about what she wants to own.

My GF's first bike turned out to be a used Taiwanese 125cc scooter with classic styling and its working out great. She bugs me every other day to practice and is picking things up gradually and safely, I think because she wants to be Audrey Hepburn in Paris. :-) Is it bitch'n bad ass high horsepower biker cool? No. But she loves the scoot enough to be learning how to maintain it herself, which surprised the heck out of me. Enjoyment is the name of the game, and if you really dig her, let her enjoy the full fun of the process.

Hope that doesn't come off as too shrinky-dink.

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 looking at a 2006 ninja 500r ..

I've read those are good starter bikes, I have no idea. My thinking was get the biggest one you could lift up by yourself, so, at 15 I started with some kz125 street and trail thing. 

she's taking the MSC, yes?

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 Virtually all noobs drop the bike at least once.



Also, I would say one really important, often overlooked, thing to teach her is how to pick the bike up by herself.



I was going to mention about the Ninja 500 weighing 440 lbs. with a full tank.

Don't get a bike you can't pick up by yourself when you are alone in the

middle of nowhere, with darkness and rain clouds rapidly approaching.



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I was going to mention about the Ninja 500 weighing 440 lbs. with a full tank.

Don't get a bike you can't pick up by yourself when you are alone in the

middle of nowhere, with darkness and rain clouds rapidly approaching.



i think mine is a little over 400 and Im a small guy 130 wet lol, i've dropped mine after a few months i started riding and i was embarrassed as fuck and full of adrenaline idk but i popped that bitch back up the moment it touched the ground and that was with one leg because i was still on it lol damn front brake at slow speed pulling in a parking spot with the bars full turned. O well shit happens but best of luck to ya Mr butters and your woman!!! I think when ever you drop it you get that adrenalin boost so you better use it haha 

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I'm not picking one based on what I like lol. If it was up to me, it would be a busted up ninja 250.

She actually wants something like a 600rr... But I refuse to put her on a 600 supersport when she's never even ridden before.

Been trying to find some options for bikes that look fast but really aren't. She doesn't want a 250 because she thinks she will outgrow it.. I'm kinda Ok with that, just because of how fast everyone drives around here.. Don't want her to have to rev it to death to go on the highway... I think a 500 will be good... She looked at an older ninja 500 and didn't hate it.. We may go that route.. But these new cbr500r aren't priced bad at all.. I plan to pick up a new bike in 2-3 months, maybe they will cut some money off if we buy one of these at the same time

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The CBR500's are pretty nice. I wish they had those when I first started out.  I think it would be a nice first bike. I started on KZ305 and outgrew it in like 2 weeks. We then bought a pretty beat up Hurricane 600 and fixed it all up. New paint,plastic. The works.  And yes, I dropped it. Stuff happens. I cried. We fixed it. Life went on. Good luck with the bike purchase and have fun together. My husband and I love our rides together. It keeps us sane and probably married. We just had a date night - I mean ride on Friday and Saturday in Hocking Hills and really had a blast.



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