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Are you ready to give up your 2nd amendment rights


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Are you ready to give up your 2nd amendment rights the movement to take them is in the works now. There is a most read book called Behold the pale rider that tells exactly how it will happen written by Milton William Cooper who also happened to be found murdered.


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There is no doubt there are gun grabbers out there that would say almost anything to make that happen. But the theory that our own government is behind, 911, Sandy Hook,  Vegas, Orlando or even Parkland is freaking insane. I'm all in for the 2nd amendment but all this conspiracy bullshit ON BOTH SIDES needs to stop. Trump isn't Hitler, Obama wasn't Hitler no one is trying to "take over" America from with in. Yes they are all liars on their own agenda ALL of them(both sides) usually on a economic agenda not a take over a nation level. I like my guns I want to keep my guns and i'll fly that banner all day long. But as soon as someone that I support starts slinging the mud in a way that just seem insane I'm done with them. With todays tech and cameras in every ones pocket there is no way a large government cover up could ever fly. I'm about to go on a social media unfriend campaign due to this and ill be unfriend both people that support the left and right because I'm just that sick of it.


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I admit Cooper was a nut but a few things he wrote read like a play book when the 2nd amendment gets voted out of existence 90% of the people that own guns will give them up no different then what happend in the UK ,Australia  or Canada the ones that do not turn in their guns will be labeled terrorist or extremist and imprisoned or killed. Look at the protests going on around the country now do you thing that when these kids get married and have families that their kids will be pro gun. It's winter I'm bored and the ones on here that know me know I  like to stir the pot just food for thought.

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Folks love to bash H-D's, but they're no better or worse than any other motorcycle.

They're big, heavy, expensive cruisers that do a credible job of doing what they were designed to do.

I'd prolly have one in my bike stable if my wallet and my garage were up-sized.

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1 hour ago, HeavyDuty said:

I admit Cooper was a nut but a few things he wrote read like a play book when the 2nd amendment gets voted out of existence 90% of the people that own guns will give them up no different then what happend in the UK ,Australia  or Canada the ones that do not turn in their guns will be labeled terrorist or extremist and imprisoned or killed. Look at the protests going on around the country now do you thing that when these kids get married and have families that their kids will be pro gun. It's winter I'm bored and the ones on here that know me know I  like to stir the pot just food for thought.

I wouldn't mind living in the U.K.,Australia or Canada.They all have much better health care than the U.S. and I'm sure their murder rate is a fraction of ours.

Since I'm not in a well regulated militia and we now have a standing Army the 2nd amendment is antiquated.

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On 2/18/2018 at 11:25 PM, HeavyDuty said:

Are you ready to give up your 2nd amendment rights the movement to take them is in the works now. There is a most read book called Behold the pale rider that tells exactly how it will happen written by Milton William Cooper who also happened to be found murdered.


I was all for reading the book until he started talking about aliens....

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2 hours ago, drc32-0 said:

I wouldn't mind living in the U.K.,Australia or Canada.They all have much better health care than the U.S. and I'm sure their murder rate is a fraction of ours.

Since I'm not in a well regulated militia and we now have a standing Army the 2nd amendment is antiquated.


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5 hours ago, drc32-0 said:

I wouldn't mind living in the U.K.,Australia or Canada.They all have much better health care than the U.S. and I'm sure their murder rate is a fraction of ours.

Since I'm not in a well regulated militia and we now have a standing Army the 2nd amendment is antiquated.

The second amendment is meant to be a check for the standing army, which is under the control of the government. If someone got into a leadership position and started going against the will of the citizens of the country, the citizens should have the power and ability to unseat the standing government and install one that represents their interests. Most of the 1st world population today sees how things are as the only way they are, they don't realize that the people don't belong to the government, the government belongs to the people. These are the people who are happy to give away their rights as a person so that life doesn't seem as hard for them. 


I'm not a city dweller by nature. I grew up in the middle of the woods in Vermont. Everybody had lots of guns. Gun violence? Didn't really exist. Now I live and work in Columbus. People around me, for the most part, are terrified by guns. They think that freedom of speech is an outdated right that needs to be reigned in, because people shouldn't have their feelings hurt. They use the argument that the founders of the country meant muskets and not hand guns and AR15s. They don't understand the bigger picture. I'm not sure who's fault this is. Is it the education system failing them? Did their parents not explain things well enough, or at all? Is it their own fault for not being able or willing to think about the consequences of what they want done despite information being widely available today? It will be interesting to see where this all leads.


With all that said, I am not against stricter requirements for owning firearms. Safety and training classes should be pretty close to mandatory. Background checks should actually be functional and not just for show, etc. At some point though, people need to realize that there will never be a true solution to the mass murder problem. Some people want to do damage and that's that. 

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1 hour ago, what said:

Most of the 1st world population today sees how things are as the only way they are, they don't realize that the people don't belong to the government, the government belongs to the people. These are the people who are happy to give away their rights as a person so that life doesn't seem as hard for them. 

Sad, but pretty damn accurate.

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What will Liberal Media say if Trump is involved in negotiating a gun control bill that gets passed?

a. It's not enough, how could any president ever do so little on gun control.

b. "pat yourselves on the back it's only due to our activism"

c. Russia paid him more then the NRA to disarm us.

d. He's 10 years too late.


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Don't want to give up anything without gaining something in trade.. That's the way it works in compromising. That's not the way it works in politics, apparently. I did wonder about the age brackets of shooters, and if a raised age limit for certain firearms would work. Apparently other people wonder the same thing. Also noticed Ann Coulter sees that 47% of mass shooters are 1st or 2nd generation immigrants. Doesn't even count gang member actions, or "ordinary murders". That percentage is too high. Deal with it.


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