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**** You Formula 1!


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Originally posted by buckeye:

F1 blows always has always will

And the IRL is great because you have the mentality of a 14 year old and Danica is hot. You aren't allowed to talk about any motor sports anymore. Your privileges are being revoked.


Sucks about what happened today and I have mixed feelings about it. The tire makers just need to suck it up and push the limits of the technology hard. I know this is the first year but next year they should have tires that can easily last a whole race. We should see (almost) no tire failures from premature wearing. It's easy to see hindsight, but it's not hard to understand why this happened.

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no Irl is not good ether I realy have lost all respect or want to watch any open wheel racing, I would rather watch a slower car driven by a driver to it's limits as to the computers helping them out. And no I am not saying nascar is better or even good for that matter. Except for some rare times just about the only racing I can watch is SCCA club stuff.


Oh and on a side note I do like Danica but not becouse she is hot But rather becouse 1. She is succeding even if people say she can't 2. I dig her F U personality I saw in some of her lights interviews. The fact she is hot is kinda a bonus.

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Originally posted by JEEENKINNNS:

Full story here http://www.itv-f1.com/News_Article.aspx?PO_ID=33185


It's funny looking at the stands, they're about as full as a clippers game on a rainy day

Actualy, the back stands are empty because the command a veiw of nothing. Overall there were proably about 100,000 people there this weekend, all very dissapointed, I was one of them.


Fomula one used to be great, Max mosely needs to die a firey death.





He's going to do to the FIA what the Franzes did to Grand AM. This was only the second worste raceI've ver seen, first was the inagural run of DPs at the Daytona 24 hrs.


F1 fans fight day to day to get our freinds and co workers into F1, getthemto watch, get them to understand, and what the fuck happens on our soil? The fucking FIA cant bend a rule and let Michelin bring in a new batch of tires, but they bent many a rul for Ferrari over the last few years so they could get a record broken.


If it weren't for the 1 tire set rule, this wouldn't have happened.

If Tony George hadn't fucked with the track, this wouldn't have happened.

The only reason the Bridgestones survived was because they had track data from Firestone and were prepared. But even they wore HARD.

I feel sorry for the people who traveld so far to be at that race. We drove 2 hours, but there was a huge columbian contingentthere. Some one was selling shirts before the race saying "I came all the way from Columbia to watch Mantoya WIN!" WHat is Spanish for "I'm sorry to hear that" ?


I want a USGP shirt saying "I watched 6 cars race 73 laps and all I got was this stupid Tshirt". Who's up for burning Michelin Man Effegies?

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Guest Ponyfreak

While I was dissapointed that I spent all that money and time to get there then to be cheated out of a race, I really feel bad for the many people from Brasil, Mexico, Columbia, Europe, West coast USA, ect. Thousands of people litterally spent thousands of dollars to make that race. What a horrible spectacle for motor racing everywhere.


In a small way I was kinda glad to see that stupid one set of tires rule backfire. I absolutly hate that rule.


F1 is the pinnacle of all motor racing. Anyone that accuses F1 of sucking is a moron. Just because watching F1 on tracks like monnoco sucks does not take anything away from the sport.


IMO the USGP is one of the better tracks to watch F1 on due to the amount of opertunities to overtake another car.

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Fromt he FIA:




Formula One is a sporting contest. It must operate to clear rules. These cannot be negotiated each time a competitor brings the wrong equipment to a race.


At Indianapolis we were told by Michelin that their tyres would be unsafe unless their cars were slowed in the main corner. We understood and among other suggestions offered to help them by monitoring speeds and penalising any excess. However, the Michelin teams refused to agree unless the Bridgestone runners were slowed by the same amount. They suggested a chicane.


The Michelin teams seemed unable to understand that this would have been grossly unfair as well as contrary to the rules. The Bridgestone teams had suitable tyres. They did not need to slow down. The Michelin teams’ lack of speed through turn 13 would have been a direct result of inferior equipment, as often happens in Formula One. It must also be remembered that the FIA wrote to all of the teams and both tyre manufacturers on June 1, 2005, to emphasise that “tyres should be built to be reliable under all circumstances” (see correspondence attached).


