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Why riders don't wave back


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I wave to everyone! I even waved to a kid riding a moped on the sidewalk lol. 


I might not get waves back all the time, but, I'm proud of being an owner of a motorcycle so let me share my happiness with everyone on the road lol.

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You don't wave at anyone when you drive your car, or pedal your bicycle, or push your skateboard.


I'm so glad we don't have to wave at other track riders. That would really be silly.

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I always wave.  Half the time I don't get waves in return from cruisers with no gear on, but I just tell myself that if you're on a bike, and someone waves at you, and you don't wave back... then you're just a dick, plain and simple.  

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Yep, I love it when I waive to a Harley or similar style cruiser and the cliche as fuck rider with either A.) his cut off shirt, ripped jeans, chain wallet, balding head, and shitty look on their face towards anything other than their thousands of look-a-likes. (supposed brothers)

Or B.) which is the same as A. But with a nasty as bitch on the back that the guy has to get his engine hoist out of the garage for when they get home to get her off.

Of course these riders never waive back, they are too busy eating June bugs and trying their very hardest to pull off that "look"

I always feel better about myself when this happens knowing im nothing like them, which is why I waive :)

Too all others, I waive out of respect. Cheers

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I dont wave because Im a dick like that and think its gay :)



I always wave.  Half the time I don't get waves in return from cruisers with no gear on, but I just tell myself that if you're on a bike, and someone waves at you, and you don't wave back... then you're just a dick, plain and simple.  

I'm that guy. 

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Ah, but what *kind* of wave? One finger down? Two fingers down? Whole hand down? Hand up, "You meet the nicest people on a Honda" wave? Hand up, one choice finger extended?


People don't wave because they can't figure out which wave to use in time or are simply frozen in panic from the decision. 

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I don't wave at other people just because they drive a dodge ram or Chevy Tahoe when I'm driving either of those so why would I wave just because you're on a bike when I am? That's just dumb. 


Because part of the fun & joy of motorcycling for some people is the community.  Those of us who enjoy that aspect of it... we wave at each other. 


No one can force you to participate, though.... you ride your own ride :)

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