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What realy hit the Pentagon?

Guest stvbreal

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Ok, so all of you are saying that the terrorists have missiles and what not. I'm not sure if any of you have actually seen any of the terrorists in combat or not. Obviously not. My g/f's brother is spec ops, and was in iraq for quite a while and was bombed by mortars often---half never went off. Why? Because they are using terribly bad weapons, and are incompetant. If you actually think the terrorists had the technology to use a tomahawk (sp) against us, you are extremely wrong. They have terribly outdated weapons, but once again none of you would know this-- because you're looking at websites of conspiracy, and not actually listening to the actual truth. I can't begin to explain the stories I have heard about being over in Iraq esp. by a special ops person such as himself. Get off you conspiracy theory-- get off you computers, and go enjoy the fresh air you're breathing, because its people like him-- that allow you to be breathing.
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I will start this with "Once upon a time" so you guys get it.


Once upon a time, four planes were hijacked.It was September 11, 2002, and there were plans in the making to hijack more planes but they were grounded. Whoever planned this had their shit together. This could not have been done by people who were stupid. Not possible. They had to plan their attack to take place in a very short time span. The terrorists with the planes had to act quickly before they were found out, and shot down by US forces. Now for a bit of background information. Terrorists don't like to put all their eggs in one basket. They like to continue to attack the peole they don't like. Why would a fanatical group waste a missile the same day they inflicted tremedous damage to their enemy when they had many planes at their disposal? That is what would make sense. Not only that but if these guys have misiles, why haven't we found ONE terrorist cell with missiles or descriptions of attacks to take place with missiles? I'm no detective, but I think it's because the idea is fucking stupid. It was a plane.

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"People are dead, families have been destroyed - time to get moving!" - George Carlin. (Just felt like that quote kinda "fit" into this discussion).


Anywho, I really don't care if it was a 757, a cruise missle, a rapper's Escalade, or Mighty Mouse that blew a hole throught the pentagon. The flash video presents one side that makes sense, what the government told us (with the info in other links posted here) makes sense as well. What I do care about is the fact that some fucking people on this site or so goddamn closed-minded that they CANNOT accept the POSSIBILITY that something other than what they believe actually happened. What I do wanna know is where the other tapes that could possibly inform the public of what really happened with the Pentagon? God forbid they show the WTC video THOUSANDS of times on news stations, DVD's, and a fuckin TV series. But for some strange reason, these other tapes are unable to be shown? If something happened in my house, and someone had video to prove to me what, I'd want that fucking proof.


Originally posted by Mensan:

It was a plane.

How the FUCK do you know?! It's one thing to produce an opinion, it's another to draw a conclusion. Please do not talk ANYMORE on this subject.


Originally posted by SupraGlue:

Now, here is a fun one for the conspiracy theorists. IF a missle hit the Pentagon, then what hit the WTC? Oh that's right. Planes. But why would you shoot a missle at a building while terrorists are hitting the towers with planes? Makes no sense, huh? Now you're left arguing that our government either allowed WTC to happen, or conspired to bring it about. That's brilliant.

I find it funny you claim to be authority on this subject, yet you are asking these so-called conspiracy theorists questions that you don't have the answers to. Sad fact is, as absurd as the short paragraph you stated sounds, we just don't know. Absurd shit happens all the time, don't overrate our government. We all know they're fucking awesome, but as awesome as they are for good is as awesome as they could be for misleading.


All I'm saying, folks, is stick with your opinions and don't discredit others'. The point is to have a discussion, not to make yourself look better than others. It seems like even though some people left/were banned from CR because of their egos, new ones emerge. Enough already.

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Originally posted by B1ackout:

How the FUCK do you know?!

Because I'm a genius? tongue.gif


Gee, I never looked at it from the point of view you projected. Since someone who doesn't even live in this country presented a shockwave file that took an afternoon to make came up with a scenario that is different than what was presented to us by authorities, even though the reasons behind it make no sense, maybe my opinion is swayed. Fuck rational thought. You must be right. Kevin, I KNOW you are smarter than that. I'm not sure about Anthony, though. graemlins/gone.gif

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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by Mensan:

Because I'm a genius? tongue.gif


Gee, I never looked at it from the point of view you projected. Since someone who doesn't even live in this country presented a shockwave file that took an afternoon to make came up with a scenario that is different than what was presented to us by authorities, even though the reasons behind it make no sense, maybe my opinion is swayed. Fuck rational thought. You must be right. Kevin, I KNOW you are smarter than that. I'm not sure about Anthony, though. graemlins/gone.gif

Why is it everything you have posted is so sarcastic?
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Kevin, what did I claim to be an authority on? I used my brain. One plane full of people who are now missing (ie dead), is reported hijacked. One hole in a building very near where said hijacked plane was last seen flying. Two hijacked planes crashed into buildings in a nearby city, one other hijacked plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.


