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I want to party with you!! Do you have any donuts on board? Wow , mabey a trip to the Honda Hoot in the fall with stuffed Teddy's on the top case and vest with a OR patch!!!  All this talk of SLOW SlOW SLOW . Count me in.  P.S. where the fuck is Cleveland and Atawood Lake. It's Friday and I'm into the red wine. (😲love you man.)

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I like this idea of some more average paced rides. While most know I can hang with some of the faster guys that's not what I want to do every time I hit the road. One of the rides last year I show up and say I'd like a medium fast pace. All I was in the mood for that day. So somone agreed to take on a group at that pace. Think there was 5 of us. I take up sweep position keeping maybe a 20 over limit pace myself. Before I knew it the other 4 were gone. I wick it up to 80-90 still not seeing the next guy. Only when I start hitting $1.20 in the straits did I start realing them in. That's not a medium fast pace. Based on that I'm apprehensive to invite folks that aren't OG's on rides like that. 

So some average paced rides will be a nice change for some. Then the faster guys can post up thier spirited rides too with the disclaimers that are appropriate.

Need to check our egos and attitudes at the door and make this joint feel welcome to all with open armd again. Instead of getting stuck in our cliques, habits and not keep things behind closed doors.

And ladies and germs when Tonik says we are dying he speaks the truth. If OR keeps going in the direction it's going it's will disappear forever. Still might unless we can rekindle the enthusiasm and comrodery of the group and make it appealing to folks that want to put on the time and resources to keep it alive.


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We have a local cruiser group(Knox county area) that me @Namdum68 and the mrs. ride with occasionally. Very slow group (talking speed limit here) but they ride to some cool places and see cool stuff sometimes. Not always curvy roads and sometimes well just ride to get icecream or somthing. But they are good folks and sometimes nice to just go for a afternoon cruise. I'll start posting up those rides too. 

Also most know Saturdays are hard for me to get out most of the time. So I'll take the lead on some Sunday rides this year when I can.

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Last year I rode with a new younger rider on a Kawi. We met in Z-ville and rode the triple nickel. I rode a slower pace and every time that I lost site of him in my mirrors I would slow down. This what we need to be doing on these rides if we want to keep new riders. Once you lose site of who tou are following, it is easy to give up. We have to let the slower riders dictate the speed.

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I’m in Muskingum county and would jump in on some group rides that come this way. I ride an MT-07 and mainly just cruise around the back roads around here(555, 146, 284, etc.). I like to enjoy my surroundings and don’t go too fast(but there are definitely times I like to be a little spirited!)

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8 hours ago, Howabusa said:

Last year I rode with a new younger rider on a Kawi. We met in Z-ville and rode the triple nickel. I rode a slower pace and every time that I lost site of him in my mirrors I would slow down. This what we need to be doing on these rides if we want to keep new riders. Once you lose site of who tou are following, it is easy to give up. We have to let the slower riders dictate the speed.

This is the correct way to lead. You pick your pace and watch your mirror and adjust accordingly.

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16 hours ago, Tonik said:

Making OR Great Again

Some of you may have noticed we are dying here. While there are many things we could do I think rides are what we need to do. But we need to do them differently. We usually post up a ride, tell the noob or slow person we will wait at each corner and don't worry......that isn't going to work. For several reasons.

One, it's no damn fun for the slow person. They are basically riding on their own. So why not do that or find folks their own speed.

Two, even though we say and mean we don't care how slow they are or how long we have to wait at each corner it still creates stress, worry... anxiety....whatever you want to call it. And they end up pushing themselves. Maybe not dangerously but certainly above their happy zone. I know this to be a fact because it happens to me every time I ride with you. And I was told this exact same thing by a long time member here just recently. 

So I will plan 4 or 5 rides this summer that will be slower rides and post them up. If you want to come and stay behind me cool. But you will not take off and go like hell and wait at corners and basically create the same situation. If you do, I will pair my Sena with you at the corner and shoot you.

If 5 or 6 of us lead a few rides like this we will easily have 20+ sane social rides this season. Maybe shorter rides around the Atwood Lake area for example. And we will still have plenty of time to go like hell on other rides.

Might help, might not. But the current course leads to a non existent OR by this time next year imnsho. 

Count me in Tonik!  I love riding with you, each time I strengthen my skills & safety,  ride through parts of Ohio I would never see in an auto, build confidence and eat like a DBQ (Diner Bitch Queen)!

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I am always up to lead rides at a reasonable pace. Too often the rides are bait and switch... posted as a medium to medium fast pace and turns into mach retard, which is ok if everyone is onboard, not ok if the ENTIRE group doesn’t have the skill or desire.

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Timing has become our issue. With OMRL season it is difficult to make some of the rides (epic). The last couple we did we had asshats in our group that made it uncomfortable for others. 

I don't mind sweeping if I don't have disrespectful asshats in the group. 

We also ended up with some large groups and that also caused its own issues (over 10).


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Jim's    MORGAY

Since moving here in 2011 I have enjoyed the Epic fast rides and some spirited pace rides posted by OR members. They have been super fun and executed safely. I am not on FB so I hope this forum will remain a place to join in on spirited rides. I will always show up for Jim's donuts and shenanigans. 

P.S. I do have a Sena and I can shoot from a Motorcycle.😜





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