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What realy hit the Pentagon?

Guest stvbreal

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Originally posted by little devil98gt:

I was on a rescue team that worked along with the Air fFrce search and rescue. Learned all about plane wrecks, rescues ...and never in my eyes which maybe Im wrong or right...I just dont see a Boeing 757 flying 20 ft off the ground and not leaving a mark. And then not leaving anything noticable on the outside of the wreck site. But hey ya never know. But the one thing I noticed is that the highway was somewhat close to the pentagon in the video..dont know in real life...but the even bigger thing is they say it disappreared off radar...umm you know how many FAA and control towers monitor that air space. Hell I was flying into dDyton on day and you will get in a shit load of trouble if you fly into military air space their. You are not telling me they just "lost" this aircraft...once that thing would hit that air space...Im quite sure they would have a fighter or helicopter up there and escort it out of the air space... but thats only from my past experience working in Military environments also.

When you drop below a certain altitude you can't be seen on radar. Helicopters do this and its called flying map of the earth.
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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by desperado:

Not nearly as funny as the cocksuckers that are, after seeing one INTERNET video, questioning 9-11. I can't for the life of me figure out if this is funny, or just really fucking sad that these shit's would sit here and question this.


I guess the only question I have for them is Did the doctor slap your mama went you were born??


I realize that the ones that are sitting here questioning this are still zit faced little punks that wake most mornings to find a full load of gooze in there shorts, But come on. There are things that your question, and talk about, and shit that you don't. This, 9-11, you don't question this shit.


And the idea of calling up the families of the people that died on that flight, is sick, wrong, and I hope that someone knocks the shit out of you if you really do it.


Someone needs to have a discussion with the parents of these kids about the shit that they are saying. Some of you know these kids personally, and seriously need to have a chat with their parents. And if the parents give you a blank stare like their kid isn't doing nothing wrong, slap them too. Real Hard, after all they created the mind set of these little shits.

Why do you assume that the person(s) questioning the Pentagon incident are kids? Just because you think it is a childish? This is a free country, at least I think it still is, and people are entitled to his or her opinion. Your post describes your anger towards others that question this incident. I could say that what you said was pointless due to the fact that you are just rambling and very angry at individuals that question the Pentagon incident. As a matter of fact you also talk about "someone knocks the shit out of you" "slap them too, real hard" pertaining to the parents. I think "you" need to questions your morals. You could have approached this in a more calmly fassion.
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Originally posted by Doug:

I've heard both. Never understoond why they use nap so I use map.

its kind of like saying, "your flying so close to the earth that your raising the nap."


Main Entry: 4nap

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): napped; nap·ping

: to raise a nap on (fabric or leather)


Main Entry: 3nap

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English noppe, from Middle Dutch, flock of wool, nap

: a hairy or downy surface (as on a fabric)

- nap·less /-l&s/ adjective

- napped /'napt/ adjective


not trying to be a smartass, just illuminating.

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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

Why do you assume that the person(s) questioning the Pentagon incident are kids? Just because you think it is a childish? This is a free country, at least I think it still is, and people are entitled to his or her opinion. Your post describes your anger towards others that question this incident. I could say that what you said was pointless due to the fact that you are just rambling and very angry at individuals that question the Pentagon incident. As a matter of fact you also talk about "someone knocks the shit out of you" "slap them too, real hard" pertaining to the parents. I think "you" need to questions your morals. You could have approached this in a more calmly fassion.

OK, while not in my normal way of responding to things, especially those that really piss me off os much as this does. I will tempt to be civil.


First, as far as them being kids. Biggest reason I feel that they are teenagers is that their mindset is to not think rationally, not to draw their own conclusions through reasonable thought and instead to jump on a bandwagon, and the bandwagon they typically go for is the one that is the MOST outlandish and unfounded line of thinking, not as much so that they believe it, but they choose to be as abnormal and rebelious as possible.

This is the mentality of a teenager. Now the slap the parent part. Most teens will run the raged edge of the line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. The final say is the parent. The kids that tend to be the most rebelious and tend to push WAY over the line, have one of two home lives, their parents think they need to be their kids best buddy, or they simply don't give two fucks what the kid does unless it lands them in jail, or gets the parents embarrased in the homeowners association. Then they react. These people need slapped back into reality.


That about covers the Why I feel that this stand is being taken by kids that are wet behind the ears.


Now, you question my morals, I don't fly planes into buildings, nor do I try to make up bullshit that someone else didn't. As far as my take on things, and I assume using violence to deal with problems, slapping someone for being totallly bloody stupid is a bit different than taking a ball bat to them. Then there are people that either do not understand anything but a vioent responce or will not be swayed by anything other than a violent responce to their actions (The Telaban, Sadaam Husain, rebels that blow up schools full of children) and with people that mentality, only a very harsh, very extreemly violent response will get them to refrain from further acts of violence against the group of people they are attacking. You can not convince people to change their way of thinking, so you need to create a consiquence (sp) that they feel that even though they may hate you, may want to attack you and kill members of your group that they simply will not due to the consiquences (sp) of doing these things.


