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Did you sign up at HealthCare.gov


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Still waiting for the explanation of how this is saving us all that lovely money too.

Sure sounded like a nice idea, but the nuts and bolts of it all seem to be the problem.



It all hinges on a 40 percent enrollment level of young people that are not sick. They are going to subsidize the old people that are sick. That worked really well for Social Security. I am actually in favor of Universal Single Payer health care. But what Obama has made is a giant disaster, it is going to do far more harm than good.

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It all hinges on a 40 percent enrollment level of young people that are not sick. They are going to subsidize the old people that are sick. That worked really well for Social Security. I am actually in favor of Universal Single Payer health care. But what Obama has made is a giant disaster, it is going to do far more harm than good.


no, no no that's socialism, the republicans were not going to have any of that...


you do realize that obamacare is working in california, new york, idaho, kentucky, massachussets, rhode island, DC, maryland, vermont, colorado, new mexico, nevada... All the states that set up their own state exchanges are working wonderfully. Not flawlessly, but far and above "working". 


If ohio had their own exchange, you'd have little to bitch about. Now Kasich did expand medicaid per the new obamacare limits. (you people bitching about "free" healthcare, there you go.) Why not set up an exchange to service the new insurance needs of "middle class" ohioans? Why should we all have to rely on the federal site for a health insurance exchange?

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If ohio had their own exchange, you'd have little to bitch about.


Wait, it's Ohio's fault the exchange is totally f'd up? How about you hold Obama responsible for this mess, just once don't be disingenuous. Just once, That's not much to ask for.

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Does california have this problem? Does new york? Virginia?

It would be nice if the federal exchange website worked as well as everyone wants it to, but it wasn't designed to be the exchange for the whole country. The law was written with the expectation that states would pull their own weight on the exchanges.

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Does california have this problem? Does new york? Virginia?

It would be nice if the federal exchange website worked as well as everyone wants it to, but it wasn't designed to be the exchange for the whole country. The law was written with the expectation that states would pull their own weight on the exchanges.


California and NY have other problems, and they treat people like they are adolescent children. They are far from the perfect posterchild for how this country should be, and I do not see universal single payer healthcare as socialism "if done correctly". We are being robbed and snowballed by the insurance companies, they are the ones that need to cease to exist IMHO. My employer provided insurance premiums just went up, and I for one am not happy about it at all. Matter of fact it has now been broken down into bronze/silver/gold/platinum plans.....sound familiar?

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My employer provided insurance premiums just went up, and I for one am not happy about it at all. Matter of fact it has now been broken down into bronze/silver/gold/platinum plans.....sound familiar?

What % did they raise? Insurance companies now legally have to label their offerings with those designations due to Obamacare. Your employer is likely getting fucked as hard if not harder depending how they do things. I help with the benefits for our small company so I've been working with this stuff over the last few months

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Does california have this problem? Does new york? Virginia?

It would be nice if the federal exchange website worked as well as everyone wants it to, but it wasn't designed to be the exchange for the whole country. The law was written with the expectation that states would pull their own weight on the exchanges.

It is not the states fault that the federal site is a POS. Stop trying to blame them, it makes you look stupid. If they can do it with far fewer resources it is inexcusable that the feds couldn't do it.

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What % did they raise? Insurance companies now legally have to label their offerings with those designations due to Obamacare. Your employer is likely getting fucked as hard if not harder depending how they do things. I help with the benefits for our small company so I've been working with this stuff over the last few months


Not sure yet Brian I just glanced at my packet the other day is all, many are bitching about the changes though.

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Not sure yet Brian I just glanced at my packet the other day is all, many are bitching about the changes though.

We consider ourselves extremely lucky this year that our increase was ONLY 15%. It used to be 3% at most and after crunching numbers I thought we may be in store for up to a 35% increase due to all the Obamacare legislation
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It is not the states fault that the federal site is a POS. Stop trying to blame them, it makes you look stupid. If they can do it with far fewer resources it is inexcusable that the feds couldn't do it.

It is an enormous undertaking, and it should have been handled better, but the fact remains that the exchanges work in the states that started them.

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We consider ourselves extremely lucky this year that our increase was ONLY 15%. It used to be 3% at most and after crunching numbers I thought we may be in store for up to a 35% increase due to all the Obamacare legislation


The increase is so bad "per paycheck" for a comparable package like I have always had, is making me switch over to my Wife's insurance. We had always used my medical and prescription, and used her dental and eye. Believe it or not hers actually got better in certain ways, with just a small increase from prior. 

