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Saw this today..your thoughts?


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Personally, if someone tries to pass me on the right / occupy my lane without my prior waving them by, I would likely knock their bike over if I came upon it later on.  What say ye?

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I'd be kinda pissed if I got passed on the right on the street in the same lane by some stranger depending on the situation. If I was way over to the left of the lane and they just kinda pulled up next to me and then a bit ahead I guess I wouldn't mind too much... I wouldn't like it but it wouldn't set me off. If they flew by me with very little distance that would be another matter, they would not be getting away without a talking-to. No comment about passing in corners because it would make me a hypocrite. 

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2 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

I immediately dismiss the whining of anybody that uses the term "crotch rocket". 

It's a derogatory term, and if the circumstances in this situation have been correctly described it is the proper term to use.

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4 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Passing on the right is a dick move. No arguments. Just don't be jelly and call it a crotch rocket because you ride a shitty BMW. 

BMW makes "Crotch Rockets" too!

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I would have a major problem with someone passing me like that.  I'd probably have to talk it out with them.

The only time I've passed strangers in the same lane is when I get behind large group of Harleys on a curvy road.  I have no problem weaving through their rolling road block.   



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As with any circumstance of someone complaining on the internet, we are most likely not getting the entire story. Yes, I think it's a dick move to pass on the right. I also believe if someone or myself is holding up another group, it is common courtesy to let the faster riders by. I'm sure this altercation was very ego driven. I blasted past a couple cruisers on a double yellow a couple weeks ago. Then of course at the next stop, the guy comes up and starts running his mouth. I just smiled, waved, and kept riding. Not worth my time arguing with some jackass on a harley with no helmet who wants to critique my riding ediqutee.

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1 hour ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Damn. You butchered that last word. Brutal. :eek:

I don't pass on the right on two-lane roads, but I'll use the shoulder to pass on the freeway. I don't care if you're doing 85 mph in a 55 zone. If I'm on the freeway, it's to make time. Now that I have a bike that will not give me a concussion at triple digit speed, all bets are off on the slab. 

Panniers and a tall windshield make you invisible to the fuzz, from what I've heard. 

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