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just appeared today....AHH, MY EYES!!


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Originally posted by Shrek:

1 million cars vs. 1 Abrams


abrams still wins.


I don't see the problem, looks like a perfect turbo buick swap candidate :D

So you dont think that 1000 .50 cal machine guns shooting uranium tipped shells, pointed at on Abrums tank is going to totaly destroy that tank in a matter of seconds?


Besides that... were not shooting at abrums tanks... were shooting at enemy, light armored vehicals. As i said... it would be a total pain in someones ass.

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Originally posted by RX7dood:

holly shit, if that has a v8 in it it has to be nitrousbird's car....

:rolleyes: You need to tread very lightly as we all saw the POS Accord you drove around; nice blue Z3 fenders there bud. Pathetic, seriously.


I've never owned ANYTHING cammo, I've never been in the military, and I don't hunt. I've lived in suburbs pretty much my whole life. There is no evidence anywhere in my past that I would be into something like that AT ALL. It looks freaking stupid as hell.


But nice try Berto.

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

:rolleyes: You need to tread very lightly as we all saw the POS Accord you drove around; nice blue Z3 fenders there bud. Pathetic, seriously.


I've never owned ANYTHING cammo, I've never been in the military, and I don't hunt. I've lived in suburbs pretty much my whole life. There is no evidence anywhere in my past that I would be into something like that AT ALL. It looks freaking stupid as hell.


But nice try Berto.

sorry i hit a nerve. tongue.gif


i could give a fuck less about my accord, hell even i make fun of it.

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Originally posted by 1Quik7:

steve who? me?!

yea has the same headlights, same rear fender flares, different hood, and not sure how diferent the front bumper is. I thought maybe you decided to change the color and someone had a little fun with the primer.
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