A good example would be to put Osamma in a cage in under the capital dome. With each terrorist attack against the United States or its friends, we cut off half a finger. And sent it to the terrorists with a note, long about the time that we've cut all the fingers off one hand stating that we're gonna start on the other hand next, and soon Osamma will not be able to write the checks to finance the attacks, or anything else and they had better quit soon.


This sort of leads into the current political race for president. While one man has a track record of fighting violent acts against this country, or the possibility of violent acts against this country with acts of more extreem violence. While the other has openly stated that he would choose diplomacy over violence.

Now, when facing an enemy, known for its acts of violence, and you need to face them, head on, face to face. Do you take your most intelligent diplomat, or your fiercest warrior??


We are now way the hell off topic, but you ask a question, and I figured that I would answer it.


Now, back to the questioning of the Plane and the Pentagon, does your questioning of it piss me off, hell yes, does the idea of you calling up the families of the people that dies on that plane piss me off, yes even more so. Now Iam going to tell you why. First, questioning of the goverment is at times a very good idea. But there are things that are better left alone, and things that questioning, cut with the force of telling a person of Jewish decent that the holocaust didn't happen. And contacting the families of the dead and saying that you don't believe that their family member died on that plane, and that the plane never hit the Pentagon, is the same as telling to old Jewish man, that lost his wife, father, mother or child to the death camps he is a liar when he speaks of his loss. This is the other reason I feel that a kid would be behind this is this very reason, teens tend to not consider their actions, and what they are actually saying, and tend to be disrespectful as hell without even realizing it. And YOU specifically stated that YOU were ging to contact the families of the dead to see if they were really dead, and what happened. You have given NO thought to what you are wanting to do, and are just going to do it. This is a clear statement of being very immature, in my opinion.

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totaly not going to read any of this.

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane


It makes sence, it was documented and witnessed. The fact that any wreckage was found is evidence enough, who's going to run into the flaming hole right after the explosion to plant evidence? Where is the missing plane?

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

totaly not going to read any of this.

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane

The pentagon was hit with a plane


It makes sence, it was documented and witnessed. The fact that any wreckage was found is evidence enough, who's going to run into the flaming hole right after the explosion to plant evidence? Where is the missing plane?

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....... Did Evilevo just tell Mark that he wasn't making a point? I'm not sure, but I think that defines the words Irony and Hypocrisy perfectly. All that guy wants is attention from people, let him cling to his pathetically unsupported conspiracy theory and the fact that "everyone is entitled to their opinion". In my opinion, you're a lonely, ignorant, excitable, gullable fool.
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Okay all this has got to be bullshit because I was listening to the new lib station 1230 AM today and some jackass calls in talking about a website that shows just before the impact at the pentagon the terrorist fired a missile at the pentagon from the plane graemlins/bsflag.gif


You see a video can be made to show anything you want it to show or your mind can be made to see it.

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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by Republicant:

....... Did Evilevo just tell Mark that he wasn't making a point? I'm not sure, but I think that defines the words Irony and Hypocrisy perfectly. All that guy wants is attention from people, let him cling to his pathetically unsupported conspiracy theory and the fact that "everyone is entitled to their opinion". In my opinion, you're a lonely, ignorant, excitable, gullable fool.

Calm down kido. I respect your opinion but I think you are the one getting a bit excited. I'm suprised this bullshit went 6 damn pages. Honestly, I could give a shit what hit the Pentagon. But I did enjoy getting people like yourself all bent out of shape about it though. It's just too damn easy. I mean hell, you got so pissed about it you even edited your sig.


And for the record, it wasn't a plane.

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For those that get the National Geographic Channel (276 on my DirecTivo), there is going to be a show on Tuesday night at 10 PM about the Pentagon 9/11 incident, entitled "Seconds From Disaster".


I haven't watched it yet of course, but I think it deals with the design of the Pentagon and how it was able to hold up to the crash very well. I don't think it's focus is on silly conspiracy stuff, although there may some intersting info and video to see, and explain certain holes and such.

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it just makes you stop and think.


they NEVER mention the Pentagon or the plane that crashed in Pa.... why? they were all victims weren't they, it's always WTC....so why do they seem to leave them out, that's what i don't get.


also, the hole isn't big enough for an airliner, it just doesn't make sense. i have been to the Pentagon and i have worked at airports on 757's...and while the Pentagon is an enormous building, an airliner would cause much more damage. they are able to take down the WTC (which is enormous as well and built to withstand a driect hit from a 707) but can only muster up enough damage to make a hole smaller then the plane in the Pentagon?


i think the cruise missle is a stretch, where would it come from? a jet makes more sense, and they cover it up because if people are able to steal 'military aircraft' that is a serious blow to national security. it's the government, they can do whatever they want...if they want to cover it up and invent some 'Flight 77' to do so...that is cake for them.


i don't trust the government and i have no problem being reluctant to believe some of their stories...although i know it is usually for the good of our country.

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