A chicane would have forced all cars, including those with tyres optimised for high-speed, to run on a circuit whose characteristics had changed fundamentally – from ultra-high speed (because of turn 13) to very slow and twisting. It would also have involved changing the circuit without following any of the modern safety procedures, possibly with implications for the cars and their brakes. It is not difficult to imagine the reaction of an American court had there been an accident (whatever its cause) with the FIA having to admit it had failed to follow its own rules and safety procedures.


The reason for this debacle is clear. Each team is allowed to bring two types of tyre: one an on-the-limit potential race winner, the other a back-up which, although slower, is absolutely reliable. Apparently, none of the Michelin teams brought a back-up to Indianapolis. They subsequently announced they were flying in new tyres from France but then claimed that these too were unsafe.


What about the American fans? What about Formula One fans world-wide? Rather than boycott the race the Michelin teams should have agreed to run at reduced speed in turn 13. The rules would have been kept, they would have earned Championship points and the fans would have had a race. As it is, by refusing to run unless the FIA broke the rules and handicapped the Bridgestone runners, they have damaged themselves and the sport.


It should also be made clear that Formula One Management and Indianapolis Motor Speedway, as commercial entities, can have no role in the enforcement of the rules.


Love; Mosely's nut'swingers


Originally posted by Rally Red Evo:

I didn't here about this until late yesterday. It is sad for all the fans that paid their money. I personally would love to see F1 go to a real track like Road America.

Indy, unfortunately, is the only US track that meets the FIA's criteria. I, for one, would much prefer a street race in NYC or Long beach, or Miami. Much better venues then Indiana, you're closer to people who care. Many many people swarm Indy from all over because that where the bulk of the US fans are, they certainly aren't in the corn belt.
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I fully agree with Mosely if what he is saying is accurate. It would be no different then if a team brought a car the rear wing was known to fly off at 180 MPH. Would they then need to make sure that all teams never exceed 180 MPH.


Michelin screwed up and should be fined, but that still does not help the fans.

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Originally posted by Doug:

YOu guys that went hold on to your tickets. America is the land of the lawyer and I'm sure some lawsuits are going to take place. Might get some kind of reimbursement.

I just want the race I went there to see....or a free Tshirt saying:



My ticket stub is getting framed with my event poster.

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I think this was a conspiracy by the French to piss of the Americans and try to make get us to make ourselves look bad on worldwide TV. Too bad they didn't realize we showed restraint; in Europe or Brazil, THOSE fans might have stormed the track and torn the place apart.


The whole situation was really bad. I was looking forward to this race. You have to feel bad for some of those fans that took time off and flew into Indy to see this.

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Originally posted by Larry:

I think this was a conspiracy by the French to piss of the Americans and try to make get us to make ourselves look bad on worldwide TV.

If you're serious, you are a bigger idiot then I could have ever thought existed. The sheer fact that youcan maintain a breathing rythm astonishes me. The ability to type, as we've seen in the past, isn't inticative of intelegence, so I'm not suprised that you're able to post. Michellin would NEVER do anything so dumb in an international series. They're being boycotted by millions around the globe, Michelin Man effegies are being burned by people of all nations as we speak. Plus it took Renault out of the race, a frenchman would never do that. "The French" aren't some great evil genius power, they're not even organized.

Originally posted by Larry:

in Europe or Brazil, THOSE fans might have stormed the track and torn the place apart.

If this had happened in Brazil with Bridgestone tires taking Rubens out or in Silverstone taking out DC, Button, and Webber there would have been fires, garaunteed. There are hard core hooligans in those countries, we've seen soccer riots, expect somethign similar, but with the anger of a more expensive ticket. The Michellin reps would not have left the facility alive.

