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gunner75's crash thread

Gixxus Christ!

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Just thinking through your description of the crash makes me believe that you were VERY lucky that there wasn't another car/truck coming along after the SUV. Shudder to think what could have happened.

Heal up soon. Glad you're ok. Thanks for posting as I need a reminder to slow down myself.

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Really glad you're okay. I wince every time I see one of these threads. So it's a relief that you're good to ride another day. I don't have any advice - I'm pretty much a newb. Besides, I think you've gotten plenty already.

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Sheriffs are usally pretty cool about these things. If it were a OHP they would have thrown everything they could at you and treated it as guilty untill proven innocence.:nono:

You mean throw everything they could because he was guilty.

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Wow James.....glad you are OK, could have been much much worse as you for sure realize. Yeah it might be a good idea to take a break from riding for awhile, and you may consider another bike that won't handle so well or allow to ride so fast. Might be time for a cruiser, not sure you can control yourself to slow things down. Heal fast buddy, spend some quality time with the family and count your blessings.

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If you are riding solo and flying thru the straights only to grab a fistful of brake at the curve you are going to crash period.

Todd....can you elaborate on this? I am 100% not trying to be a dbag here and always looking to gain other riders insight even after riding for 15 years. I have been riding a long time, and while Im far from an expert, I am not a squid either. I love the feeling of power from a big bore bike, and I sure as hell cant go FT in a turn :). Are you just saying your skills should be enough that you arent hammering the bike only to tiptoe through a curve?

Glad you are OK Gunner. Sounds like it could have been alot worse!

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Are you just saying your skills should be enough that you arent hammering the bike only to tiptoe through a curve

Pretty much. Anyone can hammer down a straight. If you find yourself saying oh shit and grabbing brakes every time you see a curve ahead you're probably riding over your head.

If letting off a touch and engine braking is sufficient then you are within your ability. IMO.

Want to up your ability, do a trackday with some good coaches

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Got to give the man credit for owning up to it though. Made a mistake, admits the mistake and tries to learn from it. Squids would be telling us how the road suddenly grew a pot hole and this deer ran in front of him and a unicorn messed with his brakes.

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I believe that you fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: Don't go off the road, or over the yellow line, in a straight panicked trajectory.

It's been my experience that nearly all accidents involve the rider freaking out for various reasons, unleaning the bike and going straight off the road. Rarely do people "lay her down" while actually on the road. I learned this lesson very early from a friend of mine who was going pretty hot into a corner, hit a tar strip and had his back tire slip a bit, then he panicked and went straight off the road into a ditch. He drilled into my head to just lean back over, which is logical and very easy to say but extremely difficult to will yourself to do, admittedly.

Most of us are riding sport bikes that are a lot better than we are, so if we would just lean over you would go right through the corner, you would only have to change your shorts later.

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Lol. I have a feeling you know exactly what I'm trying to say. It's the youngins that have a hard time with the concept

Thats how we ride to. 70ish on the straight s and 70is in the turns. 99% of the time you can pass a Sheriff doing 70 in a 50 on a back road and the wont even look at you funny. Having saddle bags on your bike also seems to make you invisible to cops too... LOL

Taken a couple of younger guys on sport bikes with us and they were bummed when I explained how we do it..... Untill they figured out that doing close to the speed limit in the straights and 3X the posted speed in the turns is a lot harder than it seems.

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Got some shitty news today. My insurance (Allstate) says that I do not have collision coverage on my bike, I initially purchased a liability/comprehensive policy, when I went to add the collision coverage to my policy it wouldnt allow it due to a need for a call from a local agent. I did speak with an agent. We talked about the need for full coverage due to having a loan on the bike. We talked about having my auto coverage brought over and we talked about renters insurance. The agent told me on the phone that she would make the necessary changes to my policy and then call me back with the rate changes. The looks of the policy shows she never made the changes and she never called me back. She also swears she never spoke with me, however I have my call logs showing where her and I talked for 16 minutes on March 28. Ive started a claim and they said i will be contacted by the investigator soon. I dont think it will go anywhere as their paper work and my policy doesnt show collision coverage. However I do have the paperwork showing where she called me, and where our conversation lasted for 16 minutes.

In the end it looks like Im going to be stuck footing the bill to get the bike back on the road. I just need to get the money raised to get it from where it was towed.

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