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Mini prepping. (Covid-19 thread)


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7 hours ago, CJ74U2NV said:

They wear masks because they're afraid of the government.

No, we wear masks because we want to help protect the weak. We care about others. You on the other hand are a piece of shit that only cares about themselves.

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4 hours ago, Tonik said:

No, we wear masks because we want to help protect the weak. We care about others. You on the other hand are a piece of shit that only cares about 

6 hours ago, Pauly said:

Again... It isn't fear. It's respect for those most susceptible. Not that a twelfth explanation is warranted or remotely effective. 


You think I'ma piece of shit...I think you're a sheep that's had a lobotomy. 

Shuttering an entire nation's economy over something that has such a low mortality rate while ignoring other things with higher mortality rates makes no sense.   Like protecting the obese guy with hardened arteries that won't help or protect himself.

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WOW, WOW, WOW... the OR has become like the NFL, I really enjoy football, because for three hours I can just enjoy my shitty Browns and the NFL. Now I have to get through social/political demonstrations, blah, blah, blah around my football. I come to the OR to share motorcycle enthusiasm with others and look for rides. I know there are pages like this on the OR to exchange ideas, but then it denigrates into name calling to humiliate each other. I really enjoy the OR, just going to stay off this page, remember we came on this website because we enjoy riding bikes!  

BTW, my doctors tell me I am at triple risk due to health issues and have ridden over 14,000 miles this year all over the country. After the consultants projected 2.2 million people could die from covid this year and the numbers were at a pace of less than 10%, I wasn't going to change many things in my life, unless authorities forced me. I wear a mask when mandated without a problem, it's not a religion to me,  kind of like loud pipes save lives:lol: I do know the facts, the average age of death in Ohio is 80 years old and the majority dying are in nursing homes. The average person dying has 2.6 comorbidities, meaning they are really sick already.  


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The reality is the radical socialists have spent 4 years trying to create division in America. They've had small successes, but nothing greater than this pandemic. And sadly everyone has bought into the division over a piece of cloth. Liberals like more government and don't mind being told what to do. Republicans are free thinkers and don't want to be controlled. And this thread exemplifies that division. There is still a lot of common ground on both sides of thought, we need to unify those thought patterns and rid America of this true radical "resistance" that is currently plaguing our country.

The great thing about America is, for now at least, we are all entitled to our opinions and choices and that's protected by the constitution. Where some are comfortable wearing a mask and think it works, wear one. Those that don't, their choice. Theres so many articles, studies, and opinions arguing both sides. No one can really say if it does or does not work. Let's look at history maybe...like most things in life, we've had pandemics before, what worked and what didn't in years past?

So go on with your life and try to get along with everyone. If we argue and hate, that breeds anarchy and that's what the true radical left wants. 

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As an American who has never cast a vote for a Democrat for President, I find your "Republicans are free-thinkers" comment quite amusing. You can be a Republican and not be an idiot. I know, because I am not an idiot and I used to be a Republican. However, you cannot claim masks do not work and not be seen as an idiot... because that is an idiotic thing to proclaim. This has fuck all to do with political ideology. It boils down to the painful truth that a lot of America is really, really dense. A lot of of America is really, really selfish. A lot of America is very un-American. 



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Anecdotally, take a look at Japan and California. 

masks, due to smog and viral concerns, were common in Japan well before Coronavirus. CA and Japan are roughly the same size, and have similar populations and population density. 

Look at their daily case figures. Even with inconsistencies in the rate of testing, there is a clear correlation that masks are effective at reducing the rate of transmission. 

you can still debate whether or not the fatality rate rationalizes mask mandates or not, but the masks WILL reduce transmission.

I won’t miss wearing one, but it only really bothers me when i get somewhere and realize i forgot mine. 

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2 hours ago, Pauly said:

As an American who has never cast a vote for a Democrat for President, I find your "Republicans are free-thinkers" comment quite amusing. You can be a Republican and not be an idiot. I know, because I am not an idiot and I used to be a Republican. However, you cannot claim masks do not work and not be seen as an idiot... because that is an idiotic thing to proclaim. This has fuck all to do with political ideology. It boils down to the painful truth that a lot of America is really, really dense. A lot of of America is really, really selfish. A lot of America is very un-American. 



You prove my point.

Good morning, Sunday morning...

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Ok.... I have thought hard about this...

The only solution to this madness is for @Casper to bring back the NSFW subforum. Then, give @redbarron77 free access to post at will. Make it members only and watch post go down, views go up and membership will also go up.... 

No one will care about this shit show thread after they see red's post.

