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I think I lost my passion for riding


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I used to ride every chance I got.  Cold, wet, hot...didn't matter, If it was possible I was out riding.  I'd do a 500 mile solo ride if no one else was riding

For the past 3 or 4 seasons I'm finding that riding has become less and less interesting for me.  This year I've really only ridden twice, once was the Gap trip.

I've kind of been grasping at different things to re-spark my interest.   Bought a V Star, got bored sold it.  Bought a HD Street Rod, got bored sold it.  Bought an Audi A4, got bored sold it.  Sold the VFR1200.  I started getting interested in ADV riding, but I haven't done too much of it...no ADV rides so far this year.

Now, I just have the CB500X, which is a fun bike, but it mostly just sits.  Not sure what's next...



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Tried racing/track days? That's pretty much the only riding I do anymore. Get yourself an XR100 and come tear up the little tracks for cheap with us and a beater 600 for trackdays on the big tracks. I've been thinking about selling my street bike for a while now and upgrading my track toys... 

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Maybe it's time you try the track again. And I say that knowing you said it never scratched the itch for you. But its a new challenge, and your competitive nature will take over.

I had that same moment at the track as my first real street ride with you, uncle punk, nivin, jerry, etc. When I watched all of you guys seemingly effortlessly just glide away while I was sitting in the back working my butt off I thought "I want to be able to do that." After a few years of putting down miles I felt that I was "there" in terms of street riding. Any faster pace would've put myself that much more at risk. Well sure enough as SOON as I hit the track I realized I wasn't all that (again) and there was so much more to motorcycling than just riding on the street and pounding down miles.

I am there with you, Tony but in a different way as I still want to ride, but I am realizing over the last few months that I haven't really had the itch to go back out on the street, like at all. Which is cool with me because I don't think I'm going to buy another streetbike any time soon even though I was planning on having one next year. Plus the more street riding I do, the more it hurts me at the track. I am just now braking (hah get it?) all the "bad" habits I picked up while street riding at the pace. A little over a decade of doing a thing one way and then trying to train your mind and body to do pretty much everything you've been told not to do took a while, but I finally broke through some barriers this year and want to keep that train rolling.

If you are seriously thinking about leaving this sport all together, give it another shot. Keep an open mind, yea its the same scenery every lap, but if you're doing it right, you aren't paying attention to the trees and views. Plus, we do the same shit off the bike when we are done riding as we do at the deals gap, hang out, drink, tell each other lies about our lap times, bullshit, all the other good stuff. But instead of waiting for 1 or 2 OR deals gap trips a year, you could be doing this once or twice a month depending on how much money you want to spend.

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I'm selling my Triumph, buying a cheap Grom/Z125 for the yearly gap trip and general low speed tom-foolery and going almost 100% track and racing.


If track doesn't sound interesting to you Tony, maybe it's just time for a break? No shame in that. 

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Track just didn't do it for me.   I just did the one track day.  It seemed like a lot of sitting around with little seat time.  Afterwards, I remember thinking I felt like going for a long ride.

Also, I really don't want to prep for the track, or trailer there, or spend time/money on mods, or wrench on it afterwards.  I barely have interest in putting my riding gear on now for a street ride, I'm certainly not going to do all that to get some seat time.

I have no plans to sell the CB500X, but isn't getting much action.  I almost bought a new Street Triple 765 RS, but I don't want to be one of those guys with a 3 year old bike with no miles on it.

Life's been really good overall, I'm just really not sure what's next in motorcycling.  I've been looking into boats  :dunno:







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I was in the same slump last year, barely rode at all between the two bikes I had that were street-ready. I'd come home from work on a beautiful day and just sit on my ass or pursue other hobbies or interests. Over the following winter I reflected on how I had squandered the season so badly and the whole winter I was just itching for my bikes. Come spring I got them home and I started doing some riding. Then new job, more demands and less time but also new bike. Not only was I driven to put miles on this bike because it was new and fucking awesome, it woke up a love for riding I hadn't truly felt in easily 3 or 4 years. 


Obviously a new bike isn't gonna do it for you, but something out there can if you still have the spark. Just gotta find it.  

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I think we all hit that slump, some more than others obviously. I have been trying different types of riding to keep the spark going. Did my first track day this year. Had a blast, but trailering 3 hours makes it tough for me. This time of year is tough usually too. End of the season, kinda getting burnt out of riding for the year. Maybe time to try a non Powersports hobby over the winter? I used to do a good bit of sim racing in the winter. Maybe by spring you'll have the itch to get back on the bike more.

