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Ride tales - Share your rides!


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Thought this would be a cool place for all those rides stories. I'm always inspired to ride more when I read about others riding! I actually come here now more for this part of the forum than motorcycles!

I got out for 30 miles solo through the metro parks yesterday. Nothing special about it but it felt good to get outside and be off the trainer!


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I just started riding and I pretty much hate it so far but its a good way to get faster on the motorcycle. I have only done 17 mile rides about once per week the past 3 weeks. 

Currently riding a K2 nst 1.0 that I bought in 2005, its not in the best shape but neither am I. 



This trail is about 5 minutes from my house so I have been using it from Lisbon. I have a long way to go as it normally takes me an hour and 20 minutes or so to do the 17 miles. 

I also did nothing in the off-season so im pretty out of shape, hoping to make big improvements this year as I suck at this. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Working part time at a bike shop has its perks! Got to take out this 2017 Specialized Roubaix Comp for my normal Tuesday group ride. The ride is definitely more relaxed then my Cervelo and sits a bit more upright. Would be good for those longer, all day rides! It wasn't until we hit some rough road that the bike truly shined. I was skeptical of the Future Shock and funny seat post set up, but the road that normally rattles my fillings out on the Cervelo was silky smooth. While others in the group moaned, I was floating over all the imperfections the street had to offer and smiled as I rolled past them. Not to mention Ultegra/105 groupset handled all my shifting needs easily. I like a more aggressive set up on my bikes, but if I was looking for an all day, rough road, gravel grinder, the Roubaix would be on my list for sure!



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  • 1 month later...

Went out for our normal Tuesday evening ride and ended up adding a random rider on while going through the metro park. Guy was a good rider, had a nice bike and was plenty fast! While out front on a downhill section i hear a super loud PSSSHT! Noticing it wasn't me who flatted I look back to see if it was my friend or the added on rider. Just as I looked back, the added on rider went down hard! We were doing about 30 on the road and he hit some glass that I hadn't seen or gone through. Went sliding thru the next lane and is super lucky there wasn't an oncoming car. His helmet picked up some road rash and saved his brain for sure! Kit was a bit messed up and there was some scraps along his side. A nice person with a truck was able to take him and his bike back home.

We have gone down that road 100's of times, without any issues. Since most here on this site already ride motorcycles and are pretty much pro helemt and gear I'm sure it need not be said, but even on your bike please gear up properly and be safe out there!

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  • 3 weeks later...

1 hr ride on packed snow trail straddling dusk on the Anthem Advanced ex demo bike i just picked up. Had the option of cutting the loop short across the frozen lake. 

Walked an 8 foot long A frame bridge and slipped and fell on the way down buggering my shin twice against my bike through 2 pairs of pants.

Abs were already fried from snowboarding thursday and volleyball saturday. Work indoor soccer league starts in a week..:wheelchair:

Edited by motocat12
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  • 1 month later...

Mountain biking has become my other hobby.  Started riding in June 2017 and have dug my rabbit hole deep.  I bought a new 2017 Diamondback Sync'r Pro in December as it was hugely discounted for year end.  I was in Virginia last week riding in George Washington National forest and will be traveling to Asheville, NC this Thursday with a friend.  I can not get enough of the tinkering and riding.  Just a small share of my past, present, and future.diamondback-syncr-pro-287643-11.thumb.jpg.178f644620e41f7127842db0b296657a.jpg

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Went down to NC the week after the gap trip once the rain let up. Scoped out wet Dupont and Pigsah. Rode 25 mi at Tsali (Fontana Lake) and then 21 mi at mountwood WV on the way back.

Didn't feel they had a lot to offer over Ohio trails besides length.

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One of those rides today.... Felt like I was battling a head wind in both directions. But, then....

I hear a screech and look up, a Bald Eagle was flying over head. He was calling his mate, once she caught up they flew over the trees...happened to fast for photo. No doubt it was a pair of bald eagles. Never saw them in our area before and it is the first time since I was a kid I seen them in the wild.

Best bike ride ever!

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  • 7 months later...

Rode Pandapas Pond in Blackburg saturday for 2 hours. started on the easy trail that might be just what I need  at my current fitness. turned onto Prickly Pear and it started destroying me with jagged rock sections and rocky climbs. My fork didn't handle this well at the slow pace and I tried to bleed some air out with my thumbnail. pfft , no air in fork. I was able to force a little in with my pack pump and then locked it out. I preferred the lock out to it's original reaction. Got back on the flowy easy horse poop trail and finished 10 miles. Had several water crossings. Who's great idea was it to make these to soak your shoes and pants but leave you hot?

Got a valve extension from an auto parts store and pumped my fork back up with my floor pump.

4 hours of Carvin's Cove on Sunday. May be my favorite US trail so far. (might have to re-hit ones i haven't ridden in years) Had intended to finish the ride after a big loop hitting a lot of the trails and take a fire road back to the parking. It went straight up for 2000 feet in 3 miles. at the top the OG trail not marked on maps.



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