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What realy hit the Pentagon?

Guest stvbreal

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Bobby...You're telling me im trying to be someone im not? How ironic. You do not act like this in person, infact, ive never seen you in a confrontation with someone. You're spouting shit off on the internet trying to look cool.



Vitamins? take some of harlows. they kick ass.

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How would a missile fly that low to the ground and not hit the same things? Simple, neither of them would fly that low to the ground and hit nothing. Since you seem to know why, and were just to narrow minded to understand give me some reason why. Shit, make one up. Tell me this guy named joe was talking shit to his supervisor bob in the pentagon, so bob took the day off and timed a missle to fire at joe's office. Shit, atleast give me something to base this off of. There is nothing, that is why I and most people don't even begin to believe it.


How would a missile get that far into the building? Through like 232847242 concrete walls. Obviously in that video it appears the object that hit the building blew up on contact so how the hell did I manage to go that far in and then burn forever? How did IT fly that close to the ground it doesn't make it any easier to do in a missle without fucking the ground up. That plane could have been 324242 feet in the air and just dive bombed down at the last second when they took that video then they feed you some bs to get you to believe it was nothing.


How do we know these arn't anti war people or anti american's trying to get you to talk shit about your own country? People like you, and whoever made this website are the problem, not the people who don't try to make up bs and turn there back on eachother. YOU people are probably the same people who said "Hey! Maybe god made guys to have sex with instead of woman too! Oh yea lets see." Thats about how stupid you sound in this situation, no reason at all for this to happen that anyone can even begin to bring up. Why would AMERICA bomb the pentagon...Just tell me that.

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Guest stvbreal

It seems the only purpose of your posts are to amuse others when reading them. They are very colorful and comical.


Tomahawk Cruise Missile (programmed flight path)

Length: 18 feet 3 inches; with booster: 20 feet 6 inches

Weight: 2,900 pounds; 3,500 pounds with booster

Diameter: 20.4 inches

Wing Span: 8 feet 9 inches



Boeing 757 (maned flight path)

Length: 155 feet 3 inches

Weight: 255,000 pounds

Height: 44 feet 6 inches (from top of tail)

Wing Span: 124ft 10in


It seems a Tomahawk missle would be easier to manuver around obsticles than a 757.

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my thoughts are maybe it's not Americans that shot it but it was a terrorist attack, but a missle instead of a plane... think about it... would you rather have it look like a plane got taken over, or they somehow shot a missle in our nations capital and we missed it.... it's better to look like we had a plane taken over than incompetant about our national security.. Americans have been led to think that we are invincible for too long... shit happens.


FYI: I'm just stirring the pot... honestly, I don't give a shit either way.... call me an ass or whatever, but a couple thousand people dying, we have 5 billion people in the world.... ehh... more people die a day of hunger than died from this whole deal tongue.gif

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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by Rane:

But it still wouldn't be easy. Specially going that fast, Booster=burn the grass? Burn tree's flying that low I unno but I mean why do you think we would blow up our own building.

My argument is more that a plane did not hit the Pentagon. Now, the only reason I would believe the government would do this is to gain the sympathy of the American citizens to have them agree, and have that much more of a reason, to go to war. A plane taking down the towers, one on its way to the presidents house was taken out, and now one that hit the Pentagon. They covered basically all the major hot spots. But if we recall, terrorists were only concerened with taking out the towers, and that's all.
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What do you think the american people will care about more. 937545398 people in the towers just like them. Or, a bunch of people from the pentagon we never heard of? Doesn't make sense, and again. Was it pure coincidence(sp?) that we bombed ourself the same day they flew planes at our stuff?
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Rane, the Tomahwak can be flown through the city of New York and not hit an object. Yes, they're that manuverable. As for the booster, it's just that, a booster. It's what pushes the missile out of the cell in the VLS (Verticle Launching System). Once it gets a certain distance away from the launch point, the booster drops and the turbofan kicks in.


Turbofan, not booster. It doesn't leave flames behind it.

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Ya know without sticking up for either side here I must say a few things. No one really knows what happened, but if a plane really did hit the pentagon let the public see the video of the other two establishments that taped the tradgidy. We have seen many videos of the attack on the towers and the planes hitting them. So why does the government keep these pentagon video's from us? If it really was a plane then just show the video's. But sticking up for the other side of the arguement, where is flight 77? Did they just vaporize the plane in midair? Sure it could of been shot down by the military but still some wreckage should have been found somewhere. Lot's of things do not add up, but the public does deserve some type of answer.
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Ok so its a fact that what hit the building hit it but left the roof still standing witch later colapesed.


Now if it were a misle that hit the building, than the damages caused would be mostly from an explosion. And an explosion powerfull enough to bust through that wide of an area of renforced concreat would have certainly taken out the roof on impact because the force of the explosion would move upward.


