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Any idea what kind of spider this is?


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Not a recluse!  Its a wood spider.  I live in the woods and I have them all over.  They can get pretty big, much bigger than a wolf spider.  They are quite harmless.  The stripes on the legs give it away.  A brown recluse is all brown with no stripes and smaller abdomen.  My dad just killed one is his garage yesterday.  Up to that point I have never seen one up here in NEO.  The recluse is quite aggressive.  He said it lunged at him several times and then he nailed it with a shoe.

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Good news. Brown recluse really aren't that bad. They are all over down here and there's no good way to exterminate them. I see them in the closet every once in awhile and in the crawlspace, but I've never seen one be aggressive. They always move away.

If I ever get one on me I brush it off, they don't bite unless they are squeezed against your skin. Their fangs are super small and they can't bite through clothes either.

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Good news. Brown recluse really aren't that bad. They are all over down here and there's no good way to exterminate them. I see them in the closet every once in awhile and in the crawlspace, but I've never seen one be aggressive. They always move away.

If I ever get one on me I brush it off, they don't bite unless they are squeezed against your skin. Their fangs are super small and they can't bite through clothes either.


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I have a few in my house I tolerate. They eat all the little flying things that get thru the screen door. Found a daring jumping spider like the below recently, but mine has a bigger smile, hanging out in the window sill inside with the smiley face on its abdomen. It's fast and jumpy and doesn't use a web. It can stay.





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I have a few in my house I tolerate. They eat all the little flying things that get thru the screen door. Found a daring jumping spider like the below recently, but mine has a bigger smile, hanging out in the window sill inside with the smiley face on its abdomen. It's fast and jumpy and doesn't use a web. It can stay.



What is this? I had one of these at camp last week in the old trailer, i just assumed it was bubby Tim's friend that got dropped off with all the other bugs living in the wood.

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I'd much rather have a fly or mosquito in the house than a spider... one is a minor annoyance, the other induces terror on an instinctive level :)

So pests that feed on your blood and spread diseases are OK. But those that exterminate the former are bad.


Hmm you may want to reexamine your priorities :)

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How much does it suck that (most) flies don't bite and you feel every time they annoyingly land on you. And Mosquitoes you don;t feel land on you until they bite! Couldn't have been the other way around hey?

Also flies are attracted by carbon dioxide, so blowing at them to shue them is counter-productive.

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