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Ride this weekend sat 8th or sun 9th?


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Yep, home here too.

You both are liars.... especially regarding taking it easy on the way home, hahahaha.

Thoroughly enjoyed it guys.... minus the incident at the apple orchard. Hopefully everything turned out ok there.

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Finally home after 9 hours!  Awesome ride! You guys are a cool group to ride with. Definitely enjoyed the routes I experienced before my unfortunate incident. Really appreciate all you guys support and assistance. Remember: Car pulls out in front of bike= Bike always loses.  Car pulls out in front of big bike and big rider= Bike still loses and so does car.


Edited by TreeFime
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No one in the world would ever believe that a motorcyclist could spin a car around after hitting it and walk away with a cut that didn't require stitches. TreeFime is a big ole linebacker hoss of a man though so the car never stood a chance. Glad to see you posting and hope to see you soon on another ride.

I am a little jealous of him though. The women working at the dinner where all too willing to take care of him. They make up a make shift pillow and had a booth all ready for him to take care of him. If I wasn't hours from home I would have stayed too.

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Finally home after 9 hours!  Awesome ride! You guys are a cool group to ride with. Definitely enjoyed the routes I experienced before my unfortunate incident. Really appreciate all you guys support and assistance. Remember: Car pulls out in front of bike= Bike always loses.  Car pulls out in front of big bike and big rider= Bike still loses and so does car.


Man glad your ok. I am assuming that was a new bike to you. When I rode with you in the spring you were on a Ninja I believe.

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Ireland:  Oh no!!!  Man, that looks like a hard hit...and with your new bike.  That REALLY sux.


Guys, Ireland has ridden with the southern OH crew--a mix of OR and LR guys--on a few of our NKY rides.  Newer rider with good skills and the right attitude to ride safely.

He was on one of Dice's NKY rides a couple of years ago when Ken--another OR rider--went down in a scuffle with a dog on his classic Zed1K.


So sorry to see the carnage.  I'm guessing that if you did walk away from that with only a few scrapes yesterday, you're feeling many more places that hurt today.

When you feel up to posting an update, let us know how things turn out, dude.

Edited by Bubba
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Ireland was doing an excellent job riding yesterday. It was apparent that he knew how to ride and that he was capable of riding inside his limits because there were some faster riders with him and he never got sucked into riding over his head which is an easy thing to do on rides like this. I've seen that scenario happen countless times but this was not how this happened.

I couldn't figure out the scene when we rode back to it and I thought that he might have been in the wrong here. Both the car & motorcycle were traveling the road in the same direction coming up from the blind rise shown in his picture. The car decided to turn around and go the other direction and had the road blocked. When he came up behind them, he hit the car and spun the car around knocking it across the road facing the other direction.

This accident was not his fault, he did nothing wrong here the car will be sited for the accident.

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Ireland, I'm glad your in good spirits. Hopefully not to sore today. Of all to accidents that happen on our rides this maybe the first one that is clearly not the riders fault. Most our misjudements by the rider. This was not. Congrats. Hopefully you'll be riding again soon. I'd enjoy having you in any group I'm riding with again

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Yeah Ireland, you're always welcome on any ride I'm in! It was good riding with you. You'll have to let us know hot it turned out with the OSP and the other "driver", whoever that may be.

Really glad you're ok. I thought about it a lot last night and kept thinking that there's really no good reason that you're not hurt any worse than you were. You're gear and an angel, were the only two I could come up with.

Change of subject, I worked on the bike today and changed the PC3 to a Zeroed map. It's much better. Still a lot less power at those RPMs. But it no longer "death shudders". Pretty sure the map was most of the problem, and that getting it on a dyno will solve it. I'll never understand why people put power commanders on and are satisfied with it running worse that it did without it. Dumbfounding.

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Appreciate all the comments fellas. I'll be back out there riding soon enough. The "driver" of the vehicle was cited for failure to yeild. It's still up in the air as far as if the vehicle was covered by insurance but I'll let my insurance company handle that.

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Unclepunk, I still can't believe the power of your bike in the straights. I know you could handle the corners a bit quicker that me as well. Thanks for at least letting me think I was the man for a day. Jamie, 377 is definitely your road. Was great riding.

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Roamer, you are the man. I had to work very hard to stay up with you. Any time that it seemed like I was going faster it's just because of the far superior power that an I4 has.

You boys were smoking on 377, it was very entertaining. What about that FJR? I was very impressed with it and it's rider. I really did expect him to be much older riding that bike, like maybe as old as us.

I don't organize rides anymore for various reasons so I am at the mercy of those that organize them or ride solo. I would be a real dick if I showed up and took over anyone else's ride that they have spent the time to organize. If you do all of the leg work you get to dictate the pace and the duration between stops along with how long to stop. I will ride in one of your rides anytime. For future reference you don't need to lie so much to sell your ride. I can't remember seeing 75 all day unless it was coming to a stop.

I want in the next apple core throwing contest, I'm pretty sure that I can beat at least the negative yards throw.

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If I knew it was a contest, I would have pulled my skirt up. But yeah, next time we'll make sure to let you participate UP.

You're going to have to get out and ride more UP. There's no good reason it should have taken 4 years for us to join the same ride.

And same goes to you Jacob, though I've seen you a bit more. If you ever traded out that FJR to something that weighs about half, I don't know if anybody would catch you.

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