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Riding to work...


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I love days like this where even when it's cold as hell in the morning I can still run home just to grab my bike so I have it for the ride home after work.

I've met guys that use a motorcycle as primarily transportation and almost never for fun. Even a couple of at the track only types when I lived in CA. Anyone else ride to work when they can? or when do you ride?

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I rode to work some last year but there's been a couple bikes stolen from our place and another got rear ended when someone pulled into the space it was parked in. I work overnight so I'm hesitant. I park on the sidewalk just outside the door for both security purposes and to avoid parking lot mishaps.

If someone did steal my bike I'd have to smack them twice. Once for stealing my bike. And two for stealing a 250 with butterflies on it! :lol:

I rode a couple days last week. A little chilly on the way home, but not too bad. I'm not an all-weather rider but I plan to ride to work as much as possible this year because my bike gets 70 miles per gallon! Gas was $3.45 on my way home this morning! :eek:

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I'm not an all-weather rider but I plan to ride to work as much as possible this year because my bike gets 70 miles per gallon!

man i must have my throttle down 100% most of the time cause i only get like 50-55.

but anyways, i ride to work every day, unless its really going to rain, and even then only because rain=cold right now up here. its usually in the mid 30s in the morning right now, and i just ordered some heated gloves to make up for that. oh and out here, my ride to work is the twisties. in fact, its twisties everywhere except directly in the city here. some real nice turns too, i am really hankerin for a new (to me) bike.

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I ride to work whenever it's not raining or going to rain. Don't really care about the rain if it's on the way home, but polyester sucks to be sitting wet in all day. Bought a rain suit....that I don't wear. The only thing that gets me is the cold hitting my hands. My new gloves help, but only so much. 30 degrees is fun to ride in. You get some really strange looks from people you pull up to.

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I ride to work whenever it's not raining or going to rain. Don't really care about the rain if it's on the way home, but polyester sucks to be sitting wet in all day. Bought a rain suit....that I don't wear.

i bought a fieldsheer textile jacket thats pretty darn waterproof, and also some fieldsheer rain pants. the pants are a little goofy, but with the jacket on you can still maintain some of the cool factor, plus they zip right over whatever else you are wearing (i.e. pimp ass threads). ive definitely never got my clothes wet while riding in the rain with my gear on.

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I rode my bike into work alot when I used to live in Grove City and it only took me 15 minutes to get to work. Now that my commute is about 30 minutes, I'll ride when I've given myself enough time (I'm always running late). Plus, I'd like to know that the weather will be nice all day and through the evening because I go to class after work and often do not get home until around 10:30.

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I ride if it's above freezing in the morning, if I step out and theres ice on the deck, I take the truck, if not, I ride. Also if it's raining in the morning I'll take the truck, if it's gonna be above 60 even if theres a good chance of rain, I'll ride. 40+mpg @ $3.50 a gallon beats the hell out of 16mpg @ $4.35 a gallon (trucks diesel)

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We actually have a motorcycle club at work. We have a ton of people that ride into work, including some sportbikes now. Last year we would all ride to work on Fridays, then head out to a local bike themed restaurant for lunch, and often do a post work ride in the evenings.

My only problem is that I'm on call for security issues, but I hate doing the backpack thing on the bike to carry the laptop back and forth. So I usually end up leaving my laptop locked in my lab at work. This , of course, invariably leads to me having to come into the office for all kinds of crap in off hours.

I would LOVE to find a good tankbag suitable for putting a laptop in. Any suggestions?

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My only problem is that I'm on call for security issues, but I hate doing the backpack thing on the bike to carry the laptop back and forth. So I usually end up leaving my laptop locked in my lab at work. This , of course, invariably leads to me having to come into the office for all kinds of crap in off hours.

What bag are you trying to use? I've got a nice Swiss bag that is comfortable as hell. Never have a problem with it.

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I was gonna say, I've got a laptop specific back pack that works very nicely. check best buy I think thats where I got mine. their padded and have lots of nice pockets for everything, and room for books or other things you may need to shove in there.

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I was gonna say, I've got a laptop specific back pack that works very nicely. check best buy I think thats where I got mine. their padded and have lots of nice pockets for everything, and room for books or other things you may need to shove in there.

i got the logitech kinetik laptop bag from newegg.com. you can search pricegrabber for the best price. its a real nice laptop backpack that was comissioned by logitech and made by axio. a little pricey but isnt everything for a bike?

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What bag are you trying to use? I've got a nice Swiss bag that is comfortable as hell. Never have a problem with it.

I have a Wenger laptop backpack that I use instead of the company supplied briefcase thing. It's great, but I hate backpacks in general on the bike, its a pain. I was thinking more along the lines of a good Tank bag focused on laptops instead. I may breakdown and get some sort of sportbike saddle bags, but I really would like to avoid that for everything but overnight trips.

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