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Illegal to wear earplugs while riding?


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Cool so I should just accept the city of Lakewood and Bay Village just can pull me over and waste my time whenever they want. Sweet!


No, like I said before, if you're being harassed, you should file a harassment suit. 


But I do think it's important for people to have some perspective on the realities of law enforcement.  You're asking the Lakewood and apparently Bay Village police force to uphold the law, but you don't believe they should have the authority to investigate.  You can't have it both ways.


Yes, suburban police forces "sweat the small stuff" and initiate BS traffic stops, but it's in the name of keeping their safe and quiet communities safe and quiet.  If you don't want to be hassled for riding a motorcycle in Lakewood, go ahead and move to Cleveland proper.  The police there have much more important things to worry about.  I can promise you they won't be pulling you over for having your visor up unless you're waving a gun around at the same time.



In the alternative, get involved in your community.  Attend counsel meeting and safety meetings.  I'm going to a safety meeting in Parma TONIGHT.  There will be active-duty police officers and community leaders present.  The more of them you know, the fewer of them are going to hassle you and assume you're a criminal.

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You are not required to answer any question a cop asks other than your name, address and date of birth. You are not required to provide ID if you are just walking along.  If you are driving you are most certainly required to provide your drivers license if asked.  If you don't and the cop had a valid reason to pull you over you most certainly can get nailed pretty hard.  And a cop is not required to tell you what/if you are under suspicion of.


You can both stand there and say nothing like a pair of dumbasses.

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For the record, I never once asked Lakewood PD or Bay Village to uphold the law. I asked that they leave me alone.


With that said I understand what you guys are saying (had to get my immature comment out of the way). Still don't like being hassled for petty shit like riding with my visor up.

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For the record, I never once asked Lakewood PD or Bay Village to uphold the law. I asked that they leave me alone.


With that said I understand what you guys are saying. Still don't like being hassled for petty shit like riding with my visor up.


It's Lakewood, that's the way they roll. Don't go there, don't live there. It is a shit hole run by hippies.

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Reasonable suspicion? Sure, visor up while not moving sure is suspicious.... I don't see any reasonable suspicion at all.


Reasonable suspicion that you're breaking a law. In the case of your visor being up, there's more than suspicion; the cop can see you breaking the law. Seems cut and dry to me. Stupid law? Absolutely. But it's no different than driving around with no front license plate, it's still a law that's being broken.

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In the Ohio Motorcycle Operator Manual, on page 4 it specifically states, "Hearing protection reduces noise while allowing you to hear important sounds such as car horns or sirens. Long term exposure to engine and wind noise can cause permanent hearing damage even if you wear a full-face helmet. Whether you choose disposable foam plugs or reusable custom molded devices be sure you adhere to state laws regarding hearing protection." -Reference: http://www.publicsafety.ohio.gov/links/mop0001.pdf


If a cop tries to charge you for wearing ear plugs just tell them you wear them because the Ohio Motorcycle Operator Manual recommended ear plugs to avoid hearing damage and to to be able to hear important sounds like sirens while riding because ear plugs block out the wind noise while riding.



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I was at the Iron Pony the other day getting a new helmet because my old helmet was getting drafty, and the helmet lady was trying to sell me a Shoei because it's quiet, and I was like, I'm not concerned about quiet, because I wear ear plugs all the time because the wind noise is ridiculous above 50mph (on my bike with just a Puig race screen) and the lady was like it's illegal to wear ear plugs, and I couldn't believe it.  I ended up examining all of the helmets looking for shield seal, vents, fog free features, and eventually walked out with the Scorpion EXO-R710.  The seal on the shield and the lack of fogging is surprising.  Anyhow, I was shocked when I found that it really is illegal to wear ear plugs while riding.

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I got pulled over yesterday and I had earphones in playing music. I think it cost me more than what I could have ended up with. I never heard the sirens or saw his lights and kept blasting away down the road giving the officer more to see. He had radioed ahead to the next town because he thought I was running. Thankfully I finally spotted him in my mirror before I made it to the next town. I'm also grateful the cop was cool. He only wrote me up for 54 in a 35. It could have been much much worse. I also never pulled my helmet to show the earphones until after he handed me the ticket. I'm sure he saw them but he did not say anything to me. They do resemble earplugs but I would have guessed he could tell. I just thanked him for being nice to me. 

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