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Great news!!  Obama knew about all the security risks before they went live.


"Due to system readiness issues, the SCA (security control assessment) was only partly completed," said the internal memo from the U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. "This constitutes a risk that must be accepted and mitigated to support the Marketplace Day 1 operations."


But its ok, they are going to do a full security audit in two or three months.


"The memo goes on to explain that the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services would create a "dedicated security team" to monitor the risk, conduct weekly scans and, within 60 to 90 days after the website went live, "conduct a full-scale SCA test."


What a bunch of BS.



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"What difference does it make!".

Fast and Furious-lies to Congress, no answers, zero accountability

IRS targeting specific groups-lies to Congress, no answers, zero accountability

Benghazi- lies to Congress, no answers, zero accountability

NSA- lies to Congress ....ah F*©€ it!

You get the picture

Its all Faux News and right wing extremist lies anyway.

sent from a treestand on the back forty

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A little common sense can go a long way.  Common sense is one thing totally missing from the mess called the AHA.



"The Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare "defies the whole concept" of its intended purpose to make health insurance more affordable for more people, billionaire entrepreneur Ken Langone told CNBC on Wednesday.
"Insurance is a fairly simple," Langone said in a "Squawk Box" interview. "It's spreading risk. It's sharing risk."
"You're not going to bring 35 million more people into the pool for care and say, 'We're going to do it cheaper,'" he argued. "We're living longer. The longer we live, the more health care we need."........


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My oh my, it was a no bid contract for one of Michelle's college classmates. Wonder when the liberals will join in this thread and explain how all of this is awesome.





I'm sadly not surprised by the lack of coverage of this. 

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I'm not the least bit surprised by all of the deception and absolute failure on the part of the Fed's with ACA.  


The Federal government couldn't fight it ways out of a paper bag.  

Oh but the NSA can spy on US citizens and world leaders across the globe.

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Oh but the NSA can spy on US citizens and world leaders across the globe.


That's your idea of competence?  Private firms could do it better and cheaper like everything else vs.bullshit intel on people who aren't criminals or terrorists (that would be us).  


And they're doing it illegally through unconstitutional legislation going back to the Clinton administration.  If we do something illegal and are caught red-handed, we go to jail.  They, on the other hand, continue to do what they do because of their misguided interpretation of federal power and authority.  


Bullies are not smart and they're not good at anything but being a bully.  Like I said, they couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag yet we continue to let them run rough shod over us because we're too damn comfortable as a society with everything "status quo" to say enough is enough and we're hitting the reset button on this sham of a Federal government.  

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How did Obamacare site go so wrong? 5 questions Sebelius must answer






My wife is a systems analyst who tests software for a large insurance company prior to the software being implemented to agents and or the ie. She has laughed at the debacle of it all. She has been involved in several projects where the target date of implementation was over 5 yrs out, and non of those projects were the size or complexity of the Obamacare project.

We came up with this timeline, starting what, 4 yrs ago?

First off, after its signing in as a law it had to be fully understood. Fully. Consider how long it would take someone to fully read and comprehend the bill in its entirety. Then, someone needed to script out how and what was needed pertaining to it being used by potentially everyone nationwide at any time of the day or night, integrating not only each state but also many govt departments with every healthcare scenario, every risk factor...yadda yadda. This could take quite a while. Then it has to go to programmers and developers. Code has to be written, testing has to be done. Every feature, every govt department, every state and their pertinent dept's, etc etc, must be able to 'talk' to each other, must be able to 'read' and correlate all entered info. Just looking at it through her eyes it could easily take many years to get it all done ending with a website up and running correctly. There are a vast number of variables that have to be worked out. Saying it could be done operationally within 4 years is saying a lot. Evidently, it was saying too much because its a broken $400M + website so far.

As to this chick taking all the heat over its failure, I am not so sure the buck should land in her lap rightfully. But it is what it is and she is going to take the rap, stupid or not.

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 Evidently, it was saying too much because its a broken $400M + website so far.



$400 Million is a lot to pay for a mostly broken website. 

but it's less than 2% of the 24 Billion we just paid for a broken congress and 2 weeks of bullshit...

Edited by magley64
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