I conclude that the hijacked plane indeed was crashed into the building, as reported by eyewitnesses


Don't show me some flash file. Tell me where the plane went. If you can't, then you have no case.


Oh wait. Look at this. We refer to these sorts of items as "physical evidence":



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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

Kevin, what did I claim to be an authority on? I used my brain.

1. You don't have to say "I claim to be an authority" to claim to be an authority, just the way you word things can give off the impression.


2. Yes, you did use your brain. So does everyone else. It's called an opinion. The way you decided to word your posts, however intelligent you probably are, sounds like definitive fact, which it isn't.


I don't know where Barbara or Sandra or Bill or Derrick (top-of-the-head names standing in for passengers) are. They could've been vaporized in the explosion of the impact of the Boeing 747 that crashed into the Pentagon, or maybe something else unexplained happened. My point is we don't know and this argument could continue forever like the Big Bang and Creation. Until we find definite proof (and yes, I just got out of the movie Paparazzi, so I'm pretty skeptical), all we have are hypothesis'. Discuss opinions, don't degrade them and put people down because that's what they think. That's all. (I'm not directing that at anyone imparticular, just to everyone who has a thought on the matter)

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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

Kevin, what did I claim to be an authority on? I used my brain. One plane full of people who are now missing (ie dead), is reported hijacked. One hole in a building very near where said hijacked plane was last seen flying. Two hijacked planes crashed into buildings in a nearby city, one other hijacked plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.


I conclude that the hijacked plane indeed was crashed into the building, as reported by eyewitnesses


Don't show me some flash file. Tell me where the plane went. If you can't, then you have no case.


Oh wait. Look at this. We refer to these sorts of items as "physical evidence":


<font size="]" target="_blank">http://www.firehouse.com/terrorist/14_APboxes.html[/QB]



if there were black boxes where were the wings and rest of the plane?

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Guest Cougar_55555
Originally posted by ttemper:

Bobby...You're telling me im trying to be someone im not? How ironic. You do not act like this in person, infact, ive never seen you in a confrontation with someone. You're spouting shit off on the internet trying to look cool.



Vitamins? take some of harlows. they kick ass.

Your doing it again. You used the word "confrontation" and "ironic".
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Originally posted by SupraGlue:


Don't show me some flash file. Tell me where the plane went. If you can't, then you have no case.


Oh wait. Look at this. We refer to these sorts of items as "physical evidence":



So no flash files, but links to articles are OK? graemlins/slap.gif
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Originally posted by integranator:

Ok, so all of you are saying that the terrorists have missiles and what not. I'm not sure if any of you have actually seen any of the terrorists in combat or not. Obviously not. My g/f's brother is spec ops, and was in iraq for quite a while and was bombed by mortars often---half never went off. Why? Because they are using terribly bad weapons, and are incompetant. If you actually think the terrorists had the technology to use a tomahawk (sp) against us, you are extremely wrong. They have terribly outdated weapons, but once again none of you would know this-- because you're looking at websites of conspiracy, and not actually listening to the actual truth. I can't begin to explain the stories I have heard about being over in Iraq esp. by a special ops person such as himself. Get off you conspiracy theory-- get off you computers, and go enjoy the fresh air you're breathing, because its people like him-- that allow you to be breathing.

The last part of your speech I agree with. Military personnel are essential for America's well being. The rest is just B.S.


We have all heard stories. Don't think you are special because you know a former special ops soldier. 99% of the US population knows someone who was/is in the military and has heard stories. Hell, I've seen video and pictures to boot. :rolleyes:


You make a great point about their weapons being inferior, but think about what you said. Those were attacks in Iraq. In America, they used our own technology against us. Those were not Iraqi planes, and if there were missles involved, I wouldnt think for a second those were from Iraq either. So perhaps you are listening to too many stories and too busy tring to push someone else's opinion instead of taking the time to formulate your own. tongue.gif;)

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Originally posted by Mensan:

I will start this with "Once upon a time" so you guys get it.


Once upon a time, four planes were hijacked.It was September 11, 2002,

Wow...we were attacked twice, on the same date, one year apart? :eek:





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I was on a rescue team that worked along with the Air fFrce search and rescue. Learned all about plane wrecks, rescues ...and never in my eyes which maybe Im wrong or right...I just dont see a Boeing 757 flying 20 ft off the ground and not leaving a mark. And then not leaving anything noticable on the outside of the wreck site. But hey ya never know. But the one thing I noticed is that the highway was somewhat close to the pentagon in the video..dont know in real life...but the even bigger thing is they say it disappreared off radar...umm you know how many FAA and control towers monitor that air space. Hell I was flying into dDyton on day and you will get in a shit load of trouble if you fly into military air space their. You are not telling me they just "lost" this aircraft...once that thing would hit that air space...Im quite sure they would have a fighter or helicopter up there and escort it out of the air space... but thats only from my past experience working in Military environments also.
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No Kevin, it is not called an opinion. It is called a logical deduction based on facts.


