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mtn biking today


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Originally posted by Mr. Wright:

The trails are in alright shape, but i would wait at least for 3 dry days in as row

We've gotten that. ;)

I just walked home through the worst this line of "storms" had to offer, I'm barely wet. Sprinkles so light that they may not have even got past the trees. There's one more cell due in about an hour, might be rain, rather then sprinkles, but who cares, it'll be short, and I'm not a vaj. ;) Still in?

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Originally posted by Aggressor:

Derek and I went canoeing today. Much more fun tongue.gif

hells no. ;)

Actualy, you guys can go canoing in the exact same area that we were riding in. Use the same parking lot and everything. ;)


Anyways, as I was saying, hells no. graemlins/thumb.gif

HAd a blast deffinately must do this again, with more daylight next time. Clay made the mistake of calling me the trailmaster, so I'm running with it. I have a 10 year old bike with all origional parts....accept front brake pads, they fell off a while back. I'm issuing a trail riding challenge, I'm lookin at you Anthony! tongue.gif

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Man, my bike riding skills have diminished since the accident. My equalibrium got hosed up pretty bad, you shoulda seen me try to ride a bike afterwards smile.gif


However, I loved to bike growing up, especially since I was into BMX. I may spend the cash and get a mountain bike to participate with you guys.


Ht me up on AIM ;)

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i thought i brought my normalglasses bu ti got my sunglasses.


gets pretty dark under those trees in a rainy situation.


also sleevless shirts are teh suck when branches are hitting you left and right.


lesson learned.

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Originally posted by RX7dood:

i thought i brought my normalglasses bu ti got my sunglasses.


gets pretty dark under those trees in a rainy situation.


also sleevless shirts are teh suck when branches are hitting you left and right.


lesson learned.

Umm ya, i have some nice long sleeve shirts/jerseys I use. But next time you guys go and its not raining, or abuot to rain ill go for certain, i got a new Bottom bracket so I am set.
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I got hooked on biking again smile.gif Even though we were dodging lightning bolts it was a ton of fun. Being the first run of the season was tough, though...Berto and I had shitty traffic on 270 getting to Alum Creek, Berto's brake cable frayed and we had to fix that, Berto brought prescription sunglasses and we had to quit when a dark storm came through, Berto got assembly lube on his rear pads and couldn't stop properly...wait, I'm seeing a trend with one of our bikers here ;)


Seriously, TONS of fun by all and with the weather and late start on Friday evening we didn't get as much in as I would've liked to, but it was great and I'll happily do it again. Join us if you dare! :D

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You guys riding phase 1 or phase 2 at alum? I've been wanting to check out the new trail as I hear its pretty cool. Post again next time you go and I'll try to figure a way to get over there, even if I have to ride over.
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Jeff, we went to the left and just tooled around. I haven't been there in 5 years, and the suicide hill seems to have been closed and grown over. We'll have more daylight next time.


I say we do this on a weekday again, after work, this will reduce our chances of running into, and over, other people on the trails. If you all need rush hour routes to it, let me know, I'm good at that. ;)

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Phase II is farther up the road so you must be talking about the old trails. Check out http://joinomba.org there are some trail maps on there. I swapped the slick off the bike for the knobbies and tuned up my fork so I'm ready to go. I hopefully won't cough out my lung since I haven't done any physical actvity in forever. ;)
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Originally posted by The Stig:

10 years long enough? cuz that what these have on'm. Actualy, the bike was a couple years old when I got it. :eek:

Eh man, I'm just speaking from my experience when I used to BMX dirt ride. If we put $2 tubes in there they would bust. You put super thick 5-10 dollar tubes and good liners in there, they would last forever. It's really just an area that can make your riding experience so much better at times for not that much money.
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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

Eh man, I'm just speaking from my experience when I used to BMX dirt ride. If we put $2 tubes in there they would bust. You put super thick 5-10 dollar tubes and good liners in there, they would last forever. It's really just an area that can make your riding experience so much better at times for not that much money.

Noted, my point was, I didnt put thetubes in it. Knowing who I bought it from, it was probably meijer or walmart. tongue.gif
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56k die in hell:

print these out in useable form and be nominated for a nobel prize by me, I carry alot of weight in those circles. ;)

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