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What did you do to your bicycle today?


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Fucking bent my 2nd chainring gear. $20 fix not bad but I have no idea how it happened. Everything seemed fine when I was riding in SC and when I get back it just kept jumping between 2nd and 1st. Might have happened on the pump track. I did get some decent air at one point. But 3 days til I have the part. I am also going clipless with this parts order. 

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Riding on the paved trail in metro parks. Announced 'on your left' to lady walking. Right as i'm about to pass, she veers left making me go off trail. Luckily it was just a grassy area but was really wet and now my bike and myself are muddy. Could have been a lot worse in other parts of the trail. 

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3 hours ago, ludwb675 said:

Riding on the paved trail in metro parks. Announced 'on your left' to lady walking. Right as i'm about to pass, she veers left making me go off trail. Luckily it was just a grassy area but was really wet and now my bike and myself are muddy. Could have been a lot worse in other parts of the trail. 

She may have not known her right from left. It's amazing to me how many folks don't know that. Glad everyone made it out unharmed. 

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First decent ride clipless. Strange as fuck how fast I was going up hills and on straights. Freaked me out going up the big hill out of the bowl and ended up walking because I got the shakes after a near crash. So I ended up staying on the other trail for nearly 2 hours trying to build some confidence not being able to just lift my feet off. But overall I like it. Just need a minor tweak to cant my heels out just a touch. 


Damn. My legs are sore. My core is weak AF

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Rode West Branch MTB yesterday.

Let me just say Quarry trail has way more rocks than my skill level can handle. I got through the first 1/3 and was thinking I was doing good, then I hit the "real" rocks. Much walking, ensued.

This little guy was guarding the trail. It took considerable arguing to convince him to let me pass :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

I put in 24 miles on Saturday.  It had poured rain around 8 or 9, so I actually rode from my house to the trails, anticipating them being closed, and I brought provisions to do my standard out-and-back road ride.

The trails were in much better shape than anticipated, so I did the outer loop at Royalview (red/yellow CCW), and it started to rain just as I was finishing my first lap.  Rather than start a second lap in a downpour, I opted to ride on the road. I didn't the the full out-and-back I'd planned, but I stopped to check out the archery range, and then, since it never really did downpour after all, I did a lap of the red trail on my way back, before heading home. 

I figure that was about 10 miles of trail, and 14+ of road.  I never utilized the pump before heading out on the pavement, so I was running about 8 psi the whole time.  That's perfect for the trail, but obviously not ideal for the road. 

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Picked up my mountain bike on thursday and hit the trails on friday. I did the yellow trail that leads into the red trail with the out and back at Royalview. Something like 7.5 miles and i was dead at the end. 

That is a completely different animal than road riding. Only mtn biking i did before was in Utah when you ride the chairlift up. But it was a lot of fun, can't wait to get out again. 


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2 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

@CBBaron, I've lost your number. Shoot me a text. I'm down to ride. 

Sorry missed your message. We'll have to get together soon to ride. Would have tried to ride with you this morning but I was pretty dead by the time I saw you in the lot.

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Heading to Royalview after work (have to stop home to get the bike and change clothes).  I'll do 12-18 miles, depending on how fast I'm going, and which route I take.

Still a little timid riding the yellow trail down hill since I crashed there.  I haven't ridden the "interior" (Western) section of the red trail in a while, so I'm thinking outer loop (6.2 miles?), then red loop (3.5?), then the first half of Red again, but detour to the skills section (maybe 3 miles?) and back down yellow (another 4 miles?).  Also depends on where I park.  for whatever reason, I don't like having to take the road back to my car.  I guess I could ride to the trail, but that eats up time I could spend on the trail.

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Freaking crashed at Hampton Hills. Well it wasn't so much a crash as it was I lost momentum going up a hill in a turn. Tried to catch myself on a tree. Got my left foot unhooked but couldn't twist my right foot off in time.  Tried to grab the tree missed and landed flat on my back. And slid about 10 feet down the hill. Bike was unharmed though 

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I actually set my pressures before my ride. 3 laps on the red loop. 

Got passed by a couple of guys on nicer bikes. They did not drop me quickly enough for me to be jealous of their fitness. I wouldn't mind their bikes. 

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