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Got the rear end special.....


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Got hit from behind about 30 minutes ago, was stopped at an intersection to turn left. Hugged the left side of the lane as I always do. Was waiting for a car to pass by coming the opposite direction. All of a sudden heard a crash and was flying through the air. After I landed I tired getting up but my right leg is jacked up. 

You should see the car. I'd say I won. Bike is totalled from what I saw. Looks like my body hit hood, head hit windshield. 

Bout to get x-rays on the leg, otherwise no damage.

Wear your gear. Helmet saved my life, armored leather saved my body. 

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Broken fibula, so it could have been much worse. Seeing specialist Monday to see what needs to be done about it.


Been looking my jacket over, thank christ for CE back, shoulder, and elbow armor. All the impact on the jacket is visible in those spots. Did its job well.


Wasn't wearing my full size race boots, took them off an hour before(idiot) but as it turns out they wouldn't have made a difference based on where the break was.

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Meh. I'm kinda put off on bikes now. If I do ever decide to ride again it will be track only. It's just not worth it. I ride so defensive and pay so much attention to my surroundings, but people on cell phones scare me to death and will still get you when you dont even expect it.

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BTW, need a recommendation for personal injury lawyer in NEO. Would prefer one that rides. It's possible I can get fired at work for this depending on how long I'm out, so I need a lawyer that deals in that aspect.

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It's Union so I need to give them a call today for guidance. From what I know though, the company can fire since my job requires walking and there is no other job I can do there as replacement. Hopefully they can look past 6 or 7 weeks. This also screws with my military commitment. Damn, I need a lawyer 

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She hit me from behind at an estimated 35. Think the broke leg was impact from bike against bumper. The force from the hit slammed me against hood/windshield and her continuing forward momentum followed by brakes(finally) sent me and bike about 50 ft ahead. It was pretty violent, all that went through my mind in those few seconds was I either got ran over, lost limbs, etc. Luckily got none of that.

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There was a perfect imprint of me on the hood/windshield. Can't wait for the police report photos.

Oh and I had GoPro on me. Battery died earlier today :(


Edited by wolfeman28
Can't type on phone
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Dayum!  Sorry to hear about your misfortune.  Getting ass-packed at an intersection by a clueless cager is my biggest fear on the road these days.

Heal up quickly and keep us in the loop on how your recovery goes.

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I'm new here, but I'm always glad to here about another rider only getting "minimal" damage when they get ran over. I hope you heal up fast and financially get an enormous settlement. 

How does this country want to pass laws about guns, DUI and marijuana, but it won't limit cell phone usage in moving vehicles? How many more of us have to get hurt and killed and all the driver says is "I never saw them?" 


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Glad you're (for the most part) alright. I got to see someone rear-ended last season by an SUV going about 50 around a blind corner, scary shit (guys leg was all kinds of effed up but I think that was the extent of it).

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Glad you're still breathing after that.  Could've been much worse, and like said above, a testament to your gear.  Good luck on the settlement, the job situation, and state of mind over it all.

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3 hours ago, Giff74 said:

How does this country want to pass laws about guns, DUI and marijuana, but it won't limit cell phone usage in moving vehicles? How many more of us have to get hurt and killed and all the driver says is "I never saw them?" 


There are laws in place for distracted driving, no matter what the distraction may be, but the officer has to see it happening ( weaving, blown stop sign/light, admission to being distracted after an accident or traffic stop, etc. ), or I believe a credible witness can also get the faulted driver busted when in an accident?  Someone else surely knows more about the legal details, but it's probably a difficult citation to nail down without police witnessing prior to the stop/incident, because drivers lie

Edited by Hellmutt
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On 6/19/2016 at 5:59 AM, wolfeman28 said:

Meh. I'm kinda put off on bikes now. If I do ever decide to ride again it will be track only. It's just not worth it. I ride so defensive and pay so much attention to my surroundings, but people on cell phones scare me to death and will still get you when you dont even expect it.

Exactly the reason i sold my street bike and stick to the track now. Too many idiots on the road and no matter what you do, you can not be 100% in control. Not even just people. My friends dad passed about 2 months from hitting a deer while on a bike. I had a few close encounters with cagers throughout my short 4 years of street riding. 

Glad the injuries were minimal. Heal up quick! And sue the shit out of driver. Do you know if they were on the phone?

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23 hours ago, ludwb675 said:

Do you know if they were on the phone?

I cant prove it, but I absolutely 100% have no doubt about it. Only other explanation could be she was sleeping, and I doubt that was the case. Got a lawyer now so I'll let him get phone records if he really wants to.

So the police took no photos of the scene. None of her car, none of the bike. Also the police report is half-assed in my opinion and not very detailed. Also she was only charged with assured clear distance, so basically the same thing people get when they follow or stop to close to someone and get a fender bender. Nothing else they could charge her with though, since I'm the only witness and I can only go by what I saw after the fact. I'm sure she was on the phone, and I'm sure she went left of center.

Lawyer said I'll never see the bike again, he's taking care of getting the girls insurance company to pick it up from the lot. They wanted me to get it yesterday and the place wanted $400. Fuck that.

Can't speak of my injuries anymore(lawyers orders) but I can say that I'm doing well and still happy to be alive. It may take a few years, but I'll get what is owed to me. Still worried about my job and about the military. Possible discharge if my injuries will take to long to heal, and I'm only 5 years away from retirement :(

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