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4 hours ago, Pauly said:

As an American who has never cast a vote for a Democrat for President, I find your "Republicans are free-thinkers" comment quite amusing. You can be a Republican and not be an idiot. I know, because I am not an idiot and I used to be a Republican. However, you cannot claim masks do not work and not be seen as an idiot... because that is an idiotic thing to proclaim. This has fuck all to do with political ideology. It boils down to the painful truth that a lot of America is really, really dense. A lot of of America is really, really selfish. A lot of America is very un-American. 



Serious questions:
-If masks work so well, why do I have to wear one if the other person is wearing one?  They're protected from my masklessness if they're wearing one.
-If masks work so well, why do we have social distancing mandates or any other mandates?  Wear a mask and you're protected.zzzz

No mention of any "free thinking", civil rights, legality, heard immunity, mortality rates or anything else.  Just two simple common sense questions about masks.  I'm not even asking for evidence to back up your claims because what I really want is a logical and rational explanation for why I should be forced to do something that is otherwise legal to not do and makes no sense to me.  Because I really believe that 99% of the masks (really more face coverings than masks) are worthless.  I would also appreciate civility and leaving out name calling.  

I feel like if you want to wear a mask that is fine and dandy.  But I should not be forced or shamed into wearing one either, especially if you're wearing one and protected.

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34 minutes ago, CJ74U2NV said:

Serious questions:
-If masks work so well, why do I have to wear one if the other person is wearing one?  They're protected from my masklessness if they're wearing one.
-If masks work so well, why do we have social distancing mandates or any other mandates?  Wear a mask and you're protected.zzzz

No mention of any "free thinking", civil rights, legality, heard immunity, mortality rates or anything else.  Just two simple common sense questions about masks.  I'm not even asking for evidence to back up your claims because what I really want is a logical and rational explanation for why I should be forced to do something that is otherwise legal to not do and makes no sense to me.  Because I really believe that 99% of the masks (really more face coverings than masks) are worthless.  I would also appreciate civility and leaving out name calling.  

I feel like if you want to wear a mask that is fine and dandy.  But I should not be forced or shamed into wearing one either, especially if you're wearing one and protected.

I've stayed out of this shitshow so far but you ask a reasonable question and sound like you would like a real answer so here goes.

The mask I wear is not for me, it's for you.  I'm not able to work from home and isolate myself from the world so that puts me at a higher risk for contracting COVID.  If I'm asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic, my sneeze, cough, or even speaking could spray droplets carrying coronavirus.

If you're not wearing a mask in public, you could, unknowingly, be spreading it to me or some other "higher risk" person that you love.

At my workplace, I often can work distantly from others but I often have to be closer.  We wear the damn masks when we're close, but mine is sitting on the desk in front of me right now.

And, like Pauly, I'm about as politically conservative as you can get.  But I believe the science that says that masks DO work.

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CJ74, your not helping your argument. Most of the conservative members of this forum, including myself, think your an idiot. 
Just because some conspiracy nut on FB post a meme does not make it true. 

Masks reduce the spread of respiratory infections, covid, common cold, flu, doesnt matter. Better masks are more effective but any masks help. Same as wearing a bandana reduces the dust you inhale but wearing better masks reduces it more or eliminates it. If both the asymptomatic person shedding the virus and person that could be infected are wearing masks it reduces the chance much more than one alone.
However I do think the risks with this disease are overblown and shutting down the economy was an overreaction with a bigger impact than Covid by itself will have. That does not mean Covid is not a highly infective disease with a greater chance of death than the usual season virus, just that it not as bad as the media is making it out. 

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16 hours ago, MSerfozo said:


1.  The mask I wear is not for me, it's for you.  I'm not able to work from home and isolate myself from the world so that puts me at a higher risk for contracting COVID.  If I'm asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic, my sneeze, cough, or even speaking could spray droplets carrying coronavirus.

2.  If you're not wearing a mask in public, you could, unknowingly, be spreading it to me or some other "higher risk" person that you love.

3.  But I believe the science that says that masks DO work.

I numbered things to keep it straight, not trying to make anything else out of it.

1.  This is the question/answer I don't understand the most.  You wear a mask for me, but it's my responsibility to wear the mask.  If I'm wearing a mask and masks work, you have no need to wear one since I'm already protected.  
2.  As in number one, if they're wearing masks, they're protected if masks work.
3.  I respect your opinion on that and have no qualms about it.  I just don't think it works as well as some people want to believe.  Just today the CDC reversed it's stance on how covid is spread.  They say now that what they said before was a complete mistake (6 month long mistake) that should have never been used as a guideline.  Some things are even more clear cut for me like helmet laws.  Helmets are obviously the smart way to go and I wear mine.  But there's been a few times when I'm taking a quick run to the bank or just a quick jaunt and want the air in my face.  I should have the right to do that (and I do in Ohio).  

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15 hours ago, CBBaron said:

CJ74, your not helping your argument. Most of the conservative members of this forum, including myself, think your an idiot. 
Just because some conspiracy nut on FB post a meme does not make it true. 


