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Would you trade in your gas powered machine for one of these?


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I came across a site talking about electric motorcycles called Zero Motorcycles.  Its an American company out of California.  I don't think the speed and power are there yet, but who knows what will come in the near future.  Look at what Tesla has done in the automotive industry with electric cars.


I personally don't see myself on a electric bike any time soon, but thought I would just throw it out there.



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I've meet the CEO and COO of Zero and I have to say I'm very impressed.  I'll own a electric motorcycle someday, no doubt about it.


Just right now, they're just too expensive for my wallet.

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Electric car? Yes. Absolutely. Can't wait to get one, truthfully.

Electric motorcycle? I doubt it. They aren't even remotely appealing to me. I don't use it for commuting. I like rumbles, shakes and revs.

I love engineering efficiency, hence an unrequited attraction to German and Italian vehicles. Torque-master power systems fall in that category to me.

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As they currently exist? No fucking way, my bike is for commuting and travel, so range is hypercritical.


But, if they improve that sure, why not? I'm not one of those "soul" guys or in love with vibrations. The bike is just a means to the ability to travel on two wheels, I don't give a shit what it's powered by....could be Tibetan baby seal fetuses...as long as they're not endangered.


Where I'd REALLY like to have electric is offroad if the batteries get light. All that torque? Virtually silent and with such a low operating cost? Fuck yeah...make that shit happen in a dual sport.

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Where I'd REALLY like to have electric is offroad if the batteries get light. All that torque? Virtually silent and with such a low operating cost? Fuck yeah...make that shit happen in a dual sport.


100% agreed, and I electric MX bikes could revolutionize where people allow MX tracks to be built.  Don't be surprised in 5 years if there are electric-only parks.


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theres just something about an internal combustion engine that is beautiful. 


i think the electric bikes are a novelty right now. one day the battery technology will allow the range we all want, and maybe even more. look at the Radio Controlled industry. give it a few more years, and i'm sure they'll come up with something interesting. 


i still dont think it could be my only bike. what happens when i use the entire "range" even if the range is extended to even something like 300 miles? can i refuel in a couple of minutes? is there a convenient refueling station nearby? what if i'm in hillbilly town north carolina?


still neat to see the technology evolving.

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I like wrenching. I like maintenance. It's my happy place. Electric bikes take that away from me.

Perfectly fair point. Maybe replace that feeling with Winning MX Races, Rip Arms Off With Torque, Adjust Motor Parameters Until Perfect and Sneak Up On Enemies Silently For The Perfect Ninja Kill.

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I don't think fast recharging stations will be feasable anytime soon. Better model would be a battery exchange station...of course that wouldn't work either until there is enough volume to support that type of business.

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I should've done it a couple years ago knowing my situation now. I could've got the tax credit and I have free electricity in my garage and an 8 mile commute. Maybe when a full charge on 110 takes 20 minutes or less and can go at 150 miles I will reconsider.

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I like wrenching. I like maintenance. It's my happy place. Electric bikes take that away from me.


They'll still require chains, sprockets, controls, tires, suspension work, etc. It's only the engine where maintenance will be less (not gone, just less). For that matter, show me any high performance vehicle driven by anything where modification isn't part of the game. It will just be a different type of playing around, but if you like spending time working on things it's not going to go away.


But, if you like gas motors that's certainly fine, I do too but I think electric has advantages and if the batteries ever get there, they have a role in vehicle propulsion.

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I'm not opposed to electric bikes. I just don't want one. :)


Understood, I'm like that with choppers. It's not that they're bad, it's just that they're for poopyheads and everyone who rides one is wrong.

Edited by swingset
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I think a lot of us still look at electric vehicles wrong. They will save (or at least prolong) gasoline vehicles.

At some point, gasoline will be super expensive, or too highly regulated to use daily. We'll drive electric cars 90% of the time, and our gasoline vehicles will be like treated classic cars.

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The electric bikes have gotten better but they've still got a way's to go. The cost is outrageous for what you get. Most only have one gear so that "arm stretching torque" is muted at low speed and top end is pretty limited. Range is getting ok but recharge time is yet another deal breaker for me. I do like the visceral qualities of dinosaur powered bikes as well. I hope the electric bikes are improved considerably before I have to get one.

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I believe so. The speed is controlled by a variable frequency drive like commercial HVAC fans and pumps. Some of the Tesla models have two motors, one in the front and one in the rear. Major linear torque and HP! It's only a matter of time before we see some electric motorcycles on the road as battery, motor, and charging technology gets better. The price will always be an issue. Look at how much it cost to own a Prius when they first came out. A coworker of mine bought one of the first generation models and said it would take at least 7 years of ownership to see a return on investment. He was getting on average 50 mpg.

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As an only bike? Definitely not. 


Once I have:

1) a 2006+ FJR1300

2) dedicated track bike (600-750cc whatever)

3) my 919

4) some cruiser just to have one

5) a Polaris Slingshot just to have one

-in my garage I *might* entertain the thought of an electric motorcycle if I had money lying around.... But probably not.

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I believe so. The speed is controlled by a variable frequency drive like commercial HVAC fans and pumps. Some of the Tesla models have two motors, one in the front and one in the rear. Major linear torque and HP! It's only a matter of time before we see some electric motorcycles on the road as battery, motor, and charging technology gets better. The price will always be an issue. Look at how much it cost to own a Prius when they first came out. A coworker of mine bought one of the first generation models and said it would take at least 7 years of ownership to see a return on investment. He was getting on average 50 mpg.

Well the original Prius came out in 1997 when gas was sub $1.50 maybe even sub $1.00.

I still think at over 19k the new Prius c is over priced.

I'd still like to see a diesel hybrid in a compact car. That would get amazing mileage because absolutely zero fuel would be being used during regenerative braking.

However, I have always thought, why not put some kind of generator/alternator on the hubs of all 4 corners and charge a IMA battery at all times at full strentght rather than just vrakng.

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I've been in a Prius. They're actualy quite nice to drive. Weird, but thats expected. They're on my short list of cars to look at. I'd prefer a Subaru turbo diesel, but they're taking their sweet ass time getting them into the states.

Oh I wasn't bashing them. They are pretty nice. If I could find a C for reasonable I'd probably get one but for size and features vs. say a focus you're better value is the focus. Because a base C is about 19 and a base focus is closer to 14k and focus highway milage is very close to the C. So you would have to do purley city driving to make up that 5k over a long time. Even in my failblazer I'm spending less than 600 in fuel a year with a supet short commute.

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