The strategy on the part of IMS was downright shitty. THey knew what was up and they prepared for it by bulking up on police inside the track just before the cars took the grid. They knew what was going to happen, but they didn't say anything untill it was obvious, afterthe cars were int heir garages. Why? To keep ticket sales up untill the last minute. They sell GA tickets right up untill race start, and even a bit after. They knew no one would buy tickets if they knew the race itself was in question, so they kept quiet, and made as much as they could and prepared for the pissed off fans. Knowing the owner, this move wasn't suprising. Fuck Indy, as well as Michellin.


Finaly, Tiago Monteiro, rubbing in some salt tongue.gif

"The tires, Bridgestone did an amazing job. They’re getting better and better. No problems compared to Michelin, obviously,"

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Originally posted by RUBENS BARRICHELLO:

I mean we as a Formula One, we don't look very, very good already in the U.S.

And thats AAALLLLLthanks to your boss, Jean Todt and the Ferrari brass. The prancing ponies fucked up F1 for the US with team orders. It's been struggling ever since. Its first year back was its biggest ever, and has come no where close since then. Nearly 200,000 in 2000, that's challenging the 500's attendence. Only 125,000 last year, estimated 100,000 this year.
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Guest rperry74
Originally posted by The Stig:

The ability to type, as we've seen in the past, isn't inticative of intelegence, so I'm not suprised that you're able to post.

It's indicative and intelligence, isn't it?
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If you're serious, you are a bigger idiot then I could have ever thought existed. The sheer fact that youcan maintain a breathing rythm astonishes me. The ability to type, as we've seen in the past, isn't inticative of intelegence, so I'm not suprised that you're able to post.
No, that post wasn't serious (at least the part about the French).


You shouldn't be astonished by the fact I can maintain a breathing RHYTHM. Perhaps you are easily astonished? You probably still act like my two-year old when she sees an airplane in the sky. Breathing, as is blinking and heart beat are autonomic functions; functions controlled by the lower-level parts of the brain. I could be in the same shape as Terry Schiavo and still not have any problems breathing. Astonished, you certainly shouldn't be.


The ability to spell correctly, however, usually is INDICATIVE of INTELLIGENCE, or at least some modicum of it. It's apparent that you have failed this test, although I am, as yourself, not SURPRISED.


NOW, before you go banging away on your keyboard to compose a nastygram, I am JUST KIDDING and mean none of the above shit seriously. You torched me, I figured I could give back just a little. graemlins/grin2.gif


"The French" aren't some great evil genius power, they're not even organized.

You got that right. This past weekend is proof positive of it.


Shit happens, and I understand that. There are so many accusations flying around, everyone wants to blame everyone else. From where I stand, it appears that the blame lies with no one person or organization, but should be spread around like a cheap whore with a venereal disease.


It's too bad, because I was really looking forward to watching this race.

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Guest Ponyfreak

There were a ton of riot control stationed all over the track but did not come out until the warm up lap. The track knew this was going to happen.

My brother was down getting a beer when they started on the warm up lap. He heard the cars pass by turn 1 and saw riot control getting out of their vans...


I have to say that even though there were some idiots that threw beverages onto the track, which could have potentially injured a driver, I was pleased to see that there were not any riots. If this had been in another country it would have gotten REALLY ugly.

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Originally posted by Larry:

NOW, before you go banging away on your keyboard to compose a nastygram, I am JUST KIDDING and mean none of the above shit seriously. You torched me, I figured I could give back just a little. graemlins/grin2.gif

Hate you Kenny...fuckin..hate you. tongue.gif



This race realy was going to be good. I was pleased to see Trulli ont he pole in a toyota, bout damn time. tongue.gif The blame should be spread around. 70% yo Michellin for not being prepared and wanting everyone else to be handicapped for it. 20% to the FIA, christ guys, bad tires is not a new problem, they should have planned for something like this. And 10% to the teams who refused to race at a slower pace. They deserve their 0 points just for that. Technicaly, the AMG wagon that followed the field on the lap 1 should have scored in the points.

Sad day, but hell, my ticket stub gets me free admission to the best CART race of the year. I *heart* Paul Gentilozzi. graemlins/thumb.gif

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