You can't have a civil discussion without personal attacks.  Go away until you're mature enough to act like an adult.

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56 minutes ago, CJ74U2NV said:

I numbered things to keep it straight, not trying to make anything else out of it.

1.  This is the question/answer I don't understand the most.  You wear a mask for me, but it's my responsibility to wear the mask.  If I'm wearing a mask and masks work, you have no need to wear one since I'm already protected.  
2.  As in number one, if they're wearing masks, they're protected if masks work.
3.  I respect your opinion on that and have no qualms about it.  I just don't think it works as well as some people want to believe.  Just today the CDC reversed it's stance on how covid is spread.  They say now that what they said before was a complete mistake (6 month long mistake) that should have never been used as a guideline.  Some things are even more clear cut for me like helmet laws.  Helmets are obviously the smart way to go and I wear mine.  But there's been a few times when I'm taking a quick run to the bank or just a quick jaunt and want the air in my face.  I should have the right to do that (and I do in Ohio).  

1 & 2 - There are no absolutes in virus transmission.  You have to think of it as a probability problem.  If you wear a mask, you reduce the probability that you will inhale infected droplets.  If I'm unknowingly infected and I'm wearing a mask, I reduce the probability that I'll transmit infected droplets.  Neither are 100% but the reduction due to the mask is much greater for the transmitter than for the receiver.  Since EVERYBODY is potentially a transmitter (and receiver), the transmission will be reduced most effectively if EVERYBODY wears a mask.

3 - The latest CDC statements are referring to aerosolized particles which are much smaller than droplets.  There is some evidence that coronavirus can be transmitted by these but it's a much smaller probability than by droplet transmission.  The CDC's apparent conflict is the difference between scientists who want to be as safe as possible and government policy to inform the public about what we can reasonably do.  It's not reasonable to expect everybody to wear a respirator capable of stopping 2micron particles to make us just a little bit safer.  Any time you have a cost/benefit discussion, there will always be a difference of opinion - in this case, the scientists disagree with government policy.  Last Friday the CDC released the scientists statements and yesterday the government told them to stop saying it.


If you decide to not wear your helmet and are killed is a crash because of it, that doesn't affect me (much).  If you wear your helmet, your chance of surviving is greater.

If you're shedding coronavirus and you don't wear a mask, you could unknowingly kill my Mom and Dad.  If you wear a mask, my parents have a better chance of surviving a chance encounter with you.

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36 minutes ago, MSerfozo said:

1 & 2 - There are no absolutes in virus transmission.  You have to think of it as a probability problem.  If you wear a mask, you reduce the probability that you will inhale infected droplets.  If I'm unknowingly infected and I'm wearing a mask, I reduce the probability that I'll transmit infected droplets.  Neither are 100% but the reduction due to the mask is much greater for the transmitter than for the receiver.  Since EVERYBODY is potentially a transmitter (and receiver), the transmission will be reduced most effectively if EVERYBODY wears a mask.

3 - The latest CDC statements are referring to aerosolized particles which are much smaller than droplets.  There is some evidence that coronavirus can be transmitted by these but it's a much smaller probability than by droplet transmission.  The CDC's apparent conflict is the difference between scientists who want to be as safe as possible and government policy to inform the public about what we can reasonably do.  It's not reasonable to expect everybody to wear a respirator capable of stopping 2micron particles to make us just a little bit safer.  Any time you have a cost/benefit discussion, there will always be a difference of opinion - in this case, the scientists disagree with government policy.  Last Friday the CDC released the scientists statements and yesterday the government told them to stop saying it.


If you decide to not wear your helmet and are killed is a crash because of it, that doesn't affect me (much).  If you wear your helmet, your chance of surviving is greater.

If you're shedding coronavirus and you don't wear a mask, you could unknowingly kill my Mom and Dad.  If you wear a mask, my parents have a better chance of surviving a chance encounter with you.

I respect your point of view on this, I really do.  The only thing I'd say is that I see masks/helmet comparison as I should wear a helmet at all times since they prevent brain injuries...period.  That's a true statement but not practical.  Thanks for keeping it civil.  If we meet, I'd wear a mask near you and buy the first round.  

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5 minutes ago, CJ74U2NV said:

I respect your point of view on this, I really do.  The only thing I'd say is that I see masks/helmet comparison as I should wear a helmet at all times since they prevent brain injuries...period.  That's a true statement but not practical.  Thanks for keeping it civil.  If we meet, I'd wear a mask near you and buy the first round.  

Helmets do not prevent brain injury. They greatly reduce the chances of brain injury. There is a difference in helmet effectiveness between manufacturers and safety standards. They are not an absolute, either. Quite similar to the masks. 


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