The damage done looks more like a large fuckin object busted throught the botom levels leaving the roof standing (at the time of inpact) at that rate of speed by the time the plane exploded it was already busting through the inter rings.Its like the diff between taking the rug out from under your feet compaired to steping on a land mind

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It doesn't have to blow up roofs if you can control the trajectory and force of damage/explosion.



Originally posted by Cranked:

A TLAM (Tomahawk Land Attack Missile) can be configured in a variety of different types, depending on mission. The majority of the time, they're configured for penetration into an object (building), then programmed to detonate at a certain depth within the structure.



A certain characteristic of the TLAM is it's ability to be programmed to certain waypoints, and finally directed to explode on a final target with it's remaining fuel supply, which happens to be JP-5 jet fuel (which we all know burns and doesn't combust very easily). This is after it's primary payload is expended if so optioned.


Correct, which means they can be surgically pinpointed at a target. When the TLAM engineers originally started with the TWCS/TLAM project, they reached the part consisting of the TLAM field tests. One of these tests was to program the TLAM to hit certain areas of a warehouse building from XXXX distance away. After many of these tests were surpassed, they started placing bets. The bet? Which window, which was two meters square, on which floor, could they fly the TLAM into from hundreds of miles away. The accuracy ratio was over 90%.


Can a TLAM fly 2' from the ground? Yes.

Is the TLAM fast? Yes.

Does it look like a winged airplane from a distance or to the untrained civilian eye? Yes.

Does it sound like a jet, followed by a whoosh sound at times? Yep, thanks to the turbofan engine it uses for propulsion.


There's so much more about the TLAM and types of TLAMs that I can discuss and debate with anyone until the wee hours of the morning. However, I'm not priviledged to discuss evrything I know.


But trust me, a TLAM is more than capable of causing what was seen in those pics, and can certainly leave those characteristics of the damage shown.

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Wow. Two more pages and STILL the X-Files crowd won't tell me where Barbara Olsen or any of these people are:




If a Tomahawk, small plane, or anything other than Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, then those people's friends, families, and coworkers would certainly like to know.


Where are the passengers and crew of Flight 77? Are they in the Bermuda Triangle? Are they chilling with Elvis and Jim Morrison on a deserted island, laughing at the fuss people are making? Agent Fox and Agent Mulder! Get off your asses and find these people.


Now, here is a fun one for the conspiracy theorists. IF a missle hit the Pentagon, then what hit the WTC? Oh that's right. Planes. But why would you shoot a missle at a building while terrorists are hitting the towers with planes? Makes no sense, huh? Now you're left arguing that our government either allowed WTC to happen, or conspired to bring it about. That's brilliant.


There's people out there who think they are Napoleon. I grant them more crediblity than I do to the lunatics who are promoting this conspiracy theory. You people don't need Internet access, you need medication.

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Guest stvbreal

A passanger fom the list


38, of Anaheim, California, was president and chief executive officer of Work-Life Benefits, a consultation and referral service. He was married and had two children. Newton was on his way back to Orange County to retrieve his family's yellow Labrador, who had been left behind until they could settle into their new home in Arlington, Virginia.


That sounds so damn wholesome it's sickening. You have to admit, they sounds made up. Not trying to offend anyone.

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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

Wow. Two more pages and STILL the X-Files crowd won't tell me where Barbara Olsen or any of these people are:




If a Tomahawk, small plane, or anything other than Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, then those people's friends, families, and coworkers would certainly like to know.


Where are the passengers and crew of Flight 77? Are they in the Bermuda Triangle? Are they chilling with Elvis and Jim Morrison on a deserted island, laughing at the fuss people are making? Agent Fox and Agent Mulder! Get off your asses and find these people.


Now, here is a fun one for the conspiracy theorists. IF a missle hit the Pentagon, then what hit the WTC? Oh that's right. Planes. But why would you shoot a missle at a building while terrorists are hitting the towers with planes? Makes no sense, huh? Now you're left arguing that our government either allowed WTC to happen, or conspired to bring it about. That's brilliant.


There's people out there who think they are Napoleon. I grant them more crediblity than I do to the lunatics who are promoting this conspiracy theory. You people don't need Internet access, you need medication.

proof that when mark is a little pissed, he is definately a kitchen veteran.
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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

A passanger fom the list


38, of Anaheim, California, was president and chief executive officer of Work-Life Benefits, a consultation and referral service. He was married and had two children. Newton was on his way back to Orange County to retrieve his family's yellow Labrador, who had been left behind until they could settle into their new home in Arlington, Virginia.


That sounds so damn wholesome it's sickening. You have to admit, they sounds made up. Not trying to offend anyone.

A mind of mercury is never a good thing eh!
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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

Now, here is a fun one for the conspiracy theorists. IF a missle hit the Pentagon, then what hit the WTC? Oh that's right. Planes. But why would you shoot a missle at a building while terrorists are hitting the towers with planes? Makes no sense, huh? Now you're left arguing that our government either allowed WTC to happen, or conspired to bring it about. That's brilliant.

If a missle did hit the pentagon, I think it was from terrorists, not us. Same as they flew planes into the trade center.
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