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Mini prepping. (Covid-19 thread)


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1 hour ago, motocat12 said:

New Orderless delivery! Someone just knocked on my door sat a bag of takeout down, and drove away. 


1 hour ago, SpecialEd said:

It's the universe rewarding you for staying inside. Grab it before your neighbor does.

Isn't that sort'a like a reverse porch pirate?


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1 minute ago, Bubba said:


Isn't that sort'a like a reverse porch pirate?


Yes Bubs. Yes, it is.

Motocat gets a free lunch and the neighbor will undoubtedly call and bitch until the restaurant sends out a replacement order. The key move here is for Motocat to retrieve the delivery container and quickly get back into his house before the neighbor notices.

I once pulled up to the drive-thru window at a McDonald's and, instead of my humble $3 order for a breakfast sammich and coffee, was handed a grocery bag containing breakfast for at least six people. Yes, I rolled up the window and got the hell out of there. Later that week, at our small rural town's recycling facility, I was finishing up tossing my stuff into the bin and noticed a matte black item lying on the ground. It was a law-enforcement issue Gerber switchblade knife in perfect condition. Kept that, too.


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18 hours ago, CoDAF said:

What are the likely ramifications for China when the dust finally settles? When does the world finally get off its ass and do something about China and North Korea? 

Assigning blame is the most important part of the politico-national process.

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6 hours ago, motocat12 said:


About half of people who have the coronavirus show no symptoms, according to data from Iceland, the Italian town of Vo, and the Diamond Princess cruise ship.

The data from those places is of particular interest to researchers because in those places even people without symptoms were tested – which is not the case in the U.S. and most countries, where desperately needed tests are reserved mostly for people who show symptoms.

I'm starting to wonder how much validity there is to this asymptomatic spreading. As you said, no one tests unless you have severe symptoms. And the testing they did to those other people, how did they know they weren't false positives? No one seems to know what they're doing with this thing. From my understanding (because I'm an internet expert) asymptomatic carriers are still somewhat of a medical mystery regardless of the virus.

The suspicious part of me thinks it's certainly a lot easier to instill fear and control the masses if they just say "Well, everyone could have it and spread it, stay at home." I'm not saying that doesn't work though.

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3 minutes ago, blue72beetle said:

I'm starting to wonder how much validity there is to this asymptomatic spreading. As you said, no one tests unless you have severe symptoms. And the testing they did to those other people, how did they know they weren't false positives? No one seems to know what they're doing with this thing. From my understanding (because I'm an internet expert) asymptomatic carriers are still somewhat of a medical mystery regardless of the virus.

The suspicious part of me thinks it's certainly a lot easier to instill fear and control the masses if they just say "Well, everyone could have it and spread it, stay at home." I'm not saying that doesn't work though.

Another thing that interests me is that it is unknown if this virus mutates like the flu virus. If it doesn't, almost all of us were immunized, and we were careful, wouldn't COVID eventually just cease to exist? Die off from a lack of hosts? I'm no expert either, but I'm very sure there will be dozens of books written about this pandemic, and I'll be reading all of them. There will also be a shit-ton of studies from the international medical community. Lots of learning will go on over the next few months and years.

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10 minutes ago, blue72beetle said:

I'm starting to wonder how much validity there is to this asymptomatic spreading. As you said, no one tests unless you have severe symptoms. And the testing they did to those other people, how did they know they weren't false positives? No one seems to know what they're doing with this thing. From my understanding (because I'm an internet expert) asymptomatic carriers are still somewhat of a medical mystery regardless of the virus.

The suspicious part of me thinks it's certainly a lot easier to instill fear and control the masses if they just say "Well, everyone could have it and spread it, stay at home." I'm not saying that doesn't work though.

NinjaDoc, please join this discussion when you have time.

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I had a pizza incorrectly delivered to my neighbor and he's a gross hoarding weirdo. He called me when he saw my number on the receipt but I didn't want that food after its been in his house. Called the restaurant and they refused to resend it!! I had to dispute the charges with my bank. I never signed a receipt, so the bank sided with me. Was a pretty outrageous ordeal. I assume the restaurant would just send another pizza. It's not a fucking Picasso painting, it was a damn $20 pizza. Shit baffled me. 