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I'm right in there with ya, TPoppa.  You pretty much tell my story.  "The bike is in the garage.  Its a nice summer evening, I really SHOULD go for a ride".  But I don't.  I've been out maybe five times this summer.  I hate drivers, I hate traffic.  Every other car coming toward me has a driver looking down at their phone.  Etc etc.  I'm just a bitter old man, I guess.   Today, I'd be okay with clearing out the garage except for my TW200.   

Went to Wayne last Sunday with my son, and had a blast.  Used to trail ride ATVs a couple of times a month.  Fell out of it for a long time.   Interests me again.  Didn't see one person that day, on the trails, playing on their phone...

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15 hours ago, Tpoppa said:

I've been looking into boats  :dunno:


If you are looking to light money on fire you can sponsor my 2019 track season. :lol:

You did one track day and are going to not even consider doing it again based on one experience. Doesn't really make sense to me. Especially since you are looking for ways to reignite the passion. It's like girls complaining about getting shit on by dudes, but keep dating the same kind of dudes. I find it hard to feel bad for them.

Edited by TimTheAzn
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I'm in a similar pattern.  Other than a 2 1/2 week 5800 mile trip out west in May, I haven't had my bike out this summer more than a handful of times. Part of it has to do with a blown out knee earlier this spring, but I think a lot of it is a result of the oppressive weather, since riding ATGATT in the combined temps and humidity we've experienced in July/August/September is pure misery!  I really have to work at convincing myself to gear up and throw a leg over the bike vs grabbing the keys to the truck with AC....

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3 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

If you are looking to light money on fire you can sponsor my 2019 track season. :lol:

You did one track day and are going to not even consider doing it again based on one experience. Doesn't really make sense to me. Especially since you are looking for ways to reignite the passion. It's like girls complaining about getting shit on by dudes, but keep dating the same kind of dudes. I find it hard to feel bad for them.

I could list about 10 reasons that track doesn't interest me, but there's no point.  I just doesn't.  Riding has never been about being competitive for me.  Shaving seconds in 20 minute bursts, doesn't check my boxes.

The thought of endurance racing was mildly appealing at one time...but there's zero chance of me actually buying a race bike, trailer, or going through the process of becoming eligible to race.

There's an interesting shitting story here though:




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59 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:


I could list about 10 reasons that track doesn't interest me, but there's no point.  I just doesn't.  Riding has never been about being competitive for me.  Shaving seconds in 20 minute bursts, doesn't check my boxes.

The thought of endurance racing was mildly appealing at one time...but there's zero chance of me actually buying a race bike, trailer, or going through the process of becoming eligible to race.

There's an interesting shitting story here though:




I know it seems to be a very polarizing subject around here but maybe you should give mini racing a shot. There are many people on this board (myself included) who would let you borrow an XR100 for a day if you showed up to a practice or race. First race is also free. It's a hell of a lot of fun bangin bars with a bunch of other cool dudes (no homo) near the limit of the bike while still only doing about 30mph. You're not watching the clock, just the riders around you, and the likely hood of getting hurt is fairly low. With the XR100 you could enter 3 classes (6 races per day, plus 2-3 practice sessions) and still have a short 10-15 min break in between races. 

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I quit riding at age 35 to 45 or something. I still kept two motorcycles around just in case. I thought the urban roads had gotten too risky. I pretty much assumed I'd ride again someday. When older I realized motorcycles are fun and I was missing out on that. Being older may or may not lower the risks, but you certainly take less risks.

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Racing and track days are not conducive to going out for a 100 mile “spirited” ride at 75-80% effort.  There is really no easy way to do that. 

If you want to ride at 90% for 20 mins at a time, then racing or track days are a good option. 

Endurance racing might actually be the best option, but it may not be easy to find team members who have the same “let’s push less than everyone else and just have fun” mentality. 

There are plenty of teams who know they won’t win, but i think they’re all still trying to go as fast as they’re capable. I know i would tell myself i’m Just going to cruise at 75%, and then be pushing myself within a few laps...

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I think it’s just important to have something (anything) to occupy yourself. 

Humans are not designed for mass leisure. We’re hunter/gatherers whose biology doesn’t account for grocery stores and gas ovens. We’re supposed to be occupied with survival. 

I sit at a desk 8 hours a day. You bet your ass i’m Going home and trying to get some kind of physical activity in that mimics stalking a deer or gathering fire wood. Riding a motorcycle is still good mental exercise at street speeds. 

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