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CCW while riding?


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This question is for those of you who routinely carry while riding.   How do you carry?   I typically use a zipped pocket inside of my jacket or the front pocket of my jeans if I am using my riding jersey.  Neither option is good for quick access.  What works for you?


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Most of the time outside jacket pocket zipped up, small revolver. Once in awhile the FNX is in a shoulder holster but i prefer that at home for the wife, she is deadly with that thing, the revolver not so much.

Practice practice practice getting it out.

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I carry my M&P 9mm in the front pocket of my tank bag with the zipper facing me for easy access. Very hard to pull a firearm from your pocket in an emergency situation, while still maintaining control of your bike while riding down the road defending yourself.

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  On 5/5/2016 at 1:29 PM, bowdog said:

I carry my M&P 9mm in the front pocket of my tank bag with the zipper facing me for easy access. Very hard to pull a firearm from your pocket in an emergency situation, while still maintaining control of your bike while riding down the road defending yourself.


I pulled mine on a bull once in the middle of the road. He had his head down and was snorting at me.  I was convinced one of us was about to die, my money was on the bull.

Edit:  My money was on the bull making it, me dying.  Badly worded there.

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MP 40 Shield with extended mag and Talon grips in a Fobus Tactical right hand draw paddle holster.

You can make it rain in seconds from any position.

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  On 5/6/2016 at 4:24 PM, Isaac's Papa said:

Ok, Sons of Anarchy. Why would you shoot from your bike while moving? Lol


Son of Anarchy I am not.
Given the situation of fight of flight what is the better choice? Ride away from the threat, or stop and confront the threat. It would be nice to flee first while drawing a defensive weapon, but the majority of folks are right handed, and thus cannot accomplish both tasks at the same time.

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A rolling gunfight on 2 wheels just isn't going to happen.  Sorry. 

Any time I've had trouble on the road, I've had plenty of notice that it was coming.  Like passing a jackass in a truck who takes it personally and tries like hell to keep up to start shit at the next intersection or gas stop. 

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  On 5/6/2016 at 6:37 PM, Tpoppa said:

A rolling gunfight on 2 wheels just isn't going to happen.  Sorry. 

Any time I've had trouble on the road, I've had plenty of notice that it was coming.  Like passing a jackass in a truck who takes it personally and tries like hell to keep up to start shit at the next intersection or gas stop. 


I cant imagine that ever happening :rh1:

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Some of us have combined riding a shooting and it's a blast!!! You absolutely can shoot from a moving motorcycle. As most of you know it's all about proper sight alignment. The opposit of wing shooting where you lead the bird, shooting while moving demands you aim behind the target. Obviously the slower the speed the more accurate you can be. Not that it's not difficult but it's easier to shoot from a rolling bike vs a horse. I've never shot from a horse but I was told you fire at the top of the gallop. Btw I've taken up all the slack in my throttle advance (choke) so as I can manipulate it like a cruise control with my left hand. 


Some of you will scoff so I offer this disclaimer. I never said this is a good idea. This isn't for the uncoordinated. This isn't some gang shit. This is for country people on a private lane. 

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  On 5/14/2016 at 12:54 AM, Lawrence1 said:

Some of us have combined riding a shooting and it's a blast!!! You absolutely can shoot from a moving motorcycle. As most of you know it's all about proper sight alignment. The opposit of wing shooting where you lead the bird, shooting while moving demands you aim behind the target. Obviously the slower the speed the more accurate you can be. Not that it's not difficult but it's easier to shoot from a rolling bike vs a horse. I've never shot from a horse but I was told you fire at the top of the gallop. Btw I've taken up all the slack in my throttle advance (choke) so as I can manipulate it like a cruise control with my left hand. 


Some of you will scoff so I offer this disclaimer. I never said this is a good idea. This isn't for the uncoordinated. This isn't some gang shit. This is for country people on a private lane. 


Shooting from a moving vehicle is a skill that can be learned.   But you don't have to balance a helicopter, Humvee, APC, airplane, horse, etc.   Again, if you are shooting from a moving motorcycle the most immediate threat to you is the upcoming crash.

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Perhaps I should have clarified my original statement. 

It would be nice to flee with the bike first, with the possibility of engaging a firearm with the non dominant hand, so that if and when you stop fleeing that you have the ability to engage the threat without having to fumble around for the weapon. 

I'm sorry that the original statement led down the road of engaging a threat from of moving platform, Sons of Anarchy style. Not the original intent in the slightest. 

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  On 5/6/2016 at 2:26 PM, Cdubyah said:

This brings up an interesting topic of learning to shoot with your offhand. Right handed holster isn't going to do me a lot of good on the bike if I want to keep moving.



  On 5/6/2016 at 5:44 PM, Cdubyah said:

Son of Anarchy I am not.
Given the situation of fight of flight what is the better choice? Ride away from the threat, or stop and confront the threat. It would be nice to flee first while drawing a defensive weapon, but the majority of folks are right handed, and thus cannot accomplish both tasks at the same time.


Sometimes it is good to be left handed!

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IMO learning to shoot with both strong hand and weak hand are imperative skills but lets be honest, a Brazilian motorcycle shootout (like youtube would make us believe happens all the time) is probably not going to happen here in the US very often. Especially for a CCW holder.  So looking at really 3 points here: 1. Shooting (strong and weak hand), 2. Motorcycle riding/ Situation awareness, 3. Tactical survivability.

1. Shooting- You should be able to employ your weapon system in "survival manipulation"- meaning strong or weak hand effectively engaging threats at multiple distances.

2. As a motorcycle rider, we have the inherent need to be situationally aware of our surroundings at all times. Double that for the CCW holder. Defensive riding, where you park, what you wear, your attitude driving (not being a jackass) all comes into play.

3. Tactical Survival: IF one chose to shoot from a bike in pursuit, they would be retarded. Honestly, looking for a fight is the opposite of what it means to have a CCW. Most states require you to "flee" if you can. If you're on the bike, you have options to go. Any other reason I can think of, you would be off your bike looking for cover and concealment- Not jason borneing it from your Harley.  In both worlds (riding and shooting) one should mitigate all risks and the idea of shooting a gun from a motorcycle while "bad ass", I'd rather hit my target consistently and not put myself in a legal situation where I could be charged with at least manslaughter. IF I was in a 3rd world country faced with the same situation, I'd dismount and look for cover/concealment and tactical advantage.


Lastly- the days of Rooster Cogburn and shooting from riding a horse were not as true to history as some would imagine. Yes, it happened. Yes, historically for archery it happened a lot. Yes, cavalry used to shoot repeating firearms from horses (usually stationary- not in movement) and if they were in movement it was supressive fire not the precision marksmanship required by CCW.  Tactically- from the 1800s to horse soldiers today, usually a soldier dismounts because an accurate shot kills the threat faster than a moving target is harder to hit. Just an opinion on history here.



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