Eli and I have massive differences in opinion on many issues. That he and I have reached the same conclusion on this issue should shock and stun all of you into submission. :D


To whoever popped in trying to equate a flash video concocted by an anonymous author in Europe, who has an unknown agenda, an unknown background (or for that matter, unknown mental history) with published articles in a variety of independent domestic news sources, I say this: sources have to have credibility. I don't post articles from random lunatics.


To the person who asked where the wings are from Flight 77, let me ask you this: where are the wings from the planes that hit the WTC? Do you think the WTC was somehow made from harder concrete? In chemistry, aluminum is what is considered a malleable material. Concrete is not. It is very possible and very likely that in a high speed collision between a thin aluminum shell and a concrete building that the aluminum would be shredded to the point of being unrecognizable. Take an egg and throw it down at the ground from four stories up as hard as you can at a concrete sidewalk. Not much left, huh? These planes hit at over 500 miles an hour. You've all seen pictures of cars that hit trees at 1/5 that speed, and they are made of steel.


That is also what made the hole, btw. Crushed and compacted pieces of the airframe. The fuselage was probably crushed as it entered the side of the building, then pieces of it ground away and broke off as it continued further (bullets so something similar when they hit concrete).


So, X-Files people -- we have a cockpit data recorder, a cockpit voice recorder, an impact theory, eyewitnesses, cell phone calls, flight manifest, and a coroner's report.


You guys have a flash video that could have been made by a mental patient in France for all you know. Step up and bring some game.


You people were on the OJ jury, weren't you? tongue.gif


"If the hole in the building doesn't fit, you must acquit." rotfl @ you :D

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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

You people were on the OJ jury, weren't you? tongue.gif


"If the hole in the building doesn't fit, you must acquit." rotfl @ you :D

That was hilarious. :D:D


Most of the other posts here are just sad. I think it's funny when people come up with a conclusion first and then go back and use the pieces of the puzzle they like and pitch the rest. :rolleyes:

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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by SupraGlue:

No Kevin, it is not called an opinion. It is called a logical deduction based on facts.


Eli and I have massive differences in opinion on many issues. That he and I have reached the same conclusion on this issue should shock and stun all of you into submission. :D


To whoever popped in trying to equate a flash video concocted by an anonymous author in Europe, who has an unknown agenda, an unknown background (or for that matter, unknown mental history) with published articles in a variety of independent domestic news sources, I say this: sources have to have credibility. I don't post articles from random lunatics.


To the person who asked where the wings are from Flight 77, let me ask you this: where are the wings from the planes that hit the WTC? Do you think the WTC was somehow made from harder concrete? In chemistry, aluminum is what is considered a malleable material. Concrete is not. It is very possible and very likely that in a high speed collision between a thin aluminum shell and a concrete building that the aluminum would be shredded to the point of being unrecognizable. Take an egg and throw it down at the ground from four stories up as hard as you can at a concrete sidewalk. Not much left, huh? These planes hit at over 500 miles an hour. You've all seen pictures of cars that hit trees at 1/5 that speed, and they are made of steel.


That is also what made the hole, btw. Crushed and compacted pieces of the airframe. The fuselage was probably crushed as it entered the side of the building, then pieces of it ground away and broke off as it continued further (bullets so something similar when they hit concrete).


So, X-Files people -- we have a cockpit data recorder, a cockpit voice recorder, an impact theory, eyewitnesses, cell phone calls, flight manifest, and a coroner's report.


You guys have a flash video that could have been made by a mental patient in France for all you know. Step up and bring some game.


You people were on the OJ jury, weren't you? tongue.gif


"If the hole in the building doesn't fit, you must acquit." rotfl @ you :D

I fail to see that you are making a point. It seems the only reason you post is to get a rise out of your buddies.
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Originally posted by SamZman:

That was hilarious. :D:D


Most of the other posts here are just sad. I think it's funny when people come up with a conclusion first and then go back and use the pieces of the puzzle they like and pitch the rest. :rolleyes:

Not nearly as funny as the cocksuckers that are, after seeing one INTERNET video, questioning 9-11. I can't for the life of me figure out if this is funny, or just really fucking sad that these shit's would sit here and question this.


I guess the only question I have for them is Did the doctor slap your mama went you were born??


I realize that the ones that are sitting here questioning this are still zit faced little punks that wake most mornings to find a full load of gooze in there shorts, But come on. There are things that your question, and talk about, and shit that you don't. This, 9-11, you don't question this shit.


And the idea of calling up the families of the people that died on that flight, is sick, wrong, and I hope that someone knocks the shit out of you if you really do it.


Someone needs to have a discussion with the parents of these kids about the shit that they are saying. Some of you know these kids personally, and seriously need to have a chat with their parents. And if the parents give you a blank stare like their kid isn't doing nothing wrong, slap them too. Real Hard, after all they created the mind set of these little shits.


[ 06. September 2004, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]

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