Edited by Steve Butters
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1 minute ago, Steve Butters said:

I had a pizza incorrectly delivered to my neighbor and he's a gross hoarding weirdo. He called me when he saw my number on the receipt but I didn't want that food after its been in his house. Called the restaurant and they refused to resend it!! I had to dispute the charges with my bank. I never signed a receipt, so the bank sided with me. Was a pretty outrageous ordeal. I assume the restaurant would just send another pizza. It's not a fucking Picasso painting, it was a damn $20 pizza. Shit baffled me. 

How some places stay in business is astounding. 

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1 hour ago, CoDAF said:

How some places stay in business is astounding. 

Funny thing is, this place was apparently open in the town I live in before we moved here and closed because of bad service. They reopened and the service seems to not be any better. I left a pretty bad google review for them and it has over a thousand views and a ton of likes; I was even surprised by that to be honest. Not sure how long they will stay in business this time. Bad part is, the pizza is fucking delicious, so it sucks. We have one by my office and it's always been great. Their corporate number never called me back after I left a complaint with a live rep who seemed so concerned. So now, I just don't go to Rosati's. Fuck them and their delicious, over-priced pizza.

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17 hours ago, SpecialEd said:

Another thing that interests me is that it is unknown if this virus mutates like the flu virus.

Actually, I recently read a research article (sorry, can't find the reference right now) that stated there are already 3 variants of COVID.  They identified the strains as A, B, and C, with the strains labelled in chronological order as they mutated.  Strangely, the researchers also said that the strain most prevalent from the Wuhan outbreak was the "B" strain, which possibly indicates that it originated somewhere else.  They stated they weren't able to pinpoint the center of the origin, tho.  My guess is that, as with the common seasonal flu virus that rapidly mutates and makes it difficult to produce a 100% effective vaccine for whatever seasonal variant will become prevalent, COVID will continue to mutate and remain as much a fact of life as the flu.  Hopefully, mutation will also create a less lethal strain, or possibly a less transmissible strain.

To your point about a vaccine "fixing" the problem--in addition to the likelihood of the virus continuing to mutate--I have read that researchers have not definitively established that immunity will be conferred on folks who show they have antibodies to COVID in their blood.....which leads me to ask WHY we're putting so much effort into creating a vaccine at this juncture if the effort could be all for naught.

Still so much unknown about this crisis.

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6 minutes ago, Bubba said:

Actually, I recently read a research article (sorry, can't find the reference right now) that stated there are already 3 variants of COVID.  They identified the strains as A, B, and C, with the strains labelled in chronological order as they mutated.  Strangely, the researchers also said that the strain most prevalent from the Wuhan outbreak was the "B" strain, which possibly indicates that it originated somewhere else.  They stated they weren't able to pinpoint the center of the origin, tho.  My guess is that, as with the common seasonal flu virus that rapidly mutates and makes it difficult to produce a 100% effective vaccine for whatever seasonal variant will become prevalent, COVID will continue to mutate and remain as much a fact of life as the flu.  Hopefully, mutation will also create a less lethal strain, or possibly a less transmissible strain.

To your point about a vaccine "fixing" the problem--in addition to the likelihood of the virus continuing to mutate--I have read that researchers have not definitively established that immunity will be conferred on folks who show they have antibodies to COVID in their blood.....which leads me to ask WHY we're putting so much effort into creating a vaccine at this juncture if the effort could be all for naught.

Still so much unknown about this crisis.

Okay, this is good to know. I also read about the possibility that we can become reinfected, but there is too much to learn to conclude this one way or another at this juncture. According to Fox News, the majority of Ohioans feels that we are talking very prematurely about "opening" our state back up. DeWine's phased plan to reopen does not include schools until phase 2 rolls around, so I'm confident we won't have to risk lives by returning this academic year. If this turns out to be true, I'll continue to stay home. Not risking it.

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4 hours ago, Farqaleet said:

I think there's a lockdown all over the world. And this is the best way to prevent coronavirus from spreading. Health above everything. All event that happening in the world cancelled due to coronavirus. Personally I was excited to start MotoGP season and already got a professional race suit from <link removed>

You are lucky I lost my super-mod powers. I would ban you long time. 

Edited by Pauly
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10 minutes ago, CoDAF said:

You are lucky I lost my super-mod powers. I would ban you long time. 

I gots you. At first I gave warning points then I realized they had multiple accounts under the same IP address advertising their leathers. That gots them the Ban Hammer. 

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On 4/15/2020 at 7:38 AM, motocat12 said:

Just learned a member on another forum in NL who helped me and others self remap ecu's was hospitalized 3/31, respirator 4/6, sounds like improving to get off of it.

they brought him out of the coma after 16 days.

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